Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1930, p. 61

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CALL *windoi InE an 748 Eirn DOWN$POUTS AND STORM SEW- r. ers and.otherrepairs. 377 Provident Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1288,after 5 p. M. 42LTN15-tfc BOY, 18, WISHES ATEN N work, exp. driyer, high . ochool gradu- ate. Ref. Ph. Wilmetite 3258. 42LTrN28-ltp YOUNG MAN 20, WHITE. HIGH- school graduate. 'Wiling tb do a.ny kind of work. Ph. Wllmette 961., 4iLTN28-lnc GARDENING,' HIOUSE WORI<, W IN- doivwashing and .ail kinds of odd e-xpeyrlenced andreliable man., Wimette 2345. 42LTN28-Inc EXPEMRIENCED MAN WANTS GAR- den and housework. N. S. ref. Ph. Wiimette 3073. 42LTN28-lnel 111GH SCHOOL GRADUATE 19, white. Any kind of Workc. Ph. Wii- mette 187i. . 42LTN28-Inc, *43 BIT. WTD. -ALE AND F£14n. * FEETO EMPLOYERS - EVERY- thing ina high grade help. Male or fernale, white or col. Ref.,pos. invest. Ask your neighbors. Lee Enilp. Agen- cys 1631 Benson, Evanston. Pavis 8116. UINJER STATE SUPERVISION 43LTN28-ltp 44 NEI.P WANTED-FEMALE POSITIONS OPEN 2 dornistic cooks ..... ........ ý$20-$22 1 first class cook tea rooni 2 .cooking lst fi........ ..... ..$2 4 4 &e!eral hswk................. $18-$20 * 6 generaI hswk.......... 1 * 2 second maida........1-1 2 first class coujples *We specialize ln white help oniy with A-1 ref. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 EImn St.. 8 No. First St.ý Wlnnetka 2662 Highland Pk. 2520 441-TN28-1tê- CAPABLE WOMAN WITH N. S. FOL- iowlng for -teiephone solicitation 'Photographie" few hours. daily. 'in own 1home.. PAUL1 STONE-RAYMOR LTD. 430 N. Michigan .Ave. Superlor 4585 44L28-ltc WANTED *WHITE -MAID, PROTES- tant, good plain cook, generai house- work, washing with machine. 4 ln famiy,. own roomn and bath. Must have A-1 ref. $20. Ph. Winn. 2095.. - www-v-. t- QUI CRi Buyer end Seller have -found the Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIF E of inestimable value. Many a deal iînvolving. hundreds Of dollars, has.been the' resutof a Classified ad which cost but à, few cents. Clasified ads wilI Be accepted every evening until 9.- Phone Wulmette 4300 Wednesdlay befor. 91P. M. for 1th. Curont Issue 57LTN28-ltc 00 FOR RENT-HiousES 7 RMS.* SIP. PCOIL SUN PAiRLOR, 2 C. gr. 5 bloéks to HubbardWoods. sta- tio. $75 xme. Saverai other reduced rentais. B. H.. BARNET Rioün 4, 526 Conter St., Winfietka * PHONE WINNETKA. 965 60LTN28-lte MODERN SIX, ROOMS, SUN PARLOR,ý 25 ft. living room,nwl decorated. Rot water 011 beat. Near sehools and WInn.* station., Large fenced y"h, wlth garage. $100.: Cali Wlnnetka 2684. 60LTN28-îtp 6 ROOM HOUSE, H. W. HEATNEAXI trgnaW>rtation and ho1 West Elm St. '455' Mo. Pli. Wlnnptka 2988. OOLT28-ltc $21: SHERJDAN RD. WIIM4ETTE. 4 ru-s., gar~age, newly -decorated, large yar& Ph. Wilmette 146ê I ________________________________________________________________________ - . OOLTN28-ltp 46 HELP WTD.-MALE F EMALE Christmas Box Assortments SALESPEOPLE - THE HIGHEST grade Christmas cards. Five different boxes of genui1ne etchings and, st.a- tionery. No other lino like ours. Sells a.t sigbt. Make 40 percent. "Gen Etch" Greeting Card Company, 19 South Wells Street, Chicago. 46LTN28-ltc WHITE COUPLE MUST BE FIRST class, good wages. Pauline's Agency. Winfltka 2662. 46LTN28-ltc 47 PERSONAL SERVICE CONSIDER EXCHANGE2 0F LAND- scape service for open car. Ph. W11- mette 4956. 47LTN28-ltp 149 FOR SALE-AUTOS 1928 Chevrglet coupe...............1M5 1929 Essex ' sedan ............295 1930ý Essex coupe ............... 385 1'928 Nashl Spor.t Couple..-.......5, Must be seen to be appreciated 1927 HupmobiIe sedan .........250 si FOR RENT-ROONS FURNISHED ROOM, CONVENIENT to transportation. Cail Wilmette 2764. 51LTN28-1ltp LARGLE SUNNY ROOM IN PRIVATE home, conv. te Kenilworth station. Ph. Wilmiette 1126. 51LTN28-ltp COMFORTABLE ROOM, % BLOCK TO transportation. 722 Elm St., Win- Cýnetka. Srd floor. 51L28-ltp LIGHT CLEAN COMFORTABLE room. Near transportation. Ph. Win- netk 298. lL2-tp LARGE SOUTH ROOM FOR ONE OR two adults., 731 lOth ,St., Wllmette. 51LTN27-tfe 53 BOARD AND ROON 2 ROQMS. BOARD IF DESIRED. Cail Winnetka 2632. 53LTN28-Ite ne FOR RENT-APARTMIENTS iUPPIER FLAT IN 29FPLAT BOUSE suitabie for smail famiiy or several aduis. Within block Hubbard Woods achool. Sun porch, sleeping perd-i. yard, b. w. heat. Call Winnetka 3144 Sun,. and eveningsa fter 8:30 except Sat. 56LTN28-ltc FINE MODERN 7 ROOM HOME $80, was $140. Owner on premisos. . 1077 Cherry St., Winn. 2140. 60L28-tfc SI OWNER GOINC. SOUTH- FOR WIN- ter offers 6 nm. furn. bungalow on east sido, very reasonabie ront to iglit party. Ph. your broker or Wllmette 847. lL28-ite WELL FURNISHED SE YEN ROOM cottage, ohl heat. l>ec. 1 or 15 to, April 30. Very 10w rent, rlght pa.rty. See C. F. M. Mille, 936 Hlm St., Wimetka. Phono Winiietka 1065. 61LTN28-ltc FOR'R2INT OR FOR SALE, 4 UOOM cottage, partly furnished, stove heat, gas and electrlcity, bath, reas. relIt. 338 i4ncoln Ave., Glencee. 61LTN28-ltc TO RENT-?ASADENA F'OOTHILLS deliihtful funished rosîdonce wlth 2 acre garden and guest bouse for wvin- ter or longer-phono Wipnetka 2456. 61LTN26-4tc es, WT,. IT RNT- FUJR"- HIES CHILDREN'S NIJRSEMAID, ýMEND- 'rooms; steam heated, hot or cola Ing, etc. dally 2:30 te, 6:30. Whunetka water. 51LT15-tfc a 153. 4L¶N2- NICELY WURNISHED WARtm. BOOM, F ,46 HELP wTrD.-MALz a FEMALE close to transportation, for busines - lady. Phfone Winnétka, 2176. WVHITE COUPLE. MAN MUST BE 1,28t Rood >driver; womnan, cook and gen-' eral. housowork. RÉef. . Phono Glen- ROOMS FOR RENT. 859, HLM ST.- cee 694. 46LTN28-l1tc Phono Wlnnetka 1325, 51LTS28-ltpý lUrnS. AUS. R id evory weok. raI A-vo. Ph, car a-ir'-. sgarage, 5rUSLIUatiorom MS., basement . Lot 66xl50 f.- tPrice $35,- )rch, 000. Terms. va.. WALTER P. SMITH & CO. 1021,: .1 REALTORB 837 Park Ave.P. 'ee7 1-ite,?t1l-t FOR mRENTr-FmuN ouBs» Il. b

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