MRS. FULI4ER-LIOME S 1618 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 7220 72LTN28-lte Brand new 7 rm. brick- hom e. stone tri, extra lavatorv on first fl., att. garage Wili take vacanlA lot as part paym-ent. AEAL'rORs 340 Iàinden Ave. Wilmette 68-444 72L28-1tc JUST PUT ON TrHE MARKET Winnetka. Attr. col. hse., south ex-, posure. Spacious sunny liv. -rm., 6 bers,3 baths, extra lav., htd. slp. poli. Scrd. pcbi.,f&cing lovely garden. 011 'ht., Frigidaire, 2-car gar. Play- grdl. wlth apparatus 'for children. Lge. beautitully landscaped grounds. Only $28,000. Wlnntka 1194. 7SLTN28-1te MORTOAGE FORECLOSURE. PUTS on, the market beautiful brick old Englinli rosidence. 4 bodroome, built 4 years tàgo at eôat oô $261M.o or.c- ner lot 185xl68 bringe lnormal value over $40,000. In Chicago city limita, fronttng Edgebrook Forest presorve. No rea8onable offer refused for equity. Quick action essential. Phone Wil- mette 3610. 72L28-ltp BARGAIN. EAST GLENCOE2. ONLY $13,000. 7 room home, newly decoratod, for Immediate occupancy. 5 minutes tô main station, convenient to schools. On, large lot. DOROTHY K. ROSS 663 Vernion Ave. GIence 3)S'Y 4u, VV iKPIWLLe., i 21. J. 1. * WINTEU RST ANNOUNCEMENT Do you plan. to *Inter in Miami this Season'? Lot us arrange for your ac- commodations. You will flnd our Renting Department can assfst you ln locating plegaant livable quartera dur-' To quaiify for this uiiusual offer, you must own a lot ln a suitable loca- tion and be a.ble to make 10w . monthly paymnents mast as you now pay rent. NO CASH DOWN-15 YEARS TO PAY-LOWEST MONTHLY PAY- MENTS OBTAINABLE-NO PAY- MFINTS FOR BIGIHT MONTHS If your lot. Is in Wilniette or la any noarby conimunity, do-flot fail to iii- vestigate. Write, giviàg your naine, address and telephone nuruber. NATIONAL HOME BUILDERS.. CORPORATION 205 ýW. Wacker Drive, Chicago 84L28-Itp se FOR UALR-HSKULD. 000DS THOR AGITATOR WASHIUR, NEAR- ]y new, complote with wringer andý ironer.. Also gas heated. dryer 'and small gas 'range. Ail In excellent condition. Ph. Wllmette 1351. 86LTN28-Itip FOR SALE-FURNITURE: 0FALL 4inds including piano,. rugs,. dishes, etc. Rensch Fireproof Warehouse, *5211 Main St., Wilniette. OA-i 1 P114TlTD DrINING ROOM 'SET, 2 sanitary cota9, l'double iron bed with, hair mattress. Phone Winnetka 206. 86LTN28-ltp WALNUT BEDROOM SET. CREAM.N *color porcelain-top breakfast table. Hall rug. Ail In good condition. Phone Wtnnetg 597. 80LTN28-ltc MUST SEJLL ALL MY FURNITURE at a sacrifie wlthin 3 days. 1627 Wilmette Ave., Wiliette. 8LIF81t FURNITURE FOR 4 ROOMS FOR sale. Practically ziew. 1081 Gage St. WIinetka 857. QfT.PTOO>91 te FOS &0 ALE-MISCELLAN KOU$ MINNR&,ýPOLIS HEAT REGULATOR, 8 ilay ock, elec. motor. Liko iiew. Wlll Install for about % new price. Phone Wlnnetka 231. 88LTN28-lte VAP, -Q OA W. l f l 'Tdl t *yb Some obf t/se Prises and mtost of the meinbers' of the prise committee for t/he largqe evening card party thet ways and means, comsnittee 'of the Woman's clu4b of Wilmette is sËonsoring uczet Tuesday eît'eting are pictured hiere. Pro.ê. eft,.4Io .'ght they oare Mrs. A. . B&i'ws, M#,. W. W. Baldw4n, Mrs. R. D. Oilar, Mrs. H. J. Leach, Mrs. E. J. Codn-er ' Mrs. G. W. Lilly, Mrs. P. E. I3avenport, anpd Mrs. H. A. Storms. The pri.zes ore only- a. fezî of týhe large assortinent. tlt have bre, .iven for the' bridge. i'roceeds fron. which toi/Iaugment the, club's biuildinig fitid.. Congregational Club Meets Monday, Nov. 17 The 360th meeting of The Chicago Congregational club will be held' Monday evening, November 17, in the Grand Ballroom ôof the_ La Salle hôtel. Dr. Ashley Day Leavitt, of Boston, Mass., it ta> be the guest speakcer. of the evening, addressing the club on "Puritan and Pioneer." Dr. Leavitt was born in Chicago 53 years ago,. bis father being one-of.the founders of the Chicago Missionary and Ex- tension society. He is now chairman, of. tbe Prudential. committee of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, president of the Boston Congregational club, and ,Winnetka Near Top in October Building Field Building construction in Chicago suburbs made a gain. of 19.22 per- cent in October as against Septf m- ber, and took second high place of. the year in suburban comparisons, according to the building survey de- partment of S. W. Straus and cous- pany. Permits issued in the. forty-four, suburbs rep .orting totaled $3,167,191 in* Oct ober, as against a -total of $2,908,156 last month. Compared with the October 1929 total of $5,751,698, a loss of 39.72 percent is registered. m exceuoni LV api~ Iggewatel, Beach. 0o lnwUnete r Wn- Mrs. W. B. Montgomery of Rea l" Gregory "avenue is spending weeks in New York City and Pl SSLTNIS-7ltc deiphia. 'I e Mrs. E. F. Nortonà Of the Sover- GeceadbsPans eign hotel is spending a few days at the home of ber sister, Mrs. John Miss Elsie Hughes of" Otsego, D0 . Small, 411 Maple avenue, prior Mich., teacher. in the high school', 'o to hier departure Friday fer Palm there,' is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. - Beach, where shie will spend the win- J. Hugh Poster of 921 Greenleaf, ter. She wvill motor south.. avenue over tbis week-end. 818-41k Ut. 4