Weed, George Hunt and John Cole. We were very glad to have Mr. Weed over and we hope lie wi.ll corne again. Wc also picked. four patrol leaders who are Johnny Jerome, Lerov Sea-, buru, 1Joe Sacco and Artý Dastic. Wilsonf Ranksin inember of -the Flaming Arrow -patrol 'will be. out for, sometime with a broken ankie. We ail.feel sorry and-.are hoPing he wiII returni soon. - Roger Brown,; Troop 25 Reporter,, Glencoé Episco- p)al cliurch. GET NEW MEMBERSý Troop 19 of Winnetka. Conîmuiity Houseis.>increasing its xnem bership steadily. There are eighit new mem.- bers who injiend to go before the Board of Review Friday, November 2.They, are as foliows.. Stanley Anderson, John IKipp, Jack Porter, Maurice Evans, Bob Beguline, Ml vine Weil, Layton Mueller and Bil Kewick- Bob Campbell. was elected Senior Patrol Leader at the last meeting.-Sydney Craig, Troop) 19, Winnetka Communitv House. MOVES TO NEW QUARTERS- The Sea Scout, Ship, No. 21, of« the Glencoe Union church bègan itsi meeting by moving ail equipnientt into more convenient qua rters loaned by the church. After that crIews, were assembled and coxwains were elected. Then John Betak. first niate. t abadand sail with us. The Sea Scouts this year number'the follow- ting seasoned hands: Eliier Baker, Ewi.ng Johiansen, Bob Clore, Tom Johansen. Ray Davis, Bill Kidd, Pred dePeyster, Bill Pavey, john Guthrie,ý Francis Ppmie Frank Hilpert,. lronSmiith, Philip Swalbacker, and thé following new recruits: Bob Con- way, Foster Haninaford. Jim G o etz, Arthur Henning, Alla'xSahackr lui the ranks of the. seasoned biands, Bill Pavey and Francis Pipemeier have snccessfully passed theý fifteen tests necessary, for advancement to the. next higher rank ýand are.now fthl-Bledged Ordinary Sea Scouts.,. Their ranks. wl1 e auginented veryshortly, since Elmier Baker, Rav Davis. Frank 'Hilperýt, Tom".Johan- senB«il Kidd, PhiJip SWabacker ànd liarton Smith lack onily a few tests eaIch inf being qualified for advance- ment. Sinîeon Jester of - ast yea -rs crew, who is now studyinig naval architec- ture at Boston Techi. was the flrst to nmake the advanced rank-Bill Paveyr was the second. Francis Pipemeïer> joinied the ship from Kansas, .City: where lie mnade his grade and he' is tnow alinost qualified for promotion to the .niext higher rank-that of Able Sea Scout. lin this connection, when i ne members have beconie Ordinary Sea Scouts our Ship wil then be r.ated in the Sea Scout~ Or- JE WELS In conjunction with our associaed Company in New ToTk-BLACK, STARR& FROST -GOHA, Inc.,. me Present the most: in. teres:iýng collection of PEARLS, DIAM4ONDS and FINE JEWELR'r ever seen in Chic o SPAULDINGGOR HAM, Ime. In CHICAGO, EVANSTON and PARIS and associated with Black, Starr & Frost -Gorham,% Inc., in NEW YORK, PALM BEACH'and,,. .SOUTHAMPTONý nour of dcirunpg. In our recreation We stili have openi ngs for a few .period we boxed. After our recrea- liew miembers and any boy of fifteen tion period we fell in and said the years or over who hias a hankering, Oath and were dismissed.-Ship 21 to learn of things pertaining to the Reporter, Bob B. Long, Glencoe sea is iniiied to make application.- Union church. R. M. J. I-ERE'S PIROFITFOýR YOJ UIN MISTING vice .11 6660 w', j ~ Evan ton Pone; Greenlei 24-