Expert honest battery service awaits you at our station, We want*.you to know it- just once-tenyo1l be a. regular. Ail make.s wecme :Wâshing-B tteries and Service-Greasing Whette Datery &Electrie Service 740 Twelfth Street Phone Wilmette 69 1 696, GURATEI FUEL DELIVER *DON'T-WAJT FOR THE BLIZZARD! CoId weather often arrives unexpecfedly and with- o rs pny< ouf warning. Prepare for if NOW by felephoning your -cool order fo us. A bin fuit of our guaranteed Cool or Coke. is fte I>est tind of healt and comfort însurce-"Every ton mnus+ safisfy or we romove it and refund your money" 8 UY ýYOUR COALý ON APRVL COA WILMETTE 130 0 @onsumers Company h. iLENOE 5 Y YARDS A L.L 0V ER T HE NO0R TH SH0'R E DI1S TR1.IT: Carl L Braun Phil H. BrauW I Telephone Winnetloe 3020 Robt. Fe Doepe