Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1930, p. 46

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f of the year, comp:ied' by J essie G~ay J Van Cleve, who compiles children's t books for the "Book List" every nontb, bas been released. jAil of ý the books in the foliowinig ist compiled by Miss Van Cieewr discussed, by the childrein's ibrarians f. t tbe recent Illinois Uibrary associa- Aion convention at. Moline, and Miss Winifred Bright states that prac- tically ait of. thein are available in- tbe children's col- lection, at tbe *7Et] Wilmette Public library: FOR LITTLE CHILDRIËN The . Talé, of the. W.. littI. Old Womnau. By, Beskow. Harper. A Swedish pictnre book, charming be- cause of' its color and design, -the simple text for whicb lias beeti trans- lated into English.. To-Market, Te-Markiet. By Brock. Knopf. Tbe story of the Dutch duck and the Dutch mouse who went to1 Op-Zoon and home again is easily, follôwed. Illustrations in soft line,l with just a dash of color.9 *Fingerfins. By Bronson. Macrmil-. Ian. This acconnt of a littie Sargàsso, fihis interesting and informing. and there is charni and originality ini the . pictorial presentation.1 A Rouudaboit Turn. By Charles.1 Warre n. This will be known as an- other fascinating Leslie Brooke pic- ture book, for bis inimitable drawings ilînstrate this rimed story of a toad wbo proved tbat the world was round. The. Blet: Littl. City Cat. By Craw- ford. Cape; and Smith. Very lti children will enjoy the adventures of thslittie black cat. The illustrations are full of action and reflect the1 sympatbetc realism of the tale. Angu and the. Ducks. By Flack. Doubleday. How Angus, the Scotchf evens ortn /Ind when thse c/c story. . He': diggi.sg. uj .Wanda and Gtet.. fy Palm. He pulls the inooi Longmans. The And wuhen hisi gay, ively llýus- Thcre blooms onî trations in. this Tsat popie cal book belp to, tell From "Aroundj the, stoiry of thelsnhed by'Thomau two littie Swedish. girls, who had sucb jolly times on the tarin that lay close tO the water's edge. A B C for Ev.ryb@dy. By Sewell. Macmillan. Deligbtful pictures ta show the progressive- activities of a, little boy and girl tbroughout the Timothy and the Blue Cart. By Whitney. Stokes., This is an, easy story of- three littie, American, chil- dren wbose stay inà the- country was made happyby Benjamin Jolly,.who drove old Timotby.>hitcbed f0 a blue caft. FOR'OLDER BOYS AND GIRLS Liang and L. By Wiese. Double- day., How Liang and Lo set ont on 1the back of a water buffalo. to find a dragon which, wben accomplisbed, *proved flot so' terrifying an encouniter after aIl. A delightful picture book. Little Pilgrim t. Penn'* Woodà. By Albert. Longmans. This is -a story of homne making in théi early days of our conntry and of the long jonrney from Germaiîy f lat precedéd it-al told froi the point of view of a littie girl, Selinda Reinhardt. J*"t Lankstr. By Allee. Hough- ton. A sforyof Quaker pioneer life in Indiana in pre-cîvil war days, ofi hûw Jndith introduced something of culture and beauty into the bard working Huf household. The SiIver Shli. lBy Chase. Hoît; Jndith Crane lived on Great Hornecl Istand off the coast of Maine, and onfe1 day she found a* beantiful shelli m- bedded in 'a spar washed ini froin foreign shores. She cberished it andi it ecmea sort of lucky piece fori ousds go blowcing by ip his weeds, on u> by the roots, work is done story of Lisbon in the days when nations were' te great big flouwer striving to find il t/ese uf. j-the sea ronte to a Toadaitool." Pub- the East. oS. ýRockweIIl Co. eM.ggy. Mac-ý IntosL.- By Gray. Doubledawy. A good storyof romance And adventure for old er girls.It' isý told'against a wellconstructed backý- gronnd of Scottish and e arly North Carolinia historY. £mil and -the Detectives. By Kasner. Doubleday. This story of how Emil secnres, tbe retnrn of the money stol- en'f rom himn will appeal niot* only to boys but tô older readers,. who will enjoy its - bnmor and boyish logic.. The. Blaciismith of Vil.. By Kelly. Macmillan. The scene -,of this well developed story of mystery and ad- vent.ure is laid i Poland in 1832, just after the unsuccessfnl revolution against the Russian Tsar. 1 SThe. Boys and Sally ' Down on aý Plantation. By Knox. Donbleday. A delightful picture of plantation life is given in this story of a little girl's visit at ber uncle's home some years after the Civil war. Ood-leuk. By Lide and Johansen.. Lîittle.. A story of the Arctic and of an Eskimo boy called the wanderer, who in ancient days established trade be- tween Alaska and Siberia. Ti.We. M' of Boliywodeu. By Mason: _Donbleday. Two tales,, ricb in humor, and imagination, that tell of adventnrous nights when the Wee Men were abroad. Red Hors. Hall. Meader., Harcourt. A story in Which botb boy and colt receive. fine training from UncleJon and in wbicb each bas a chance to, prove bis Worth. Rama.' Mukerji. Dutton. A fine rendering- of the legend of one of the most fanions heroes of India, told with, a ideliberateness that matches the tempo -of Eastern kindly neighbors. She î8 flot too busy to help à wdow neighbor with a daily bit of bread untul ber wandering soli. returns, and want flues out the win- dow to returnl no more. Wbile the characters are idealized, the-story leaves a pleasant after-taste. The alitbor does flot preacb' and ~g ~9 she telîs her story rapbically wit'b economy :of -words. %W11- * .t t ~T166 BI.cksMitl of Vil... By Eric 11< l I '1 P. Kelly. Macmiî- - Ian. "The lé - smi"th of Vilno," a - mystery and ad- venture story, of Poland, is easily one ,of the best chul-, dren's books of theyear., It is said io'be even better than "The Trumpet- er of Krakow" wh icb won the John Newberry medal Iast year and deaIt with Poland of the Middle Ages. SThe story is laid in Poland in 1832 after the uilsuccessfu1 revolution, against Nicholas, Tsar of. Russia. One of the meeting places of the patriots was the blacksmith shop at the edge of the forest outside of Vilno. A young boy, Stefan, plays an im- portant part in saving the ancient crown of Poland. In bis wanderings with a young girl in the greatLithu- anian forest he finds -an ancient tem- ple with à strange guardian. There are many tbings in the book to in- terest older as well as younger read- ers -of: from 12 to, 16 for. whom i is specifically written. TrO BE TRANSLATED The. following -'books have. been recommended by the- American Li-> brary association as, most suited for translation into other languages. It b as> -been, ,u iter.- 'tgi serve to connect thle stories oftheUIC 1 American boys and 'q. By Morrow. sights and -sounds of London. ' this edition wilI make a of Pita and Pedro Patejwk Play&. By Field. Double- for most children.,. or, playcd with in~ day.. Five plays that are simple Rose-Resli is a little lMut knfoWfl cm engineering and the mode of, liv- girls so that ing in a real work camp. The sîylé is welcomne gft lively and. there is a daâh of whole- some romance and adventure.. It will )rPhan girl,. appeal f0 girls, of the Gi Scout, age. 1 .

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