rHulda Lashansfra, American 80' prano, will appear in recital at tbe New Trier High school auditoriuim or Itonday evening, December 8." This is the third concert in the Artist- Recitalseies, sponsored by the.Win- netka Musié club. Madame La slanska is a pupil ol Marcella. Sembrt#h,, wbo predicted a' "great future for my favoirite pupil." She is'an artist.who is endowed with those qualiis fm.d and imagina- tion which, plus a. naturally remark- able vocal organ, make for great singing artists. And Madame; Las- hasais herself a woman of rare beauty and charm. It was 'Madame Lashanska's good fortune to be selected by Marcella Sernbrich as a, pupil in whom she saW great projmi!e. 'With Sembrich, voice -is naturally essential, but, she also demfands intelligence, vision and character*' In Hulda Lashanska she' found a woman after ber oiwn *heamt, one 4v44h a lovely v<oice, a real j>fY- sonality, intelligence, sincerity and the willingness to work hard. The result was inevitable. The two womked together like comrades. When Sem- brich proclaimedber >pupil ready, the. world-aac the critics-heard hem and agred. Silice that day, Huldit Lashanska bas been a notable figu re among singrrs. She bas magtemed tbe art of lýel canto. Her uipging of the clasuic airs, simple or, fiond, of the muscal iieratume, as well as.the work of today, betrays an ýunusual ver-' satility and musiciansbip. The Philadélphia Inquimer said of Madame Lashanska after a recital, "Tbe récital was one of the distin- guisbed events of the musical season. Madame Lashianska isrichly endowed witb cbarm, taste, technique and temperament, and everytbing she did was marked by feeling and finish. enoon at the Wilmette Baptist churc 1by the pupils of Edith Ray YounI sThis was a demonstration of th Helen Curtis class system of teachin piano. Frankly, the witer went A terest, the tiny tot1s. sbowing th fprogres s made in their first 'ter"in c ipiano. work... It, was amnazing to note the ba tiful wrist and lfinger.work'of fhee rlittie ones, also the esense -of rhythi auid- tirne displayed in théehesembi womk.. Frequently theme were fou children at two pianos.- Their ltti original melodies and transposition W.ereý well doue, and- parents, anq teacher, had cause. to feel 'prou< Parents, and. children evidenced thei appreciation of the sincere wor] doue by Miss Young' in the presentaý tion of a goreous basket of flowers The latter part of the prograux wa. taken ovem by Miss Curtis,- the orig- inator of the class method of teach" ing. She. was presented in a fem gracious words by Miss Young, anc spoke on the necessity of musc be- ling a part of any educational plan, She complimented teacher and pupihs othe work acconiplished, and then she presented promotion certificates to pupils who had completed the firsi year. Appreciation of her miagnetic ýan'] stimulating cooperation throughoilt the preparation for this recital wvas evidenced-'by the offering .of a beau- tiful bouquet of cIirysantheinuuis presented to her by Miss Young's Jan Smeterlin in First Visit to Chicago Sunday Jan Smeterlin, brilliant Polish pianist who is making bis first visit to America this season, will corne to! Chicago for a recital on Sunday af- ternoon, November 30, at 3:30 o'clock, at the Playhouse, undey thé direction of Bertha Ott. Smeterlin, for a number of vears,J ùis heen -a <lrinine n. .rqonfl4tt.i aswill ne offereci oy 1orreblanca's .nP- Lyu.. A.LU 4v4jtujLluu ~ica orchestra of Mexico Monday eve- The final performance of "Madame r- ning,~ December 1, at Orchestra hall. Butterfiy" will be sung on Monday i.The organization is coming to Ch[- evening, December 1, by t-he Chicago g. az under the direction of Bertha Civic Opera company. Miss Mary àgOtt. VcCormic will, be beard again as, SThe music to be .played by the or- Cho-Cho-San, Irene, Pavloska: as n-. chestra will teli in an authentic man- Suzuki, -Oscar Colc'aire as Pinkerton, hpeluer of the romance and spirit of the and' GiacôooPimia hapes of Mexicani people. There will. be unl- Robe rton . Moranzoni will conduct., foked n te msicl cnva~ wîch On Tuesday, evening, ýDecember 2, L-this, gr0up will paint, thle bold, rich 'Tannhaeuser" will. be sung> in. Ger- s;trokes -of the eniotional history of seMexico, There Will be in soft*pastel man with Emma Redeli making hier ni ~debut as Elizabeth. Madame. Cyrena eshades the sp)iritual .loveliness of 'itsVa odnilbhar seu, caesan te îoin wrnt Theodore Strack as Tannhaeuser,ý le ofark people's learts. In bright audj an Hermanu Nissen as Wolfram, !prling, musical. colors there will he Iuan 1 Ç)eetd h ie n nmaino[Alexander' Kipnis as Herman, and, lie Latin-Americain in -love and'war, hr wl e a, ballet. Egon Pollak r. ad in contrasting tempo, the délicate will conduct.. khues depicting.the hum'bleness:and On Wedniesday evening, ".The - cidles o hsgenerous sou. jwl fte Madonna". will have The program will be principally off1 its final .performance of _the season. native compositions, aud 'the orches- It is to be, sung in Italian witb Rosa tra wlil be directed by Juan N. Tor- Raisa as Maliella, Marie Claessens -reblanca, Mexico's premniere maestro.1 as Carmela, Antonio Cortis' as Gen- Witli the, orchestra wil be featurecd iiaro, Giacomo Rimîii as Rafaoee, and dsolo offerings by several of Mexico's a large s upporting cast. Ruth Pryor, Sniost popular artists*: Maria Rornero, lidward Caton, Julia Barashkova, Me xico's most beloved soprano; 'Marion Finhoît and the ballet wi~ff s ose de Arratia, fauîous tenor oî thé, appear. The opera will be directed National Opera coipany; the, Char- hy Roberto Moarnzoni. s o Mexicano, uiarimbists; Trova. "Otello" will be sung for the second tlupes de Bajio, imaie quartet ; a ndl tuie this season on Thursday eve- Lueand Rico, favorite dancers, of 1 ,.Dme . in Italian, with iMexico City, in the colôrful1 rachero>Claudia Muzio as Desdeniona, Maria lancés of the country, Claessens as Emilia, Charles Mar- shail as Otello, Vanni-Marcoux as Harold Bauer Soloist Iago, and Chase Baromeo as Lodo- at S mphny Cncet ~ Roberto Morauzoni will con- ,Harold Bauer is to be the soloist On Saturday afternoon, December with the Chicago Symphony orches- 6, "Die Meistersinger" wiIl be sung tra at the Friday afternoon and Sat- for the third time in German, with urday evening pair of concerts this Maria Rajl making hier debut as week. He will play "Prometheus, the Eva, Maria Olszewska will be heard Poem of Fire," for grand orchestra as Magdalena, Rene Maison *asý anld piano, by Sçriabin, -a modern Walther. Oscar, Colcaire as David, Russian composer. His-second offer- Hans Hermann, Nissen as Hans inig Will,-be Cesar Frauck',s "Varia- Sachs,, Eduard. Habich 'asr Beck-.' fions Symphoniques for Pianofortemes, Alexander Iipnis as Pogner -and Orchestra." and a strong supporting cast,..as wel The orchestra wil play Schumann's as the ballet. "Rhenish" sympbony, and Kodaly's "Il Trovatore" will be sung in suite from"'H-ary janos." The move- Italian'on Saturday evening. Decem- na4L &1is ~C lnr te iate iFrank. j arias trom "Don ýplayed. He sýtudied at first Fritz," "]La Boher stelnian and Fonaroif, but Lýescaut." She wil ýr training was entirely with sitions by Wagne cm,, leader and founder of the ýnd Strauss, as we *K4.ý1at et. Music Page Y nvanni," "Amico froni Bizet's suite, "L'A e," and "Manon and Pierne's "Serenade"; also sing compo- second "Arabesque", and A Brahms, Trunk ki's diMalaguena» from afolk Songs. George Dàseb will dirlect semble., are a~ ~ the en-