1165 Wilmette. ', or 341 Dedin or .Iiseértibns-ýclsed advertisemnents il -be for the -WUMMri Lum or al three papers; Thnrs3dayr 9 o'clock for. the Wnorwrxà TAXx and Friday 5 o'clock for the -GLUNcon N]mws Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Wlnnetka 200Ô, WInhetka 500. or Glencoe 1484, Greenleaf 4300 or Shoîdrake M67. .OUND -WHITE SPITZ, ICEIL- Worth Police Dept. 2LTN29-ltc Always in Perfect Traste THE CHOICE OF SILVER, ARTIS- tloally designed, antique perlod pat- terns, superior by virtue of its beauty, Worth and performance. Odd pieces, r.stored to original finish. PAUL DAVEY. JEWELER 11« Wltette Ave. Ph. Wllmette 6 5LTN19I4fe ANT!IQUES UXTRAORDINARY SALE OF HARLY American and English a.ntiques. Queen Anne High-Daddy, etc. MARY ANNE DICKE. 808 Washington St., i blk. south of Main, 1% blku. east of Ridge. Evanston. 6LTN29-lte YVO14NE SOHN hrcl lannouncing the removal of hrcl lection of antique furniture to 12 B. Walton Place, Chicago. Liquidation sale continues until evsrything in .014. MPlWhtehall 4786. 5iLTN27-tfc 9 *UOINU * VICU CALL OUR1 SERVICE DEPT FOR window washing, cleauing, floor wax- ing arnd odd jpbs. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 2662 9LTN29-ltc Ail KInda of Carpenter Work- Doue JOHN BOUSCH Ph. Wllmette 2165 9LTN19-tfc ALL CARPENTER WORK FOR REA- »»nable pricea, doue by Albert Rutar. Pleaa cal! eveninga after 6 o'clock. Wlnnet4ç 2 480. SLTN1-tfe lu UNsTmucTION TUTORING - GRADE SCHOOL SUB- Jects,. English,-Latin, High. Sehool. College grradute, excelle nt teaching experience. Refereuces. Reasonable rates.. Ph. Wllmette 178. BERENICE VIOLE, PIANISTE. FAC- ulty, Aimerle*n conaervatory. Private studlo. 114 3rd St. AUlgrades, special -rates. Ph. Wtllmette 1705. 151,TN23-Stp MARGARET ,BLUTRIARDT, AC COM- panlst, and Piano. Teacher, 414 Win- 15LTN29-3tp 17 iNTEEniou. SECORATING Likeness gnaranteed cut ln SILHOUETTES JAME JOH~NSON THE LITTLE STUDIO 1159 Wil. Ave. Home Ph. Wilmette 1982 Special Xmas offer during Nov. 17LTN29-2tp SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE AT YOUR RESIDENCE. PHYSICIANS DIRECTIONS CARRIIED) OUT. REFERENCES AT RiZ!IEST. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL DIVERSEY 4630 20LTN29-ltp 30 REPAIgtINO AMP RKINISHItNo YOtT NEICDA; CARPENTERZ lephone Carýl »eugton! Ho doosi 1kinds of carpenter work and re- Iring. Wlnn. 2480. 3OLTNX5-tfe WEAUINQ APPAREI. BUYS A BEAUTIFUL~ BLACK u t.Ja, terav .n, * 4 * Ce.. Cook, French, 4'À yr. ref.. Second Maid, Scotch, 3. yr. ref. Second MaId, German, 4 yr. ref. Waitress (Private) 3 yr. ref. Nurse-Governess, French, 2 yr. ref. ..Practicai nurse, A-i ref. GFenerqj maidi; with excellent ref.ý Couples 2 Swedish and German, long, ref. 3 lirat: clans chauffeurs. PAULINE',S EMP. AGENCY 748 Elm. St. S No..First St. Winnetka ,60.2 Highland Pk. 2520 41LTN99-ltc KINDERGARTEN HOX-M ~AND nurser.y, g ood care. and, wholesome food, $1625 Ver day, board childreu If you go away, give, school chlldrenes lunch 35c, also college girl who can care for children afternoon and, eve- nings. Ph. Wihpette 4203. 41LTN28-ltp CAPABLE WOMAN DESIRES POSI- tion as working housekeeper, thor- ô,1JIty expert0!nced lniGofllg ee thing thsit In required ln keeping a fine home. Good seajnstress, neat, honest, economical, willing, worker. Very. good, cook A-1 reference. Ph. Briargate 0340. 41LT29-ltp WOMAN 0F INTELLIGENCE AND refintement, good business background, deuires secretariai work, companion, chant. to wealthy lady. Exe. manag- Ing housekeeper, sews. 000<! traveler. University 3281-M. 41LTN29-lnc »XPERIENdIDD BEÂIXTY OPERATOR desires position, full or part time, ln north shore shop. WIlI also do rosi- dentisi work. 5 years' exper. Phone- Glencoe 1326. 4ILTN29-lnc TRUSTWORTHY NURSE, EFFICIENT lu surgical cases, massage, elderly peoplechildren, honsekeeping;- Drives car, good, traveler, go axpywlIcre. P. O0. Box 26, Wlmette. 41L.TN29-tp PRACTICAL NURSE HOSPIIIAL trained wislies any kiud of nursing. Elderly and Infants preferred. Miss Timms. Ph. -Greenleat 9121. 41L29-ltp GERMAN BABY'S NUnSEc, ROSPI- tai training, 30 years old, wants posi- EXP. COL. GIRL, N. S. REF., WANTS doay work. . Thur or haIt day work by week mornings. Ph,.tJnîv. 3968. 411,29-lne SIT. WANTED-HOUSEWORKZ CARE' of children, stay on place. Refined col. girl. Ref.. Drexel 1367. 41LTN29-ltc COMPETENT COU MAID WISHES general housework or cooking., N. S. Reference. Ph.. University 679. 41LTN29-lnc *WANTEgD-WORK 0F ANY KIND IBY the day. N. S. rot. $3.50 per day andi car taàre. Ph. Univeruity 4048 eve- ninlga. 41LTN29-Inc wHlITE WOMAN WANTS: DAY work. Good Refereuoe. Monday, Wed. *& Thursday. Ph. Wilmette 3=20. 41LTN29-lne WANTED LAUNDRYý WORK OR cleaning, except Monda.ys,. Serving diâners.' Ph. Univeruity 1863. 41LTN28-3tc WANTED SECRETARIAL POSITION by iigh dass steno. Beof Mref. Mies Rayons, Box 165, Lake Forest, 111. 41IèT29-Itp EXPER. GERMAN WOMAN WANTS laundry, cleaning. Cooklng and serv- ing for parties. Winneka. 3325. 41LTN2e-lnc- COMPETENT MIDDLE-AGED WOM- an, general housework, no laundry, capable of takiug full charge. Rot. Ph. Wlmnette 4816, 41LTN29-ltp LAUNDRY OR CLEANING, YOUNG colored women. Ph. University 1778. 41LTN29-lnue' EXPERIENCED, GIRL WANTS DAY work. References. Ph. Wilmette 8460. 41LTN29-like WASHING, IRONING AND CLEAN- ing by the day. Good ret, Ph. Glon-' coe 770. 41LTN29-lnc POSITION- WANTED AS NURSE- maid, for full tUme or part tirne. Ref, Phone Winnetk. 1409. 41LTN29-Itp 'WANTED) WASMNG AND CLEAN- Inz by the dayr. Ph. Wilmotte 1890. 41ILTN29-lnc E-XP. WRITim COOK W ion teinpora7y or b yt Es POSI- day. Ph. WANTED- cook, wlth citY. Good T.iqoaeWibatre4300 ar-Wi*merka 2000 jI home,b1 411 YOUNG 1(4K, 20, WH[ITF sehool graduate. WIllng'to kind of work, Ph. Wiliettee 42L BOY, 17, WANTS WORK IN a home, or store, Exo. refs.1 1404.42V . 1 m I.. ý ýj