Last two days olf THEANNVERARYSELLING WitkOve r. 100 Amaz in Vales! Shop, now 'for Christmas. durIng thià tremen'dostrewd seling . ovr 00 mazng ales and many, many gift items.. So mething exciting happening every -moment of. the dy. stunts one day, speclis and 'the opeing of theénlredTo ecin., ALL THESE EVENTS- SCHEDULED FO R. F R[DAY A ND SAT UR DAY Iý ON E DAY SPECIALSI FraayNovem>er8 10:00 .a. ni. 0 12:00 a m.- 2:00 5:0,0p. m.. Mrs. Kimbe11, artist, will sketch children 2nd Floor. 4:30 p m..: Strolling Christ. mas Carol singers. 11:30 a.nt.. Edith Heal, author of "How the .World Blan"), wili talk to the cu ren.. Book Section., 3rd floor 10:30 to 12:00 noon-2:Od té 5:00 pm.. Manneqtuios wil dipIay, many smart cos- turnes, 4th Floor. 2:30 to 3:30 P. m-. Miss Maude -Thompson will gv informai fashion talks.. Fvbrics. .3rd VLII£%. Saturdoy, Novembe, 29 10:30 a. m te 11:30 a ni.- 2:39 to 4.30 p ni.. Chnstmas Carol singers ini Old English costumnes. 10:30 to 11:30 a.. m-.-00 to 5:00 p.Mi. Mannequos wil display costumes. M hFloor. 11:30 a. nm.: A book party- Book, Section. 3rd Floor. 2:00 to 5.00 P.: P4: Mannequins Wlldis lnwfabric fash. ions. 3rdFloor. Fincay,, November 28 Four Commanding "Specilis", Huadreds of girls' wool -school dresses,,*6. 2nd Floor. IMcchanical train set, $1.25,) on the, Sth Floor. Men's haudkerchiefs - lihen cord,hand rolled edge. 3 fors i Womens sheer linen handker- chiets, Mn yhite and. colorsà. Dozen 'at $1..lst Floor. 2:30 to 3:30 p. m.: Miss Maude Urhompson, intormai fashion talks. 3rd Floor. i whati Toys- ion of toys. Uring the whole family down to the Toy. Section ... see surprises are in store ini Santa's grab b... ee the amazing New Don't put off until tomorro.w what you will so enjoy dong. today! OIN THE FIFT14 FLOOR.