WB arc havini LOTS of etdls THESB day. for QRideal H'an«d LOTION" J COLDweatheralways DRINGS'chapped j HANDS and cracked LIPS, and this LOTION of ours ISEEMS tàmeet the SITUATION btitqr THAN snythiég we EVER sold- IT isn't a bit STICKY or greasy AND is quiokly ABSORBIED by the SKIN, Ieaving face ~OR hands soit and ALSO, you men who SHAVE at home wiII P--IND thia. lotion A REAL joy when APPLIED to the face IMMEDIATELY after SHAVING. A BOTTLE cos ONLY 35 cents. *organist of the Methodist church. The foliowi.g poeni iwas written to congratulate thern n the event: 50 MILES The second fifty. you wlll fir'd, As miles.upon your homeward way, You ceunt the yearg. as (bd de- signed To srnoôth the 'afternoon of day. As hand-in-hand you onwardgo To finfd the >rainbow's, pot of gold, And 'crôst the flelds the shadows grow Toward llfe's lnystery untold., Devoted Husband, falthful Wl fe With faces to'rd the. sunset trait, But holding:stili the boon of .lif-ý As captaln's compass when diey salI. Congratulations, gentle frlends- We join in' wishing health P. nd * cheer, The longest fIftr,- happy ends, The shortest fifty now is here. God speed your feet and smooth your :road, May His oW-n mile be always near .And llght, be hea-ilest yoiur bwal And wept -for joy your 'oly tear. -Edwin Morley Stafford. Mothers Chapter, Mary' Crane League to Meet Mrs. Herman Fabry, vice president of the Mary Crane league and chair- man of the National College of Educa- Lion Children's school Motiiers' chaper of the league announces an active pro- grai for that group wl.lx vill hold weekly aIl day meetings on Mondays at the Natiotnal Collegé of Education. Phese meetinge *Ubc held in the ,Mabel Rowley Barnett Homie Eco- nom.cs suite," whicb' is located on 'the iecentIv com.pleted thircd floor of Har- rîson hall. The. special a ctivity of this group for the present is the making of warin playground garments for the sixty children 6f the Mary Crane Nur- sery schooi at H-ull bouse. The league, which comprises five chapters, four in, EIvanston and one ini Wînnetka, is co- operating with the National College of i E ducation in supporting this Hlîl house1 nursery school.1 poptar, witn the motners, given DyVi cbildren of tbe school. Ray Nelson, first violinist, and Eleanor Stern, first cellist Of the. school orchestra, will play solos, and acconipanied by Mrs. Arthur Ruf.' wilI present trio numbers. There wil be songs by Mrs. Mason's sixth grade,*a plav, "The Water Cloçk" by Miss' Thernan's sixth grade, 'creati,'e rhythms, by Miss- Fern's first..grade,, an orchestra hy Miss .Klegg',sfirst grade;' a Virginia reel 1», Miss Joues' and Miss Petrie's séconfd grades, Thank s giyig songs by Miss Witcher's third, and an, Indian play. by Miss Olthofýfs third grade. On the cveingot Wednesday, De-. cember 10, at 8 o'clock, the Logan- Howard Pre-School circle ivili have its annual Christmnas, party at the Howard .school. Ail those interested in the work of the pre-school circle are invited to creand get acquainted îvith its meni-. bers and f riends.- The Babies' Friendly will meet at the home of Miss Pringle, 1144.Lake ave- nue, on Thursday, December 4, at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. P. Budinger'of 1731 Walnut avenue lef t on Wednesday for Kansas City to spend Thianksgiving with her oidest sons, Joseph. Shie -will join Mr. Budinger there and they will mnotor back to Wihnette after being in' IKansas City for ,about ten days. -o- Miss Dorotiy, Klundtr, daugbter of Mr, and MVrs. A. Eý. Klunder of 909 Cbestnut avenue, is spending 'tle Tbanksgiving bolidays witb ber 1par- ents. Miss Klunder -is home frorn James idillilcin university until Su- day. John Sheridan,- son of ,Mr. and Mrs. j. P., Sheridan of 935 Forest avenue, is borne f rom the University of iii-* nois to spend Tbanksgiving and thei week-end -witb bis parents. who corne to flice in the Dol shop orm Christmnas Eve and deligbt ahl with their songs and dances and gay dol! plays. Miss Catberine Klu.mph,..who is stu- dent assistant to: Miss EttalMount, di. recétor, of, the department, of. physica? expr .es sion 1a.t National, bas originated- thîs -play and is, directing its production. 'Miss Klumpb is the Doîll Store' Keeper in. t he play and. also takes the, ipart of 'Raggeddy, Ann in ber bumru dance. Swiss doil s, Dutch, Bulgarar Russian, Polish, Chinese, J'apanese,*aind Philippine clos, will ail portray thLi custoins of' their countries in dance and .Song. The.Carolers. of .Merrie England, led by Miss- Nellie Bail, will. also assist in the program whicb will be the open- ing event of, the annual faculty "Christ- nias Gif t Sbop," whicb continues thre days as a college building fund'benefit. There is no admission charge,,for the prog ramn and 'thel International club is' inîviting its sustaining and. agsociate niembers and their f riends, as well as catiege studexits andfd aculty to be its guests. On Saturday, December-6, the Inter- national club will present this, prograni in the toy department of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co.. at 10.30 in the. nlornin!g, and at 2:30 ini the afternoon. This is the second appearance of the Interna- tional club, at Carson, Pirie,, Scott's for> .a children's Christnmas entertainient.t HOLD ELECTION. Cook County counicil, American Le- gion, auxiliary, will bold its annuai elec- tion of officers at a luncheon on Satur- day, December 6, at the Chicago WVoman's club. Delegates f rom the'Wil- mette unit are Mrs. Arthur jolinson and* Mrs. F. J. Dowd. Alternates are Mrs. T. L. D. Hall and Mrs. R. W Mc- Candlish Ail auxiliary members are, in- Vited toattend., Mr, and Mr.5. William Levett 6fý 723 Central avenue spenit Thanksgiv- ing day with Mr. Levett's mother. Mrs. Priscilla Levett of Chicago. IIII~ lfDu dom% M à r% 1 m d- STUDIO from 7 te 9--$andays trou 10 a. mP. 10 4 . P. M Tel. Univ. 8998. and Tisai f'au