To commemora te th e begi nnm ig..of. o0Ur. Second ,Yearl in Bsiness-mwe offering. over10 aimazing values ý,in a.7-day selling. Varetyis he eynte,o course.. everv section of the store is represen tird.But qualityï fashion accuracy1 vand, timeliness were our gu.ding points in- the selection of tilis mercandise which WCr are selling at remarkable prices., Here are items, for everyone in the familyand for the. home . . delightful things, presented just in tir-e for Thanksgiving Shopping,, and for early Christmas selection. Note Particularly Our One- Day Speciols Wedneadayo November 26. For Thanksglvlng DImne this speclal value ....... 2 Jars of Plain Olives 2 Jars of Stuffed Olives 1 Tin of Ripe Olives Complete for $1. Headquariers on ihe Th ird Flor' FridayNovebr2 West* papeir Baskets A seection for bedrooms and living rooms. Special-powder boxes in met- al and pastel shades. $1, Monday, Novem ber 24, tombher Bridgoe 'Seta_ Marvelous Glft Itemieu....... two Fridlay, November 28 Four Commandlng, aSp*clalsEe............ Hundreds, of -girls wool seoldresses 16 at $6. Mechanical train set, $1.25. Fifth Floor. Men'Is Jlandkerehiefs, linen cord hand rolled edge. 3 for $1. Women's sheer linen hand- kerchlcfs, j'inwhite, colors. Doz. $1. Headquarters on 0wc Firsi Floor Jjujquedea o UseFera Flor IJadquariers on I&eFirsi Floor Po Your Christmas Shopping Early J v i i .1 i. lia,&*mrim on IM Firsi Flour