Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1930, p. 44

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* ample proofthtat girls as weii ai older women are seriously interested in the unemployment situation. Twenty girls have banded together to give an informai dance the second Satùrday ini December, the proceeds to go to charîty. Husk O'Hae'u orchestra bas been secured to playý for the evening. Dancg will start at 9 o'clock. and antý inducement is off ered the *Young people in the, fact- that it will be informai.' In order to reduce the' ovêrhead as much as possible, there wilt 6be no decorations, the young hostesteswisely deciding that a good orchestra is the best drawing card they could offer. Bd may be se- cured from ýnypf the hostesses and ' are quite reaïonable in.price. ' ~ the hostesses, ten girls fromn the senior class and ten girls f rom the junior class at New Trier High school, are: Jean Liudstrom, Mary Ellen BoozerBetty Ketchum, Sally Clark, Sally Krîebal,' Mary Jeanne Tansill, jean Hardwiclc, Effie James, Ruth Offuer, Mary Kathryn Gleason, Mary Jane Rich, jane Spiuney, Mary Fowler, Barbara Crowe, Jane Lun- *dahl, Margaret Liudstromn, -jane Erickson, Harriet Leach, Betty Dos- tai, and Beatrice Driver.. Women Plan Charitg Bail for Decembes' 3 The Charity ball to be given at the Miralago Ball roomn the evening of December 3, promises to '6e one of thse best of its kind ever given along the north shore. 'A group of representative women1 f rom Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, andi *Glencoe are working hard to make it a a success. 'The proceets will be di- vided equally between the four vil- lages for charitable purposes. Benjamin Bis, the manager- of the Miralago, will give the ballréomn and orchestra at cost ýprice andi the cýommittee will receive one haif of the proceeds f rom ail footis solti. There will be a limit to the nuns*. bir of tickets ïo 6e sold so thatý the d4nce floor wilI not 6e too crowded ett amont Photo «by Carlos Tise -engagement of Miss Fran-: ces Stevens to Carlisie Vaon Dyke Christie ias announced recently by lierparents,. Mr..and Mrs.. Edgar Arthur Steve ns of Kenilworth. Mr. Christie is the son of Dr. and Mns. Arthur Carlisle Christie of Washington, D. C. B3uilding Fund Beneit Drawa Large Assemblage One-bundred tbirty-nine tables were isnld for. the hridizeparItv '1Tes- day eveni ie the largest Wilmette. At the WToman's club of Wilmette as a beneit for its building funti. In the, large auditorium, whose attractive- ness is enhanced this year by thse long cretonne hangings at the win- dows, the prizes were artistically.ar- rangeti on the stage for choosing by. the winner at each table, who was permitteti to make bis or her selec- tion from the large andi varied assort- ment. Lun7cheon Ho-stesa Mns. Miles Gerringer ci 1000 Mïch- igan avenue entertained on~e htundred guests at liznchecsn anti bridge Tues.- day afternoon at Shawnee'. Country club.: Chatliey, a great grandmnother. Dr. and Mrs. George Allison will chaperon the guests who will le-ive in a large North Shore bus from thse Wilmette avenue North Shore Elec- tric station. at ll :30 o'clock in the. mo,.rning, for the Drakce hotè'l where they will1'have luncheon. After luncheosi they IlIattend'the .musical romance, 1Three Little Girls," Play- ing at, the Great Northern, after which the bus WilI bringthem homne. A uarrow goldbracelet will b6e given each uest as a, symbol of the Golden Circle of Friendship, of the* Grand- myother's.club. The guests are to be: Mr. and.Mrs. Stacey Benett,.Mr., and Mrs. Davidi ,Nelson,,Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gathercoal, Mi. andi .Mrà. Claude Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. George Reidi, Mrs. E. A. Beach, Mrs. HI. G. Borgfeldt,, Mrs. Howard B&wen, Mrs. Frank France, Mrs. Dorlesca Green, Mrs. Auna Johnson. Mrs. Lilla Robhins, 3Mrs. Ellen Stormn, Mrs. Emma Sophie Young- berg, Mrs. G. J. Tompkins, Mrs. John Ouse, Mrs. Edwin Mer'dsen, Mrs. Summerline, Mrs. R. S. Smith, Mrs. Gordon, Mr§. N. Middleton, and James Allison and H. M. Phillips. Patrons for Junior League's Annual Bal The patron list for theThanksgiv-c Prsc ot Winnetka, Mr. and Mss. Willis Jackson of Hubbard Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Selden White of Bar- rington, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W., Campbell of Glenview, Mr. anti Mrj. Rufus Abbott of Chicago, and Mr.: and Mrs. Albert ýE. Cross,. Mr. and Mrs. George Dryden, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Blessing. Dr. and Mrs. William, Parices, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rew, anti Mrý and Mrs. E. G. Fuller, of Evans- ton. .A.JUUUU, Ili, was amonig thegess Thev_ playeti cards anti dancet i athe Miralago agfter, dinner SIaturday evening in the W:ilnzette B.aptist church. Miss Buethe. the. daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. William C. Buethe of 1351 Greenwood avenue, wore a dress of ivory satin with a triple train. Her veil was of ivory tulle with* a ba >nt of rosepointlace faitened.on each side by orange blos- som clusters. Her bouquet, was Of' whit swet pasorcbids, and roses. She was attended by Mrs. Paur Whitaker. Burkholder of. Evaniston as matron of ho;nor who wore green taffeta and carried talisman_ roses. The bridesnsaids,. Miss Elizabeth May Clark'aud Miss Elizabeth Mortimer of Chicago, Miss Hope Dunakin and Mrs. 'Fred .Darrow *Dunakin of Grand Rapids. wore ýyellow taffeta and carried bouquets of. Johanna roses and fall pompons, of variecf colors. Tbe bestiman was Pred Darrow Dunakin of Grand Rapids and the ushers were Walter Carl Buethe of ,Philadelphia, James Duffy of Oak Park, Richmond Corbett of Evanston1. Pressly Stevenson of Chicago, Van Dunakin of Grand Rapids, Paul Wrhitaker Burkholder of Evailston. Mrs. Carl Dittmar of Cleveland, Ohio,, wa's. mistress of ceremonies and the Rev. Dr. George D. Allison performed, the ceremony. Dr. Duna- kmn is the sonl of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Henry Dunakin of Grarnd Raoids, Mich. IThe cburch was decorated in white chrysanthemums, oak foliage, andi :ybodium ferns. Two candelabra igbted the -altar and six large can- les marked the aisie. A reception followed the ceremrony at Shawnee Country club. The young couple wiIl live at 408 Jefferson avenue, Whea-, ton. Mrs. Dunakin's týraveling cos-'- furne. was black crepe with touches of white. Mr. andi Mrs. Dunakin mave motoreti to Asheville,. N. C.: Guests from.Grand Rapidis includeti Mr., andi Mrs.:,Charles H. Dunakin. Van Dunakini, Miss Hope Dunakini and Mr. and- Mrs. Fred Darrow )unakin. Other out-of-town guests were Miss Edith Whaples of Wau- :egan, Mr. and Mrs. Fredetick Davidi )unakin of Cecil, Ohio, Mr. andi Nfrs. Carl. flttmar of Clevelandi, andi Nir. and. Mrs. Coral T. Heydeckçr of Vasrkegan. evening in honor r-4 Mr. anti Mrs. William H. S. Black of Glencoe who left the next day for a wiuter in Cali? fornia. Tise guests returneti to the DeBerards' home after 'dinner fo> play cards.

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