of pupils at Bush conservatory be - fore Miss Helen Curtis, founder of the Helen Curtis Piano systemn. T1he pupils presented are jean. kEmpson, .Frances Dahncke, 'Doris Trego, Rosemary McDaniel, Frances Ortegel, Dorothy, O.rtegel, Vivian, Mil-, 1er, Hope: Miller,, John :Welter, Her-ý manBirlauf, Helen Gordon, Barbara' Hoiway, Inger ,Waetzman, Hedi Nistle, Yvonne ,Nistle,. Dorothy Etienne, Eniily Kohl, Edith. Kohl, David Allison, EÉvelyni Jacobsen, Evangeline -Oison, Betty Rennierkar, Lucile 'Kraus,. Geraldine Hoffiixan, Lucile Hoffman,, Genevieve. Birlauf.. Baptist, Church. Woman's Society Meeting Today The Woman's societyof theWiI- mette Baptist church will meet for, luncheon at 12:30 o'>clotk this after- n oon..Members of Li nk F, of Which Mrs. Harry Kerr is chairnian, will be the hoste'sses for the afternoon. Mrs. W. A. Kendrick has prepared a tallk on "Conversational Civics." An attractive musical group bas also been arranged. The devotionials will be * presented by the reading committee fromi the book, "Christ's Mould of Prayer," by Francis. The- pre-school children' will be cared for dùring the luncheon hour and in'the afternoon. Catholie Club Group to Have Food Sale The, ways and means -committee of the 'Wornan's Catholic club of Wil- mette wiIl hold .a' food sale at the Wilmetteý Grocery and Market Sat- urda.y, November 22.,-A turkey will be. gi 1ven. as a prize. Mrs. P. J. Mc-. Gurk, is acting chairman- of the c om- mitting during the illness ,of the' chairman,' Mrs.'Frank Widger. Others ý in the group are Mesdames Peter Barton,' Gardn er Callanen,. Tilmas, Chambers, John Downey, Mv JKel- W-!I~ T Tn r t'il mlua Uiaspicuoust flliog L1IUb WUio are pulling for a grand and glorious time we find three Wilmette residents. who are destined to view the pastime as guests of Wm1me'rT hiPE. 'hey are the inners in the most-recen t Football Cont'estý conducted by this publication., Here they are: Edward Moomey, 124 Fourth troet, Wilmette. .Mri. Lana Hill, 917- Sixiteéniti street, Wilm.tt. Jack Allworth, 427 Eiihth street, Wihntt.. Andý listen to this,. the next Foot- ball Contest will provide free ducat- to the Northwestern-Notre Dame game. Read ail about it in this issue of WiLrÀZTTZ Ln. CARTER'S, Underwea r For the Entire Family> Make this store your head- quarters for winter underwear for the entire family. A full assortment of the famous Carter underwear in wool and wool mixtures awaits -your selection. Stylïsh. Sweaters A delightful as- sortment of gayly solid coland sweaters o f al wool yarns for the misses' .pri ced, :at $2.00 and up Mr. Haig Kashian, a prof essional Baclcgamnmon player with more. than thirty year's experience ip prepared to teach individuals o classesàhe rigial Backçgammon as, played in Arabia., 'where. this, fas-. cinating game originated. For particuiars,' telephone 1107 Gyreenleaf Avé., Wilintte WOMENP' Smart Shocas Always of the genui, light gray. a splendid newest creâ sf oot we suede tie trimmed with e Rajah calfskin in a çontrasting shade of FERIENDLY: FIVES Sma1rý, new, y outbful styles for young men in genuine caîf leathers and swagger brogue styles and only 5 . 1 Weri Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, Kenilwortli left last Sun- day for New York where they ex- pect to spend a.week or. ten days. They will attend the Princeton-Yale football gamne on Saturday. - A Good F'amily Stre - 1123-25-27 Central Ave. Ph. Wil. 1914 Brinsg 1>.ur Shoes Hure for lAu Faoeus Tue-Due RepWiEg y s.