S KE T Lrat1rin, 1-V I aUCb.E1t Oliïngnisner, Okla., wa$ maid of honor andKenneth Stilling, brother of the bridegroom, sered as bëst man. The bride is a graduate of Knox col- lege. ii a memnber of Delti Delta, Delta sorority,ý and -was vice-president of -the senior class and, student council. Mr. Stling was -graduated f rom Knox" lait june, is a menther of Tau Kappa E~p- silon, and was elected to Theta Alpha hidramatic f raternity. Mr. and Mrs. Stilling, Jr., will be at home at 7050 East End avenu e, Chi- cago, after January I. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Stilling, accompanied by Kenneth and Marjorie, Mrs. VýanKirk, and Mrs. Henry Newcomb (Harriet Stilling), of Boston attended the wedding. Mrs. Alfred Mcflougal, 325 Ab- botteford road Ke,iiworth, is leaving on Saturday November 22, to motor to Decatur, Ill., where she will spend Thanlcsgiving week with relatives. REJECTED MEN & WOMEN If Yeur application insurance has been re accourit of ehvsicat ailm BAIL The n saon s h«O* * * an hore et Chandlr'sisalt. * quipmenf youIl nd. Basket Bilis Sturdy cowlide on" i Spalding and. ohhr; good ma..$6 and'up. DaiWe- bail bladders, $1 .25 and up. Jerseys * Fn.Iy wov.n and w&ffi$f. kni ljerseys in -a jblu cardinal, maroona dblack $1.25 up. It's a reat Littie Underwoodl, for lite jected on given to Admirai Byrd in appreciation of 'his exploratiost work in te Antarctic.I 936 Sheridan F Byrd is to speak at New, Trier High scisool on )PrÎday night, November 28, under Wlet 4082. the aupices of thse Tri-Ship Boys' club of te scisool. Wlet IN PLANS FOR BALL The Chicago Arden Shore commit- tee',is giving its annual charity bal Friday evening, November 28, in the. Grdtnd ballroom and Red Lacquer roosu of the Palmer House. North shore oad, Wilmette.. Dofot -délay. THE PERFECT XMIAS PIRESENT Th Portable Uncidrwood Psup the, Underwood traifon..iftdo.us job of doig iti Ad the. best reàson for buy- ing your Portable-et Cha.d" more t t0 suit your cIîiId'a prsnodlity HOLLYCOUET 098 Phoi EUGIENE Le R"Y Studio oUniv. 2238 1606 Chiao Av*, r' Thfrd$,~, Evanston B-A I but