turer, will give a, lecture on his re- cent expedition to the .». ntarctic and the South pole at the Leslie F. Gafes gymnasium of New Trier High school next Friday night. Ini telling his own story of the expedition, Byrd will.use a se ofmoton ictures, seventy-fve percent. of whichi have _not been showni previously in commercial the- aters. F. D. Frisbie, whp isincharge of the ticket sale for thelecture, states that there are stili a number of good reserved seats available. Tickets can be purchased at.,any time durinig-the. day at New Trier Higli school. Any tickets not sold before next Friday night whenthe lecture is to be given: will, be on sale at the box office that night, Mr. Frisbie states. More Seate Availble General admission seats in thie bai- cony. also. are available, but Mr. Frisbie advises those intending to purchase these ' cheaper scats to do so' in advance, as there will be a large crowd waiting at the doors the night -of the lecture. The doors will open at7:15 o'clock. *Rear Admiral Byrd is beinghïrought to the norf shore by the Tri-Ship, club of New Trier High school, an! organization coniposed of ail boys in the school. He will be introducedby Walter A. Strong of Winnetka, pub- * lisher ofthe Chicago Daiiy News and a personal friend of Byrd. Aumong those present at the lecture will bc Rear Admirai W. S. Crosley, commandant, at the Great Lakes Nav- al Training Jtation, and the Sea Scouts of the north shore area who ivili come in ýa body and in uniform. Filla Engagements Press. reports that Admirai Byrd W i ill are, greatly' exaggerated, it was stated* this week. He 'is, filling al of hislcture engagements. It is likely that l e will, bring his' dog, * Igloo,:with him when le comnes to New Trier next Friday night. Byrd's lecture next week will be one of the outstanding educational Tie Wilniette Board of Local provenients on Tuesday night oi week authorized the village eng to prepare data necessary for calling of a public hearing on posed iinprovements. in the1 King. subdivision at Glenview east of the Glen Ayre station. Mr.Amy Leslie ToskY ey «ii direct the cantata, "ýA, Song of Thanksgiin4g,>' by Maunder,. which zWIll be- -Presented. by 'the Senior choir of the Piri Congregatoa church cd the morning worship service Sunday, November 2.. The cantata gives opportunity for some fine choral* singing, and also contains lovely solo and duet numbers. The soloists will be: Beulali Casier Edwards, soprano; Ethel Heide Wisb- over, contralto; Walter Tenney, tenor, and Lester Smith, basso. Miss Emily Roberts will play the organ accompani- ments. The members of the Senior choir are: Alison Burge, Elien Cozzens, Hiope Carfoli, John Chapman, Ruth DonèIson ' David Davis, Julia Elvin Thomas Elvin, .-Adélaide. Franklin, Doris Goode, Agnes Jones, Alice lien- derson, E-azel Kvepper, Frances Lutz, Mae Lyon, Oscar Marxson, Cornelia Nye, and Irvin Wicklund. C. of C. Will Elect': Officers December 1 The next meeting of the Wilmette GChamber of Commerce. will be held Monday night, Deczember 1, when new officers and directors will bre elecÏed. The Chamber will hold a spe- cial meeting at the Masonic temple Hotgarbage is taken outside for collection road, it siould bee placed in a covereci con- tainer so that-it will lekp ry. The service will begi n at 10:30 o'clock and close protraptly at il1:30 oclock. Dr. George D. Allison, pres- ident of the Ministers' association and pastor of the Minmette Baptist church, will deliver thé message on the theine, "A, Thanksgiving, Ex-. ploration." The Presideit's proclamation will be read by Drn Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Augustine's Episcopal, church; the scripture lesson by. the Rev. Carl I. Empson of:thc Wil- mette English Lutheran church, and. the praIyer ýof Thanksgiving byr Dr. C. H. Beale of the First Congrega- tional church. A cordial in vitation is extended to ail residentsý of the village, regard- less of dhurcI affiliation or. iack of church, affiiation, to- respond to the President's request t h a t "public thanks be- renidered unto God foral lis blessings." If You Need Work 1We'fi Help-Free! WiumZÏÏmLiPE 15 continuing its offer of opening its Situation Wanted colutnns to residents of, New Trier township who are out, of work and are seeking employment. This is being done f ree of cost and without any obligation whatsoever .to those using the Situation Wanted columns. WitmEE ~Lxim bas made this offer in an effort to dé its share towards re- lieving the uni ortunate unetnployment situation in,' the township. If you are uneniployed please feel f ree to use our Classified Advertisenient columns iii seeking work. The sole stipulation is that you live in New Trier township. For obvious reasons this f ree service does not 'apply to employment agencies orý to others who place workers* for a commnisison. Bring in your adl today. WILMETTIl- LiPE is glad to help you!1 fa taIer FOR SALE - (JORGUEOUS DIA- rnond andi sappi~bre dinner ring, purchased from 19. Kirchbergs -for $4,000, w111 sacifice for *$2,5.09 cash. A-59 Box 40, WII- luette. cision of the board of directors in session last Friday at the home of Samuel S. Otis, of Winnetka, presi- dent of the organization. The fate of this -littie theatçr has been hanging in tie balance since November 1, on Which date thevery active subscrip-r tion. campaign officially ended, with its quota of ýubscribers shoit.of ex- pectations. ,B u. s i n e s: s depression seemed -not to have skipped the ama- teur theater business in its poweï over the country, and the board au- n ounced at that time, 'in view. of the unbalanced budget, that an extra campaign would be c onducted imme- diately, and tha.t unlessý somethinÈ -was accomplishied to insure. theý wayi tlie season's work of the Circuit the-« ater. would' have to be dropped, and. the organization would -go ont of- ex- istence. .11 John Allen Stewart, business man- ager' in annotining the deciuion to. continue, said: "After making known its imminent. closing of doors, tic North Shore Circuit theater lias had many of its- friends hasten to corne to thec rescue. Subscriptions to the organization have been sent to tic office in most encouraging numbers, and word is had daily of many who will subscribe, iaving held off until sucb time as the ultimate decision to continue or flot was made. Another group who had already eubscribed for the year have expressed regret at the passing of what is truly a xiorth shore institu- tion, and sokne of t 'hem, interestèd to the point of action, have contributed to a special guarantee fund to imeure the production of the custonary four piays during the winter. Encouraged by these developrnents, and assured that there is a place for the Circuit theater. and that the north, shore wants it, the board ofdirectors have voted to proceed with the season exactly as announced in thc eanly days of the fal campaign." Accordingly, production work is be- ing pres.sed on "Nellie. the, Beautiful Tnaniksgsviùg ay, t.library. a Uc ornxt . ëkw il be asj g Al 'L-