Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1930, p. 24

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O'Shea g WvaPuu? "0 1lfteen executives form the charter menibers of the group whlch heId' its Meeting MQnday at the Invitation of Danldel IL Davis. dlrector of recreation lu .Wtlmette. Eugene T. Lies, speial representative. of the Playiground and OecreatIon Asasociaion of Amerîcas, wasj present and' contrlbilted to the discus- ions attendant to effectlng a permanent orgaulsatlon of the group, tg"willI b. held. monthe.the at the Whlting Community lieuse 1 .n Whltlngr, Id., at *whlch John Sharp, director of the bouse, will b. host Ur. Davis a4ted as chairman of the meeting and appltnted ýMiss Josephine bliekstock of 'Oak Park tomporary secetay.He also appointod the foi- iawing committees, the: minbers whlchi are to study, the problemns men- tion.d 'and te.pol'% at the noit group Wiliam P. Pfuderer, superIntendent of recroation ln Berwyn. heads the cern- mittee to investigate tho 'question of upils tax appropriation of the varions "ttes and to détermine what varlous states are dolng toward rocreation. The muembers of bis commItton are A. L. Lyons, sulelntendent of reereation at ,Rlver Forest, and Miss Jean Mored, director of the playground commission of Aurora. K. L. Walkup, suprlntendeht of the Playground and Recreation board at :Waukegan, was placed at the head of a commltteo to Investigate the action' taken by the state of Cai1fornia in re-, gard to rocognlalng rocreation as a stat. function. Tfhe other ipember of the commttee ls Dr. J. W. F. Davles, director of the Commipnity House ln Winnetka. an;d Mr. Harris Danteofo. Harvey. Mfr. Sharp of Whltlng," Charles W. Clark, director of communlty service at Hammond, Ind., and Floyd'Merriman, superintendent of the Recreation com-, mtte, East Chicago, Ind., form a coin- mlttee to arrange for the December Seeting. efforts willI. be made to oh- tain V. K. Brown, superintendent of the South Park'playgrounds in Chicago, for the December meeting. Mr. Browni bas made extensive research ln the statue of physical abllity of adolesçent boys ând he wlll be asked to'speak on thîs subject at the next meeting. si, referee Schultz-& Nord (31: Eva Berndsten Geraldine Weber Ethel Keenor Alice Nord Vera Johnson plorence Clîfford Gladys Wood Jans, 1) XYZ (4) Rosetta Coninell1y Vivian Quigley Dorofhy Kummer Elizabeth Hoffmnan Lîlian Hein, Mary Kreusch Clemnentine AnItilo teferee Freshmen -11 (0) DODS (37) Eulala Barker Margaret. Castor Suzanne Koreyles Gladys Johnson rta Sum Betty Ryerson. sa selle Fitzpatrlck. Rhea KollI a Frances Schwall Hazel Kol Ma rgaret De Marco Dorothy Bersch Beryl Lundberg 408s, referee TNT. (8) SOM (25). Jean, Munro Anna Kristoff Do rothy Volman Agnes Costelle Marion Iverson hEelen Hlunter Marjorle Paterson. Elsie Zopp Eleanor Shanahan Clara Kristoff Oli1ve Bllima*¶ PAullne Garrty' Rlggles, referee Browntes (2) Ohlo (0), Elsie Paterson Karay Pearson EMffia- Hicks >Marlon Pearson Mary Lauer Geraldine Weber Fraànces lCKelley Jacqueline Shabeck Harriet McDermott Sara Garrity Lorraine O'Shea . Dorothy Srnith Rlggles, refere Wisconsin (2). Chicago () Rita Weber Ceraldine Mick Elizabeth Faber Marlon Weber Amie stem2liel Virgînia Fltzhugh Catherine Didier Elizabeth Hoffman Mary Hoff mar Margaret Xelley HlnDeinlein Pauline Garrlty Marie Remiek Riggles, referee SPORT CALENDAR Mondal, November 24 7 :30 p. mi. WVomèp's basketball. TNT vs. DOD.. Stolp gymnasl. Men's volcybali. Howard P. T.: A. VS. Methodlsts. :Howard gym-. naslum. .M-"'s volleyball. ýHoffmin, Florist *vs. Village Cleaners. Howard gym- nasium. - 8:15 p., m. Women's basketball. SOM vs. XYZ._ S-tolp gymnaslum. smres Ohio TNTr. xyz menT imen I 1 1 rd .1 i 1 O .0 o o o O JUNJIOR, BASKETÉBAILL LEA Bruins V (19) Freshrr Sheldon Fox 'Ed Howard Herbon, Marshall Dlck Hall- 1. 1. Henry Hol Charles. Willlams Bob Héri AI Brown Phil Dlck Preston Warren Cozzens Todd, referee irlàh .(34) Jack Durham TedBuck JanierIveson Lowell Johnson Martln Johnson' Jack Mée junior A. Henry Bob -Sherwood Don 31 Todd, refere Bruina IV (19) Harvey Klunder Martin Sensendorf Carl Nordberg ,,Clarence Kavanagh Wlnfleld Rogers Paul Jones East Siders (92) Jack Harrison Tomi Obermeler Ed Mooney «Vincent Meter Joe Blaha Bob Afeter John ONe.il Tg Ii lsh Bruins IV East Sîders Junior A. C. Roasters Bruins Freshmen N. T.-.' tnev- UV- IIiiIense rorinii. seconue . cni IIued 000 tlight of a 'plane they ýhave themselves .000 constructed. the boys who were the .000 &trst nembers. of the club thi. year to .000 attain thiâ, license' are Gordon Sehuber, .0Thorne. Edwards. Fred, Aschbacker, >Harrison Storme, Jack Miller, and Paul LGEKruppa . Out of 'this number Harrison %IGE storsbave kMiller and Paul Kruppa lHorne dustrial licenso. whlch means they have .1Doeflowntheir Planes slxty seconds or more feyrand are entltlod to compete for the next manson Il Hoelz and hlghest rank, to attain whlcb they must IIy a plane,. they themselves have, constructed, for more than three minutes. Gilen W. Gathercoal, staff assistant eC (15) of the Playground and Recrention Spci board, le ln charge of the club. which Waters Ilàsvsonsored by the board. Kenneth E. 1Nelson Brubaker Is Instructor and flight em- Iclntyre mander of the groul). Schu ltzý & Nord (39) *Methodist (15), Rlobert McLeafl James IverÉin Marshall Ling Ted Buckc John Borneamip George Baton Joe Berol Jack Duirhanî Robert Nord H-1arloff, refere N. T. B. (18) Sherwood Palmer Bob Koenan Sherwood Nelson ,Charles Hall. Dave Henderson Toddl,. eferee Todd, Tean Roasters (41) Vincent White John Zopp Joe Woodward Bob Gordon George White referee Standings Won Lest. Pet. 2 0. 1.000 9 0 1.00o I 1 .50() 1 1 .-.500 1 1..500 1 1 .500 o 2 ..000 0 ..000 MEN'S B. BASKETIBALL. LEAGIJE Hoffman Flori sta (31). SCF's (23) August Wallowltz Charles Lamner Don Chape* Tom Thursby James Hoffman Otto Lorenz Alex Hoffman Bob Waters Ray Hoffmani Sherwood Palmer Ed Phillllps Joe Gathercoal George Hpck Todd, refere Team Sttandings won Lost Hornes 0 Scehultz & Nord -,.0 Bruins. Il I Wolff-Grlffis i State Banki i Bruis I1O0 xethodist .0 . reshyterlan - O0 1.000 .500 .500 .000 .000 MEN'S VOLLETBALE Gym Class I . Hoffmian Florist (15, 15, 7) (17, 9, 15) Walter Doose Ed Philllps Wil liam WWlamson Jake Hoff man, Art Austin August ,Wallowitz Rallph Perdue EKarl, Miller Carl Geppert Alex Hodff man Stanley Peterson Ben Thalmann Gatheircoa;l,. reýferce, Baptlst (15, 15) Earl McDow George Williams Walter Haas Ai Heirens Art Youngbere Frank .Gqthrdge Gathercoal, vs. Chi- Methodist (12, 1M Walter Sendblat' Leslie Matson Staver Mouldl'ng Dewey Anderson William iSehinler Pranl< Getînal ireferce' Village Cleaners. Harry Schultz' Àdolph Roth Tom MeîntYre Brad Keeleér Dave Boyingtoil Harry Bernardi rs--Bob McCloud, Tom idbrnt îd Robert Cutier. Simon and Stel f. referee 9P. M. Mon's basketball. State Bank vs. Methodiats. Howard gymnaslum. Mon'. basketball. Roasters vs. Ly- mns. Sitolp gymnalm Bruins Il (12) Wlnfleld Rogers Vernon -Wyle Carl Nordberg Harry Sierens Jack Harrison Pet. 1.000 St. .John's 1 1 0 1.000 Conigregatiohâ1 1 1 .500 Wllmette Grocery 0 2 .000 Hornes (27> Happi Cab Company 0 1 .000 rt Bernstein Paul Jones OBSERVE XIOLIDAY les Meginnîs Recreatjon activîties wlll be suspended lussell Horn over the Thanksglvlng holidays, Daniel am Websjter M. 'Davis, -director, of recreation, bas bbert Gordon announced. The sehedule *wIll be re- sumod DeceMber 1 Harioff, reten m Il '

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