HAIR A Beaufiful PERMANENT WAVE Careful study of indvdual stle a n d requirements makes aOur beauty service legby dependoble to those w 0 prefer the, BEST. Laditenadj ChiIdrmn', ais D eig b. SPociaiBarber inattend- aume. JVe Co" 7am UNclislw l, etf!Hai; Goeiand Cormoec. DANIEL GANS HAIR SHOI) 507-509 Main Sr..t, Evanston AIl Phones University 6242 (Oî s, vnaieHiI For a limited taule, we wilI deant on rssanygarment, siUc or woo,. meWs orladies', for $1.00 extras t. psy-no ups and no ,YoU. ,resented at the j osephl Sears scnooil ýn previous occasions, but sone of he scenes will be different this .year. Af ter Mid-Semesters sm students tmay give THANKS for a good TUTORING SCHOOL> ISABEL WARRINGTON. HLA PSI 8 14 Ridge. Torraco EVANSTON- 1 block south of Contrai St.1 noar Rdgo' UNIVERSITY 4198 -OUI HOW' 'LD SEE ECTLY 1I WRCLEAN ALL If there is'any. one thing that will test the ability of a cleaner, it is gloves. To deéan gloires properly, to restore the original beauty, and the velvety feel, requires, a thorough knowledge of fine leathers. We pride ourselves in our knowledgeof gloires. Ouir treatment, in addition to cleaning them -Greenleaf 7441 ulugrPuyPniA5MJnAY, renglOn atnd astronomy, as weIl as novels and de.- tective stories. Here is the Est, as clas- sified by Miss Whitmnack: Novels of Llterary Mlit DeepenIng Streani-Canfleld. MXy Own Far Towers.-Elkcer. On Forsyte Change--Galsworthy. Pool of the FamIly--ý-XIennedy. Staying wlth Relattons--Macaula. Phillppa-Sedgwick. Môsalec--Stern. Bitter Tea of General Yen--Stone. ifedlakes--Young. Ileteetive. itorles Murder at the Vicarage-.ý-Chrîstle. $outh Foreland- Murderý-Fletcher. Strong Polson--eayers. SEntertalinn Merles Duel of the Queens-Begbk., saint Johnson-Bùrnett. By Reanon of Strength--Johnson. Waters «Under the. Earth-ýOstenso. Klng's Mlnlo>n--Sabatinl. These Generatlons-Wlehe. Phllosqopluy andI eligion On Some of Life's Ideal"-ameës. Psychoioglst Keeps X{ue-Cowan. Quest of the Ages-Haydon. Cong Relgon-Schmidt. EImerglngR:Christian. Falth--ýNixon. Marksf an Educated Man-Wiggarn. Astronoiny Field Book cf Stars-Olcott. Universe Around Us-Jeanis. Brama *Meteor-Behrman. Death Takes a Hollday--Ferris. Uncle Vanya-Tchekoff. Travel England ln Shake.speare's Day-4-arri- son. Oid Glamors of New Austria-"-Clark. Hlgh Tartary-Lattmore. Mysterlous Sahara-De Prorok. Roads to Roam--Birney. Hi»la Moons Blandlng. Biography Masters of Science and Inet!oi- Darrow. Marie Bashkrtseff-Diary. Balzac-Benjamin. Eierson-Michaud. Joseph Fouehe-Zweig. Thomas Jefferson-Chinard. Letters of Katherine Mans fie d-M\urr y. Nôrthcllffe--F'yfe. Wolsey-Belloc. Xenophon-Jacks. fllstory Real War-Liddell-Hart. History of Iceland-Kjerset. S tandard, Test' Is Offer ed. to Seniors at New Trier A psychological examination wjiI be given to all New Trier High school seniors -this Friday, November,21. The LENS CLUB MEETS The Lens club of New Trier 1High school, amateur photographic organ- ization, nmet Wedneêsday afternoon for the purpose of, electing officers and orgaziizing it programn for the year. H. H. Herroân is the clube' facultY sponsor.