-And Row is the. time bo buy them because A&P tlis week offers a choice selection of baking needs at decidedly' kow prices. Stock up-NOWI Premium Cocoanut Dromedary Citron Peel Orange and Lemon Peel Confectioner's Sugar 2 PK.2c * K.25c * UTTE23c LB 19C * * *%LU. 17c, 2 27c 2 115 5c shall also bear the image of the heavenly" (I. Cor. 15:49). Among the citations which corn- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing f rom the Bible. "If ye thent be risen with Christi seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on- the right hgnd of God. Set .your affections on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your, life is hid with. Christ in.God" (Colossians 3:1-3)., The lesson-seermon also included the following passages. from. the Chris- tian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Edcdy: "When under- standing changes the standpoints .of to a spiritual basis, we shall.gain the reality of Life, the control of Soul over sense, and we shaîl perceive Christianity, or Truth, in its divine Principle" .(P. 322). TrO RENEW CONTRACT Trhe contratt entered into by the Village of Wilmýette, for street light- ing supplies, will be renewedwith the Westinghouse Electric com pany, effective December 1, 1930, for 1the ensuing year. The present contr.act with this company wilI expire Novem- ber 30, 1930. On Armistice day Paul C.- Lang, jr., 933 Ashland avenue, entertained fourteen of bis friends at a party and supper in celebration of his tenth birthday. John Wilds, 244 Oxford road, Ken- ilworth, returned on Tlnirsday f rom a tripto Boston. 0o Mr. and .Mrs.. Mark- Cresap of Woodley road, Indiana Hill have gone to California for a short stay. THANKSGIVING DY, 162M The story 6f how 'Tbanksgiving first came into being is familiar to every American school. boy-and yet it isone to which we can well give a 014 lui VY;K Last year New Trier's lightweight basketball team tied Provjso for the championship of the Suburban league, while the heavies finished in third place. Coach Gpater lost -ail of last year's flrst team heavyweights by graduation, and, most of the l ightweight- players Who won faine last year will -moive into the heavyweight division this year. Prospets for a strong- heavyweight. team at New Trier are, bright, despite the loss of hlast year 's regulars. Two fellôws by the name of. Gordon f rort Fond du Lat, *Wis., are responsible for some of this optimnism. They âowv live in Wilmette. Both phayed on the. Fond, du Lac team that won the Wisconsin High school basketball chamtpionship. last year. Robert Gordon was captaîi- elect of' the Fond du Lac team .f or thi s y e àr. He s a guard. His brother, Frzank,ý a forward, is .also well known. for his basketball prowess.' Frank Church and Harvey Klunder,' centers;- Colinà Finlayson: and Paul Jones, fo rwards, and Charles Kremer, guard, on last year's lightweight Cham- pionship teanl1 are iikely prospects'for the heavyweight team this year. Aniong them were the leading scorers of the, Suburban league in the Iightweight class last season. Coach Grater is also expecting ail- other player who was ,flot out for: výar- sity basketbalhast year to mak-e a 'strong bid. for this year'-team-Alleù Stultz. Stultz played with ýone of the intraniural teanis at the high schot-il last year. Thirteen games are on New Trier*,s schedule for this year. including olle with Stivers High schoh ofDaytoti; O.,. to close the season on Februar% 28, Poublebead-rs wihI. be played onil I dates with the exception of the, hast. The schedule is as follows:, Decemnber 5-Maine at New Trter. December 12-Hyde Park at 'New Trier. Decemnber 16,-Morton ,at New Trie!'. January 9-New Trier at DËerfield.: January 16-New Trier.at Ealt>1 January 21-Proviso* atý New Trier. January 30-Oak Park at New Trier'. February 6-New TPrier at Mortonl. February 1O-Deerfield at'New Triti', 4 pmm 'February 13-Evanston at New Tir Pebruary 20-New Trier at Pro"Viff. February 27-New TIrier at Oak Pjwki. 1Februar 28-stivers (Daytonl, 0.) n t A&P FOOD STORIES ~ Q ggtAtlnti &paCific T.. C.. MIDIqýE W VIt4, >cience and~ Art have combined to mnake our pathe both safe and sntooth., Mrs. R. Tencher, 828 Ashlafld ave- to incrtease our leisure, and to fil nue, has gone to New York and iwill these leisure hours with happiness. flot return until after Thanksgivinlg. We have every reason to follow the She was joined by ber son, Jamel, exaruple of the Pilgrim Fathers in a who is at Princeton, and her daugh- sincere observance of Thanksgiving ter, Martha, who is at Smith college, Day-for where their blessings were ast week and together they attend*-. extremely few, ours are, indeed legion. cd the Princeton-Yale football gaine Motors'Service, 721, Main Street, Ion Saturday. They will have Thanks-. phone Wilmette 2600-2601. giving dinner at Northampton. Swans Down: Cake Flour Goôld Medlal Cake Flour Vanîlla, Extract Baker's.Premium Chocolate Dr. Price's Baking.Powder. CN 23c i i - U