Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1930, p. 64

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a cost -of $105,000 and the raising of a fund off over '!0,0O0 for> the equip- ment of the new units, were pointed out as the outstanding accomplish- ments off the National College off Ed- ucation' for the year, 1929-30 in the report giveén by President Edna Dean Baker at the annual meeting of, the Governing board. of the college beld in Harrison bal Friday evenling, No- vember' 7. General Abel Davis, Fred A. Cus- caden, William Sutherland and Mrs. Andrew: MacLeish, whose ternis of offic.e as: trustees expired at this time, were. un animouslyelected to succee d themselves for the ensuing tbree-year p eriod. oIn commienting, on -the.completion ofthe. building l>iss Baker spoke of tbé. fne work of the arcbitects,*'War- jren S. Holmes company off Lansing, Mich., and *of the contractors, A. Li Jackson 'compaiiy, and of the assit- ance off Dean Wiliam Ratier of the School off Engineering, Nortbwestern university, who acted as adviser on building construiction. She also ex- pressed particular appreciation of the work of the building committee off the board of' trustees. General Abel Davis acted as chairman of this group with William Sutherland, Fred A. Cuscaden, ' verett R. Cook and Ralph E. Church as members. Miss Baker 'spoke of the assistance given by Miss Mabel Kearns, secretary of the college "wbo solved as many problems as dld the contractors" and of Mrs. Marguerite Taylorof tbe Art departmen't off the coliege, whose contribution in 'the field off interior devoration has been.invaluable, Gift. Exç»d ZO Giftstotýaling $20,638.63 ba ve beenl received for the. furniture and equip-' ment of theé.new units. The report showed the enrolîment of 822 students for the year, thirty- PuneraI serzices for Mrs. A lice Breytspraak Ullýrih, -masiciarn and club'woman, prominent in Wilmette. and on. the north shore, who died suddenly in her home, 925 Lake tIoetmoe W-ilmette, Saturday might, ïwere held T'uesday afternoon at 2:30 in St. Luke's chu 'ch. Bisho> George Craig Stewart, assiuted by Dr. JlHubert Carleton, rector of St. Auguitine's church, Wilmette, and the Rer'. John Hubba.rd, who is in charge of St. Luke's, off iciated. Burial was at Graceiand cemetery. Mrs. Ullrich was the wiffe 'of Al- bert H, Ullrich, president of Lord's department store and portrait painter by avocation. The suddeness off ber death, was a sh'ock to ber faiy and to friends. She was' taken ili Saturday evening and died at 8:30.' Deatb' was caused by a cerebral beniorrhage.' Just before her death sbe bad been planning to conduct an art prograrn at the Sbaw- nece Country club Sunday and another in the Evanston Woman's club.Tues- day. She was 44 years old. A gradeate off Northwestern Mrs. Ullrich was widely known on the north shore, being active in many oruan,fnions'both in ,TEvanston andi the United States twenty-nive years f rom now. The late Supt. Frederick E. Clerk did a great deal off pioneering in the adviser systern, and the systeni be establisbed at New. Trier is- almost, uniue .i he> secondary school field. As evidence off the f act tbat, bigb schools iii 'other parts of the country. are greatly interestedl in the. Ne w Trier adviser systemi and 'are looking, to the nortb shore scbool for leader- ship, the Iowa Secondary Scbool Principals assication, meeting in con- nection witb the Iowa State Teachers' association at, Des Maines this week, bas invited. Acting, .Superintendent Brown of New Trierto address theni on the subject, "Pupil >Guidance," .*Mr. Brown. was to give bis talk at 2 o'clock on Tbursday affternoon, No- veinber 13. TO DANCE IN EAST Miss Lorraine }Ïaigh, daughiter off Mr. and Mrs. Chester L. Haigh of 1443 Wilmette avenue, bas completed ber contract for prof essional dancing in Chicago. Sbe is taking ag--nontb's course of dancing with Miss Abbott of' the Abbott School of Dancing in Chi-ý. cago. ' Af ter completing tbis course Miss Haigb, wbo specializes in ballet and toe dancing, will go to New York to fulill a contract. RUMMAGE SALE NOV. 20 The Ladies Aid: society of the First Evangelical church in Winnetlca will bold a rummage sale at 541 Chest-. nut street, Winnetka, Tbursdav No- vember 20, beginning at' 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. Eric Nelson or Mrs. Otto Spegel of Winnet.ka> may' be- called by1 those who bave: articles, to donate to the sale. Miss jane Ridgway, daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 201 Cumberland road, Kenilworth, left on Maine's new pool will be used for 'the water meet and each girl is to bring ber own suit. Trhe luncheon reser- vation cards, which are to be mp~iled, m ust be returned by November 24. Capt. Lillie M.- Hump hries *b as asked all members of' tbe patrels tio pay their dues for September, Octo- ber, and November. Miss Palier'had a table marked. "Pay Due§ lere". at the last meeting and will stili take dues this '1'uesday night. Raàs your troop paid in fuîl? Miss, Hump'bries says: "May, ! sug-. gest that. if the patrols leaders wilI be a little more careful about wear- ing uniforms theniselves, perhap.s the wbole troop would be better: TIsn't that right?, Well, let's try it! "The word "Unifornim eans "one fârini," wbich, of course, means "peerfect." Troop '2 has a fuil troop, coniposed of tbirty-two girls. They are a wile- awake group and very "'Scoutable." The following girls' are, members -of the -.troop:, Jane Blaylock, 'May Farmer, Louise Hickman, Ruthb Koe- zeI, Helen Prescott, Nancy Durgin, Betty Rosen, Marjorie Wood, Ruth Wetzel, Jane McClintock, Verna. Aschanbault, Marian Cox, Joan Halli- well, Barbara 'Ormsbee, Louise Schreiber, fletty Todd, Lois Anne Rosen,' Betty Solonion, Georgette Becker, Dorothy Byrne, Neli Cham- bers, Helen Cotseres, Marie Haake, Anna- Marie Reese, Gloria Rettke, Mildred Fariner, Dorothy Burgess, jerrine, Fromm, Margaret Li%.ely, Marcia Smitb, Jane Solomon,. and Dorothy Yarian. MISS LeNore Pal-mer is the: lieutenant. and M rs. Ethel Polzini is the captain.-Jane Solomon.. The. following question was dis- cussed in the patrol corners of Troop 2 on Thursday afternoon: "What. do .,eurge iiign school in r.y- j irs.. Ujrich is s urv Thbe Junior mothers will be band, her tvyo. childr at a card party.' for the' Betty, two stepdaughl following the business othy Hahn of Evanstoi Al mothers of St. George Ie trice Ullrich, hér paren y9be wdPm*. 1Jobn C. Breytq)ragt4, iran ites oi~iV 'I A iiiULLIW., ' on 'Iuesday, Noveniber 4, '4rOOP 4. e -Shawniee h ad 'a very interestlng meeting. Miss nue, a sistet, Mrs. Fred Bechstein, Patiner, lieutenant of Troop 4, had by ber bus- 2245' Central Park avenue, and two anme games ready to play. Tbree' Charles and brothers, John B. Breytspraak of Evan- scouts f rom Troop 1 helped us on our Mrs. Dor- ston and Victor Breytspraak, wbo lives menit badges; the girls 'who are work-' ci Miss Bea- in Florida.' ing for tenderfoot and second class &r. and Mrs. Tuesday, L.ord's department store was also received help, -jean Afin Forest a*e- closed ail day because off the f uwal. Moulding-

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