of 'its first anniversary in Evanston. The celebration, which began Iast Friday with a tea at which tnembers of the Evanston Junior League were hostesses, a fashion show, with mnan- nequins dlisplaying the iatest styles and .maRy other events throughout the store, will continue through Sat- urday, Nov. 29, when'the -store wiil remain open until 9 a.t night as usual. ýThe aniniversary. celebration will corne to, a climlax Friday ndSatur day when' the store re-opens aftèr the Tbanksgiving holiday. ,The' en- l arged Toy section wili open Friday and Santa Claus, joliier than ever, wiii arrive: to *greet the children.- A feature of bis arrivai Wiil be a, bagful of toys from whicb. children. may "grab" a toy at 1ten cents a grab. At that time the -store, wiIl take on a Christmas atmosphere,. with carol singers strollinig throulghout the store' siniging Christmas carols, attractive decorations and displays for Christ- mas and gift suggestions on ejrery hand. At i11:30 Saturday morninig, Edith Heal, author of "How the Worid Began" will taik to chiidren An the',book section on the:third.floor. On *the fourth floor Miss Maude. Thomjpson wili give informai fashion taik's, while mannequins display new fabric fashions. The holiday tables, set'by members of the Junior leaigue, will be on ex- hibit until the celebration ends Sat- Sa1.urday, the final day, tnere will be a book party for cbildren in the book section and afterwards children are invited to go to the second floor and shake bands with Santa Claus. CHkI-STIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Ancient and Modern Necroniancy, alias- Mesnierism and Hypnotism. De- nounced," will be the subject a- the services in the First Church of. * Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday morning, Novemiber 30, at, il o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. -c- ai iiar 114U i on tneNorth- western university campus. Upsilon chapter is the Northwestern univer- sity chapter of the fraternity. O> . A. Oaks," another. New Trier High school teacher, is :pres ident *of the chapter. H. H. Herron, also >a member of the Ne* Trier fcly had charge of the initiation. At the meeting of Upsilontchapter Tuesday night plans were discussed for an oipen meeting sponsor ed by the chapter which wiii be* held at Evanston Township High school Tuesday, December 9, when Supt. William J. Boganr of- the Chicago public scbools wili speak. Men teach- ers of New Trier, Evanston and Deerfield, High schools .and superin- tendents and principals of grammar sChools on the north ýshore and in Chicago have been invited to attend this: meeting. U. The ater to Enter Musical Revue Field One field of the stage neyer before touched bythe Northwestern Uriver-. sit theater, that of the musical revue, liII be the -subject of its next produc- tion., Thýe' "show b as been named «Scrap- Book"~ because of tbe variety of its parts. It wiii ýbe presented Dec. 8, 9, 10 and. Il at Annie May Swift hal. Thbis production wiil stand out aiso because it wiii be part of the junior promenade week festivities, and is *Twenty-two skits, zpany of them comedies of coilege life, and nunibers by -a traîned dancing and singing chorus will compose the revue. Music. wiii consist of songs f rom sorne of the recent prof essionai shows,1 to be played by a student orchestra con- ducted by Fioyd Eldridge. The cast of 75 is being directed jointly by Joe Miller, who with Eld-J Wednesday and Thursday, December Wednesday and Thursday, December GE NTL EMEN You puy t Soie on style We are tailors to some of tii. best Jresseci men of America., A littie 'detail hers"-maodi.r there-deIt touches SI, vr suit, thtécenote tthe bond o4 the' artisc as weIl :sth, 4 .4iael - WC arc out of dtim rent" loop, Hence marlcably low prices.., 's s R epairing anda eiihn HaÏr Mattresses and Springs1 Made to Orde FI. G. LINO WALL igheat Grade Upholatering 08OkStreet Establiabed 1#95, PL. Winetkm 145 JTH E F INGI 0F NHI H MUNILOOWe 3-4