, o , HowardBPislyed Stolp 10, Novem- ber 4, at WashIflgton park. We defatd theminl to 56. >Next we pleyed 8t Joseph, November î, eat the Village Green sud beat tb.m 9 to 0. HfowB.rd SA tied their inet gie with stohp lB, -3 to 8 . Thon they defeated Stolp 1Q I10. toé2. Itroseph h bas lost two, gae., one to st. Francien 8 to 0 and HowardI 8B, 9 to 0. 8$olp 1C bas bat two gaine", one to Howard SA, 8 to 2. and one te Howard 8B, il te 6.That puts us in a positiÔn te getthe %lauipioi'ship. -Fred Herr, 8B Howard. Howard 6B-Team Eyes Tïtie ini Seedall IFigt Howard OB bas won ail of the speed- bel al gaines se far. We played Étolp $A Tuemdaysud. We won by a forfeit. Howard OA played Wedneodày. W. won, .17-3. Our captain la George, Bigitn. '1rhe lineup -for 6B le: For- wanls, John Welter, Bob Hull, Peul Iaar andWalfred' Johnson; half- baJo-Geoge B g ui ndAuther Cook; fuilîback, Billy Knepper and'Thedo>Te Flld; goal guard,,John Col o etr, Lowell Petersoli or Albert Andersonl. W. hope to get the. championmhlp ln speedbfl.-PeulKaspar, LB Howardh. Girls'Gece Club to, Wear Red Ties of Sanie Shade 'raaFid&v. durinoe the Girls' Glee aa a guide. 8h.e sald that our rooni laed on the averag, the highest- number of points. Nerf we are going.te study chemlstry. We took a vote as to whether we would study 1 stars or chemietry ftirst, and chrnimtry won. We carn get an extra live points for nekt week by Writing an article tolling how chernitry was started, fériday. November 14, and the Satur- euh Sd.unday followlng.'yeu vili b. e Lteo nmre shooting stars., The only trouble la thet you cau see them beet b.tweeu 1. and d e.m. If you keep a record of what you siw and how long it took you te se. it, you enu get peints on that, too. The reason w. can see thesesiiooting-itars jabecause the. earth ia pessing. through places ef exploded stars. -Ell1ene Weakiy, 7B Howard. Armistice Day Prograni Presents Legion Speaker Tuesdae' we ied an Armistice Day programl which was handled by William Shain et SB. The. tiret thing on the program wes the,. cler guard enduhtie tirt verse ef "Amenica," led by Mrn. Mason, end followed by a salut. to the fleg. Next there was e talk by a man from the., Americen Legion on -What la the Amr~ican Legion and What Is Armistice Day," which was very ln- terestins. Laat on the programn w. sang l'h., Star Spengied Banner,"1 also led by Mrs. Meson. I arn sure we aIl en- j9y.d the,- Armistice Day program- .-M~ildred Haugh, 8B Howard. fourthlninga -1Central was up ,and made three outs lu a row by Mies. At the end of the gazm. the score '.as 35 te 7 lu, À's tavor. Howard 7A bas pleyed three gemes and won them-ail. The first geme.7A played was with 7B. That score 1was 18 te il lu 7A's favor. The second "ge.was with Centrai end 7A won by the scofe 7-4, and bave won their lest game with Central., How*ard 74 girls get, the chamùpion5shie, ln klckbell, aeu. 1 hope we *111 get some more chamnplonsiiips. We are going tpo play volleybali next Monday. w-Eleaneôr Speredes, 7B, Howard. Finish Science ]projcts During Remedial Peri od Lait Tuemday, SA was lu a, last mninute rush, durlng remedial. period. Everyb'ody wes hustiing to. get hie scienCe Pro)ect finished. The hait heur fiew by ou Iwig9,' and betore Nee knéw it, the bell rang. In science, Miess Stevens expleined te us how she Ïraded and why se egrad04thaet way.,ehe grades us on twe thin"g, projects and clama work. Then aie called the pupils, who were ready te check their projectb off-, te ber desk. She went over our work and counted up our projeet peints: Some people got 30, others sot SO-some 10w grades aud some high. Altegether, science that morning. was lutereeting te some, but net te ethers. -Vîrginla Green, SA Howard. Name Volleybail Ctiptains and Teanis for 7B Room TPhe voetiu1*u hai1ontan of the, 7B "The Pied Piper" at Woman's Club Howard 8B la going to give a play entitled "The Pied. Piper." The. play la going to tae place at the Wilmnette Wornan's club- and-if it turne out good, we, shah give It st Howard achool. We have been practicling the. play for two weeks.'and we- know our parti% quit. weill Bill Schara -and Walter Rkobinso nwere appointe#i by Mrm. Stall- ingý tq -b. the - stage- managers, for prac- tic., but they cannot be stage managers, during the play because they have parts of their own. The cast. la as foilows: mayor. Charles Moreau; first, second, third aldermen, Howard. Bail, Hall Schaub, Ludwig Skog;,gua rd, BillFraymonvi;le; Mil- ler, Bill Schara; heraidj, -Walter Rob- inson;è.oid woman, Betty Kay Morgan; Thnothy,1 Fred Kaspar, Greta, Virginfia Brooks;- Pied Piper, George Green;ý Dame Miller, Alice Derenhi; ,F'reddie, Frederick Ludiger; samaîheat chiid, Na- dine Meaker. (taken from second grade), and two more àma-il children, Robert SmIth and Warren lnuff. Mrs Stafling la -going to take the stage' managers over to the Wornan'a club to makie arrangements for the play. The play. was scheduied to b. given a week from i!Thursday, November 13. -Walter Robinson, 8B Howard. Movies Show How Steel Is Produced and Used T uesday, November 4, while Howard 8B was having arithmetic, Mrs. Born, the substitut. for Mrs. Jones, toid us we were golngt o see a moving picture at il o clock. The bell rangat 1il o'clock aud the. slxtii, seventh and elz.h+h wradnammd infri the> udf- * ould get ties ail iane clDr, w e arev alse g.tting theni whoesaie. -Vjrghil.a Flake, 7B3 HOW4~rd. pupils Enjoy Afternoon Studying in Art Institute H1oward SB spent Thursday atternoon et the Art Institute. We lett the. sta- ttiln t 1:38 and arrived in Chicaget **iflf an qiun.jue ...w. aau auw.. .. ou the main flier lu the sixth, seveuti eud eiglIth rows, eud the $2 seats we.i ln the. balcony iu the. first euh secon rowm. The tume we are goiug le Decen ber 5, at night. I amn ure everyong will enjoy thus play. -Robert D. Turgeon, 8B Howard. Even Washing Dishes Isa Fun at Pot Luck Supper Next Thursday the. Girl Scouts an tain of tne Iurat team. R-eleh 'nas ou pieces. It was very interesting and ber team: Ellene Weakhy, Araxie Jor - everYbody eàJoyed It. Jorian, Shirley Garnima, E Iea n o .--Howard Ball, SBE-Howard. Speredes, Jean Gordon, Lucihle Wataon, Janet Hardt, Barbare Ormsabe,, Cath- erine Sîmouds -and Helen LlndstromSpeedbali Team ProIM1 second teain captaisi. W. hoe they aýre easPenatFlpp ail weli plcked teams.. er P n atFlpig -Helen Llndstrom, 7B JHoward. Howard 7B la looki ng * forward >to get- tiuig the peunant this year lu speedbaIl. Stolp Outscores Howard we hiavewon all of our gainas. W. hav plyedfour games, W. have one 17 to il in Kickball Game mare. It oing. tlu wcaitA4ip Last Monday, Howard 8A played gaine. We lest the jenat n football ;' Stoip 8B in an excitlng game et kick- therefore 1 hope we dçun't lose lt --ln ball. The teauns were weli matched speedbal-Bigelow Haley, Jr., 7B sud he gineproved te b. very.thrill- Hwad e: SE ow a I