Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1930, p. 1

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Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde Coniduct :Clame ý,on "Co ok CountyAffairse"*Monda The object of the League of- Wom - en Vo)ters Is to promote e ducation in citizenship. and to.work for efficient administration of goverument. With this, important function in mind, the. Wilmette League of Wom- en Voters. once a year conducts a Citizenship school. "This school reP- resents the best possible -instruction regarding the character of service the league can render," reads a statemient- from the local league. "It offers an opportunity to secere a clear under- standing of thé most important issues before the citizens. 'This year the schoo mnakes'available a concentràted study of Cook county affairs. ".Our duty," continues the state- ment,> "is first to the. country. The, party. is a s econdary consideration., A party is merely- a means to an end and that end should bý kept constant- ly in view. 1"The League of Women Voters be- lieves that the activeities of the parties do not cover the whole field of civic duty, therefore,.there is 'a field whereý ienbers -wNill work together for cer- tain public objectives, irrespective o~f party. "With coxmpete confidence in the importance of its -aims and the sound- ness of the methods, the league i- vites the public to the school onCook county affairs to be held in the Wil- mette Womnan's club building> Monday morning, December .,1,' at,,10:30 0'clock. "Mrs. Laura Hughes, Lunde, aniii- r' trnationally known. woman leadcr, will conduct the school. There -will be luncheon at 1 o'clock, and Wil- iam A. IDurgin will give an illustrated lecture on 'Illinois' at 2:30 o'clock. "Old Mexico" Theme .at The «Sunday Club -A unique program of unusual interest aW.aits the patrôns of the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, at the First Congregational church Novetnber 30. On that occasion Fred 'Payne Clatworthy.is té present his lec- ture oàn "Old, Mexico" which is to be illustrated with natural1 color, pictures. These pictures are. un- -touched by -the artist's brush. They are, in 'fact, produced 'by color photography Which catches the coloring as it actually exists. Mr. Clatworthy's lecture is the story of the old Spanish conquis-. tadores. He spent mauy months'in Mexico preparing his subi ect and photographing illustrative scenes many of which have beenpublished in, the National Geographic niaga-, zine. SEALSALE BEGINS School.Children Wil Stort Distribution 'f Chicago Tuberculosis Christmas Stairps Todeyý The sale of -Chicago Tubercullosis institute stamps wlll begin in Wi-- mette today. Signs will be displayed by stores having the stamps f(or. sale and. school chlldren will be allowed to have them for sale for one week. Part of the proceeds wifl go to help stamp out tuberculosis in Cook county. Part of the proceeds of the sale will be turned back to thé Wil- mette Health center to aid its wcrk. Last year, the institute turned over mnore mo-ney to the Health cènter thnwas made by the sale of tflie staffps. Mrs. Haâttie Palmer, supervisor of Chicago Tuberculosis institute1 nurses visited at the new Wilmette Health center at 1901 Schiller streét on Mon- davy afternoon. She, felt quite optimi- "Movie Tea" Wil S1weIl Coffers, of Charity Agencies Teatro del Lago, motion picture houseI in Spanish court, is to be opened Friday afternioon, :December 12, for a benefit: performance and Movie Teal destined. to, swell the. coffers of 'the Wilmette Board, of Local, Charities, the Winnetka Emergency Relief, fun d, and the Northwestern :University Settiemnent. .The, occasion will witness thé first showing in' this 'vicinit y of "iir, motion picturemastierpiece starringi Charles Farreil and marking the screen *debut of Rose Hobart. Sam Meyer, managing, director of th't theater, has provided its facilities free of charge for this performance. Following the showing of the pic- ture tea will be served in the beauti- f ul foyer of the theater. 1Scope of the benefit, which was or- iginally suggested by thé Highlani Park committee of the Northwestern University Settiemenit, h as, been broadened to include the Wilm ette charities and the Winnetka Relief f und. Complete details of the benefit wi!l be found in next week's issue of WIL,- METrTE LinE. SealI Sale Champions Out to Retain Titie Pupils of the joseph Sears schoo! in Kenilworth again have started their campaign to selI Christmas seals. For a number of years joseph Sears bas held'the world's record for per capita sale of these seals, and the school is determined to retain its honors. The seals niay be sold between Thanks- giving and Chbristmas, Money from the sale of the eals is used to fight the dread disease, tuberculosis. STARTS Wîimette .Women Rîlly to Côn- tribute Clothing for 'Desti- tute Famtilies Wilmette women are rallying, tu t.he cal*of Governor Emmerson's Commission on Employm, ent and Re-, lief, which just now is eniaged in a, "Warm >dcothes campaign." Appeals are beinig made directly. to hehousewives of,.Winette, to make' ctniributionsý of warm clothing. The various womien's organizations in the I village are sponsoring the local camn- p paign, miith Mrs. R. C. Kirkpatrick, 1328Greenwood avenue; as general chairmanfor Wilmette. Receiving Stations, Receiving stations in the drive have been established in the following places: Byron Stolp or Central achoot Laurel achool St. Francis Xavier achool f Logan sehool Howard school St. Joseph$ .sohool' Mallinckrodt 'Higli achool Avoca school National College of E4ucatiqnà Under the slogan; "We women can clothe the destitute if we will !" the Wilmette women come forth with thc f ollowing statement showing the dire need for, warm clothing for unem- ployed men and women and their. faiisin the Chicago area. The statem~eflt reads: Show Dire N.ed "Thé Woman's division of Gover- nor Ernmerson's Commwission on,- ployment and Relief will,' during the first week in December, Conduct a, "drive" for old and tnew clotbiùg shoes, and blankets. The articles, will be distributed to men and women out of work and .to ,their faniilies, F ree Wsnt Ads nome zuV tA1ay. PREACHES HERE SUNDAY The Rev. Merchant S. Bush, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of San Leanciro, Cal., will preach Sun- day morning, November 30, in the First Presbyteriafl church pi Wil- mette. .. ...53-56 ige .... ..20 ... .. ..42-43 r......... 41 ray w.... is honestly se ploym.flf. 1'atcles and ymrnfor nmci inost acceZtb re.'1

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