Productions, featuring nioviedom's stars and giving them full opportunity for exercising their talents, appear on this week's alluring program at the Teatro del Lagoï Sheridan road be-, tween Wilmette and Kenilworth. On Saturdayi Noveinber 22, the Teatrociel. Lago will .present "Lastý ofthe Duanes," the storyr of which wasý adapted f rom Zane Grey's widely read romance, of the Southwest. George O'Brien, Lucile Browne, Myr- na Loy and Walter McGrail contrib- ute fine, performances In. this film of. the. Southwest where cattle, stealing bad men play a gaine:of quick gun play and shy love making, Rin, Tin TPin, great movie dog, will appear in "The, Lone Defender" at the matinee only,.Saturday afternoon. The first.episode of the.rmighty chap- ter play, "Thé Indians, Are.Coming," will be. shown, offering Timý McCoy, Allene Ray and a. big cast. "King," a beautiful White -collie, plays: an im- portant role in this pficture which bristies with extiteftent. . This Pictur. Up to Par "Follow Thru" at the Teatro del Lago,. Sunday and Monday, Novein- ber 23 a nd,24, is almost good-enough to miake»Bobbyjoncsbreak his reso- lution not to spend bis lufe on or near the golflinks. Entirely in tech- nicolor, this singie -,taikie -.dancie - g olfie~ presents the handsome Charles (Buddy) Rogers;. two red-heads, Nancv Carroll and Zelma O'Neal; a blonde, Thelma, Todd; and a brunette, Kathlérine Givney, along with other beauties. Everyonc will agree that. Charles Roger§ and Nancy Carrol miake a peach of a pair. Eugene Pal- lette and jack Haley are other reas- ions why tilis showv is.. not to bc missed. Tod Browning brings 'an entertain- ing crook dramna to the screen of the Teatro del Lago, Tuesday and Wcd- nesday, November 25 and 26, iI "Olit-, side the Law,"' his own story .vhich ' previously had been filmed as a silet. Always a good director, Browning excels in this type of story. Hie bas ý -4ncorporated skilfully .closeups asini- > Fniday, Novemb.r 21 "The Eyes of the World... .Wilmette. ":Anybody's War" . . Teatro Del Lago "Sladow of the Law'"............ ,House ;'Anybody's War"........... Alcyon Saturday, November 22 "The Eyes of the World"... Wilmette "ILast of 'thé Duanies". Teatro Del Lago "dShadow of the Law".,......... . . . ... . .... Community House "N Xight Work",'.......... ..e..Alcyon, Sunday, November 23 "Af rica Speaks" ý***.......Wilniette "Follow Thru".,.Teatroi DelLago. "lLove in the Rough" .......... Alcyon Monday, November 24 "'.Men of the North"....... Wilmette "Follow Thru". ....Teatro Del Lago. ".Ail Quiet on thé Western Front". ..........Community House "Love in the Rough" ......... Alcyon Tuesday, Noviember .29 d'men of -the North"...;.... Wilmette "Outside the Law".' ' . Teatro Dèl Lago "Ail Quiet on the Western Front" .. .1.....Cornmunity House "Big Boy",.................. Alcyon Weduesday, November 26 "Love in the Rough" ....... Wilmette "Outsicle the .......... Teatro Del Lago "Big Boy" ................. Alcyon Tliursday, Novenmber 27 "'Love in the Rough" ....... Wilmette' '.The Sea Cod".....Teatro Del Lago "With Byrd at the South Pcile".... .....Community Flouse "FýollOw ....r." . ...... Alcyon Friday, November 28 "The Big right".......... Wilmette "The Sea God" ...Teatro Del Lago "With Byrd at the Sotuth'Pole"... ......... Commun ity House "Follow Thru".............. Alcyon Another.Opera Ce1ebrit y Lends Voice to Sereen Opera Stars a's welleas thegeneral public 'are waiting -to hear Grace Moore who will soon make ber debut on the audible screen. Teamed with Lawrence Tibbett. vocal star of the p. w. BAT UAY, NOV. 12 "LAT V TERDUANES" ze Grey's with George O'Bri.m "HIRED AND- FIRED9» Clark sud MecCloogh Comedy PATHE REVIEW RIN TIN- TIN, -THE. LONE DEFENDER" No. Ul"UFURY 0OF THE DESERT" FIRST EPISODE-6UTHE INDIANS ARECOMING" No. 1-.ePALS IN BUCIKSKliN" special Matu «Prices auray Omly ta 6308 P. M. ChiIdren Unde12, 1h 4altneS SUNPAV AND MONDAY, NiOV. i2-24 L011W TIRU~ wi~CHARLES ROQGERS THE, GRAND A story toici partly on the floor of heroine through a maze of adveii- the~ Pacific ocean is "The Sea God," tures. There will .be a s'pcciàl matinec starring Richard' Arien and Fay Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, No- Wray at the Teatro del Lago, Thurs- vember 27. day and Friday, Navember 27 aud . AI Jolson heads the cast of "Big 2.Wild adventure,ý melodramna, Boy" at; the Teatro ciel Lago, Satur- Pearl diving andi love ,ail ad d to the day, November2. Amusement seck- appeal of, this film, directed by. ers wiil be there. ... .. .. .. ... ;.. ..W he.< MHE GOLDEN WÉBST'........ J~!~:u GRL"............ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qaramount CYture BACKFIELD ACES Mai dRANI rde, Jhn Hiz IT MAY SEEM -N -p r - NOV. 27-28 1GIVINO DAY) @Nom= denvu ý