mana-4I ven~tÇueV, J1viimtte, ls pro- gressing at a rapid rate, with an average of one 'hundred men working on the project, and it was stated th',s week by Benjamin B. Shapiro, struc- tural engineer in charge of the wor, that, the super-structure probably wvil1 be completed. by February 1, 1931, four monthis in advance of the date the contract calis. for, of :thc edifice. The temple will be not only'one of the mtost, Unique structuresý in the world 'frorn i an architectural sta nd- point, but promises to be an object of rare .well. It' has beeri called the. "first new idea in architec- ture since the thirteenth century." .Work Through Winter At present the steel work is orac - ticalIly completed and the concrete work. is 'more than one-third finisiecl. are prepareri to work through the winter.ý The' foundations for, the temnple were, completed. in 1922, when work, ýivas suspended until funds becanil, available. to continue the buildjng. The contract for the super-structur-'. including steel and reinforced con- crete was awarded on August 25, 1930 to the George A. Fuller. comn- pany. Five hundred and ftytons of steel and 3,900 barrels of" cernent will bc used in the building. The dome alonTe will contain 10,000 pieces of .steel. There will be 19,500 ,(quare. feet of glass. Trhe best. of material is being usedý ti every part of the structure and& no1 effort is being spareçi to make it a building that wil1 làst indéfinitely. Just a few facts to einphasizé the Igreat cane that is being taken with. every detail of the building may Jb., mentonedhere. Ail of the cernent and gravel being. used in the building is tested, and thc EV EN THE. ANT KNOWS, THAT. THIS ONE IS TRUE Wlien a young man is starting out in the world, it is çustomary for bis eiders and weli wishers to give himl in the glass ciome. The foors wil not be mxade of wood, but of steel and tile. Unit. Science, Religiorn The' teMple, will- be a universal house of worship ýopen. to ail reli- gions and ýsects., It wil l be dedicated to the union f'science and. religion, to. universal education and to- the futidamental oneness, of religions:- Its designer, the late Louis Bour- geois, a resident of Wilmette until his death last August, built Gothic churches-ýin _France, and in Canada and bis.butildingsare found in Chi- cago, in California and iii New York. In the geometric forms *of the orna- mentation of this last great ,vork of a great architect one will* he able" to decipher ail the religious symIibls of the world. Domo. Soatre150- Feet Th e f oundation, carnies the m iain steel columns, embedded ini concrete. which support the. walls and the domie. The top of the dome will be 150 feet above the first floor. The whole structure is to be enclosed ini wire glass, making a weatherproof building, the- details of. which are largely concealed by highly ornamen-ý tai panels or surfaces. There are to be nine sides or doors -ail equal in treatment and each- approached by paths Ieading through .hoias itvin, Contract, is ani Workmen Insphir.d Construction work is moving -along srnoothly, and rapidly, according to. Mr. Shapiro., Even the. workmen hagve the spirit of the job'and take pride in1 what they are cloing, Mr. Shapiro states. The. thousands of motorists who pass the temple daily, on Sheidan road are watching the progress of the construction w'ork with finterest. Although ýthe enclosure; for the struc- ture ýwill hée finished by about feb- ruaryv 1, the intricateê$4Oi IWM ia' work on the building will take mn nonths more. The temple lias att'racted 'the at- Bttylind GARDEN SERVICE Mrs.John n Jn&JCwiiwoeflu241. Choice balbs for indoor forcing, Mrs. John C rensli at 500 Fifth street, le vember 25, to make1 N. Maplewood aven who residcd Ailmette No- homne at 4458 Chicago. D-RESSMAKINC ICoats Wraps SuiFs Made to suit.your lndivduelity. Onily the finest of Workmanship. Strict attention GenDetails. Remodeling Aitering Collette Soeurg I ~ CHRISIMAS' CARDS Easy to Send A Joy to Receive' But, 'great s cottL-don'e you'. b ave the devil's own tirne get- ting ;rouind to buging 'em?, Here .with we are-ail set for you a seIection of Christmas. with authority: The mian who becomes 'g patron of our preventive service will have more to put in the bank tlian the chap who neyer calls on * a garage until bis car bas broken down.- Motors Service, . M Main Street, phone.Wilmette 2600-2601. 1166 miette Ave. liMette 1061