"Journey's End" acclaimed* by cri- tics as one of the finest of war pic- tures, has the further distinction of heading an exceptional bill at the Wilinette, theatre for this coming week of entertainiment. In. addition 'to "Jpurney's *End," which will be featured at the 'Vil- mette Sunday, Moýnday and Tuesday, November .16, *17 and 18, such pro- ductions as "Night. Work," "'.On Vour Back"' and "'Meni of the North" will prviethilson other days o; the week. A cast made *up entirely oef nen will deserve the credit.for the mem- orable Sunday, Monday and Tueèsday to be occasioned atthe Wilmette bv the show, "Journey's End." Terrific. heroic and4 overpo we ring in its. emo- tional'appeal, this drama calî.s forth the best talents of Colin Clive, laui Maclaren, David Manners, Anthonyý Busheil, Billy Bev an, Warren KI,-nger and- others. Trhis, £tory of ten i en in * a British officer's dugotut, facing cer- tain death' and each in bis own waY waiting for the end, has a siniplicity that. makes great and beautifltd draia. Wednesday:and Thursday, Novem- *ber 19 and,20Q, the Wilniette will.'offer "On Your' Back," with Irene Ricli charmning as a Fiftb avenue modiste, This is a thrilling draina of Newlý York life against a glittering back- ground of the world of fasliion. Irene Ricli portrays the clever and worldly wise wonian whose cynical. niotto is, "Wear 'you.r brains on your back." She lets nothing stand ini the way of ber ambition for her 'soli, but then a girl cornes into bis life to challengte ber suprenîacy, and the battle. is on! ,H.. B. Warner, Ray'- mond H-ackett, Marion Shilling. and Ilka Chase ,al. help Irene Rich to realize the .dramfatic possibilities 'of this fascinating play, The first - North Shore showinig of "The Eyes of the World" will be at the Wilmette theater Friday, Novem- be.r 21. Ta1nn f romi the s torv hb Har- Community lionge Nov.'14, 15 More American hearts will be cap- tured by the broad grims, sparkling eyes andquick, compelling voice of Maurice Chevalier today and tomnor- row, Friday and Saturdayi November 14 and 15,. at Comm unity House. His picture wiIl be "The Big Pond." Claudette, Colbert, witb ber softly rich, voice, %ber beauty and intelligentý initerpretation oôf the role, is .a. pe r- fect partner, for thedebonair Cheva- lier. Carried throughi a .series ofý comie situations, Chevalier proves, that he,,can play, the ýclown.without, losing a certaini dignity; that he can bê tbe business. man as well as, the lover-, that hie can smile in the face of adversity-and Win! For. mirth's sake, see Chevalier, is ad-vice of critics. The opportuniity to sece him presents itself today and to- morrow. More chances for latugter-this timie, of the good old Oklahoma, Texas and ynerrie England variety-- will be offered at Community House Nýovemiber 17 and 18 with the showing of "So. This Is London." Who are the actors? Therê's,a mian sliding down the bannister too fast to count the stairs of the Eng'- iirh castie wberebhe is a guest. Wby. it's Will Rogers, and he's chewing somnetbing. Chewing gum and trust- ing that Will is to make a perfect landing, is Irene Rich. Tweaking bis' lordly Bnglisb moustache ini contster-. nation at the anties of bis guests, is Lumsdeil Rare. Yes, tbere's Mau- rean O'Sullivan, too. Other stars alIso appear, and contribute to the drama and giggles of this film. Wihnette Saturday mornimig, -Novem- ber 15, at 11 o'clock. First épisode Of the'serial, "Son of Tarzan," -and Rin Tin Titi and Davey Lee in, "Frozen River" will be attractions. ton Friday and Saturday, November 14 and 15, will be the roaring of tbe audi- ence in the Varsity theater. "Anybody's War" with Moran and Mack will be the reason for the guffaws. Neil Ham- ilton and joan Peers supply the v.- mance, while the. dog actor, Deep Stuif, also wins sympatby. "Love in the Rougb"l will be the Varsity attraction Monday and Tues- day, Noveinber 17 and 18. A generous sprinkling of laugkhs, :a couple of catchy tunesand a surprise ending make this golf comedy a pleasant concoction. Robert Montgomery, Ruth Jordan and Benny Rubin are featured. Wild adventure, -cannibal1 s, peari div- ing, sailing ve ssels,: love and melodrama ail add to the appeal of "The Sea God" wmith Richard Arien. and Fay Wray at the VarsityWednesday and Tbursday, Novemfber 19 and 20. A' grand and glorious singie-taîkie- danciego11ie is "Follow Thru" wih Buddy Rogers, Nancy Carroll, Jack Haley, Eugene Pallette andi Zelma O'Neal at the Varsity Friday, Novem-1 ber 21. HAS NEW PICTURE *"Sbiootinig Gallery" is tbe title of Dorothy Mackaiil's next picture. Çuesses as to wbat it's ail about will end with the showing of. the film. Nov. 14-15 MORON Md MACK, ma HoIidys omI Doses eps. eemnge:30 Toight-Friday and Tomorrow-Saturdoy, Eddie, Quillan and SaIIy Str.r in a. deliglil-ul comedy for ail the family- Extra at the Sat. Matine only-'Ouf of the liUon's Jaw' 2ndepisode 6f seril Sun. Mon.i, Tues. Nov. .-16-17-18 Coin Clive a-id Anthony Buckell in Acclaimed one of the greatest pictures of th~e pear by ail of the critics. W.d., Thurs., Nov. 19-20 Ir ene. Rich is very .chorm- ing as a Sth Ave. Modiste in "ON yTOUR Fr., Sat., Nov. 21-22 First NorthShore Showing! Harold Bell Wright's. "ETES OFVTE * QUIMPER WARE * - QUILTS MYRTLE WARREN GlenVieW 203 GI.nvi.w Borders. GI.nvi.w WILL LOI i$ THRUPP Ail et the Big 11,ttreil WestmErn Bi.crc Son Sydom