of Cninia during the Boxer uprlsing. Thé. Rover-Conrad. A thrilling-l st ory of the Napoleonic wars. Pey- toi, an old sea-rover, retires to end bisdays in bis native village and there encounters 1romance and higt àdvenýt:re rivaling ail the hazards Cf bis, perilous :career., 'S ir John Derini-Farnol. In figlit- ing acertain duel, Sir John, wins, the enniity of an imperious, and beau- tiful lady *ho engageshi in 2wa of wits'.iivolving adventure'and end~ ing, in romance.. Darlc Frigate--Hawes. A vigorous story of pîracy in, the days of Charl es 1; being the adventures :of the run- away Philip Marsden on board. the Rose of Devon. Stormy Petrel--Kendali. Recounts the extraordinary adv.entures of the crew of the "Asegurador," an ocean- going tug chartered by a New York sbip-owner to cut out of the ice and tow home an American ship illegally detained in Siberian waters. Sailing Weather-McIntyre. Vil- lainy and trickery in the early days of, Philadelphia and of the merchant Sard Harker-M ase field. A thrill- ing tale of grueling hardships, dia- bolic cruelty and romantic adventures lived through by a sailor, in his ef- fort to get back to his ship after conveying a warning to a mysterious woman in danger of kidnaping. AU the -Brothers Were Vahnt- * Williams. A .lusty tale of the old whaling days, including love, mutiny, barbarotis adventure and hidden pearis. Miralago Supper Club * Setting for Charity Bail .The Miralagô Supp)er club will be the locale for a large charity .bal! sponisored by a group of north shore woniien Wedn.esday eve.nig, D)ecem- ber 3. The proceeds 'will be divided equally between Wilmette, Kenil. * worth, Winnetka, and Glencoe for charitable purposes. made of tile with tile bath and tile feeding compartment. Each boy i's jnaking sonuething, and will submit a 'drawing a .nd description of it to, rep- resent bis particular hobby. SWe'had two newmembers at our regular mneétilig Monday afterrîon, and voted f0 limit our membership.tc. sixteen, which is, the limit the Boy Scout organization bas set for -a Cub troop.- SOne of the boys. brought in a sam-a» pie of arbor vitae, showing the leaf. the bark and description 'té.be ini- çluded in our Scribe's book of rec- ords as the- particular hobby he was interested, in. We voted to punish the' member NEW TRIiER Guius' CLuuB BAZAAR Saturday, D)ece mber 6 10:30 Ab M.-Jo P. -M. Don't fail to visit the Food Booth Delicious home baked cakes,, cookies, breado, etc. Have proven snobi aboon -tése nmay of our, local Babies mmsd their Mothers that we invite end urge *very Mether Whos, bab y ls in die toothies, or teeth- ing period te comte ini and >seo thowde foods wiIl add te her own, «éd- babys halth and happiness. C.nmtalWilmm.'m. Avenu. Holiday Attire Beau tifully Cdeaned AT NO ICR"ASI te4 l j Now, more than ever, "let the buyer beware" before choosing his cleaner. Holiday attire is classified as Mrs. H. W. Oakwood (Maybel Kuio o imet)entertain ' Chicago last Friday. Phone Wilmette 781 1,Evanston Phone-Greeftleaf 7441 F ull Dress Suite Tuxedost Evenlug Gownsu we will clem and press any germent, silk or wool, men's or ladies', for $1.00 with no extra. te pay-ino ups and no arguments. Club',r Ail OU ,