Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1930, p. 42

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I *rev * .James Kent Calhoun, 740, Green'wood avenue, *Glencoe.* The Rev. D.- H. Corneli will 'read, the service, Miss Caîhoun wiIl be attended .by Marion Born. of Wilmette as maid: of: honor,,and Audrey Caîhoun, ber sis- ter, as bridesmaid. Wil liam n fe of Wilmette will act. as. Mr. Gode's best man, and Don- ald,"Calhoun, Miss Calhoun's brothý- er, will be bis, other attendant., A number of, parties and showers have been -given for Miss Caihoun recently. Last Saturday-evening there was a dinnier dance for ber'at the College 'club in Chicago, given*by Miss Eugenia Cornish and Miss uth Chatfield of, Evanston. On Wednes- day afternoon of last week the staff of' the, personnel department of Northwestern university surprised Miss Caihoun with a pantry shower, presenting each gift with a, clever 'verse. Miss' Caîhoun is ini charge of information for the university. On Tuesday evening, November 4,, Miss Alice Froeschle of Chicago gave a linen shower for Miss Caîhoun, and Saturday, November 8, Miss Marion Born of Wilmette entertained for ber at luncheon and bridge at thte Orrigton hotel, f ollowved by a kitchen' sbower, and recently William Lane entertained at dinner, followed by a theater party for Miss Caihoun and Mr. Gode. Miss Rena Morris.of Ev.- anston entertained in October at an afternoon bridge and miscellanecus shower. Wellesley Circle Meeting The North Shore Wellesley ,circlé will meet Truesday_ November. 18, at *2:30 'o'clock, at the horne- of Mrs. Charles E. Peace; 105 Bellevue place, Chicago, with Mrs. Wa, ter Kuhlmey and Mrs. Ira Nestor as co-bostesses; M rs. Walter L. Bullock wiîll give a M rs. Harry B. Burnm~de of 1515 Lake avenue is the iiewly ap7,- pointed president of the Wilrnzette 'League of Woikmen Voters. ', Be- fore lier <ppointmient Vrs. Burn- side wcas thé ciairnurnt of the coin-' mittee oit legal 'status of wontcn." Site was a niember of the statc cominittee which campaigîrcd for thec référendJum ont jury .evire for zvompen, and as' a memiber of that conzmiittc she did a splendid f;îece of zcork. She mode many speeches ail over the state. and taiked over tlic radio ditriîng flhc campa i gn. Contsqticitly, shc is wvell known throug hout Illinois. Mrs. Bitri- side takes the place of Mrs. Ira 1L, Re.vllolds, former fresident,. who- lias gone to Washington, D. C. tq* live. del Lago, at which the special attrac- tion will be the appearance of the Banjo club of the University club of Chicago. Sunday afternoon lists another mu- sicale, with Miss Pauline. Manchester. of Glencoe, gifted young pianist. an!d Oliver Mellum oef Lake Bluff, bar - tone, as the artists giving their pro- granm at 4 :aO o'clock. Mrs. Myron Harshaw, È'hairman of t he children's party, com1mitee, -an- nounces that boys and girls through. thefiftb, grade wil. be especially in - trigued with.th e Party prepared f-or, them Thursday, November. 20. They aire toà be- at. the club for refresh- ments at 4 o'clock, and then, are to bave an hour of entertainmettby Rowena l3aB;stin Bennett. author of "Around a. Toadstool Table," and other charming, 'children's.publica-- tions. Mrs. Bennett is. very wel Jcnown for ber .professiona.l readirigs in and arotind Chicago by aduits a, well as children. She has given many programns ai- special parties and enter- tairiments in schools and clubs and ber critics are unanimoiis in their er-, dict as'to ber nmagnei esnlitv and as. to ber inagic t ouch emnanating f romi a prolific imagination and>a, gift of humnor. She reads bier owîi story poerns. *Assisting .M'rs. Harshaw on ber comniiittec are' Mrs. Sidney F. Bart- lett (Floy. Little Bartlett) Mrs. Ar- thur M. Barrett, Mrs. Walter A. Sheriffs, and Mrs. Robert' M%. Mc- Kisson. M~ôthers will be welcomne Thursday, the committee annouinces. Varlous other events now 'are being .planried for the winter. The high school boys'aiid girl-s-are to have,ý an informai football party of their own Wednesday evening, Novemibeir 26. The members of New Trier's 'first ele ven are to be guests of the evening. A buff'et supper" at., 7 o'clock' wiIl be followed by dancing.i Dudley Crafts Watson and bis l'ec- prornised members of Shawnee and their guests at the Shawnee Cabaret de Nuit, Saturday evening, November 29. The hallroomn and lounge of the club' wil be' transformed into French night club atmosphere with tablesar- ranged around both zooms. and space for dancing and a floor. show in the The program will include ultra- deluxe vaudeville and, celebrated. solo dance 'artistg of international famne. Chris Meldgard and bis Yellow Dragon orchestra, a, Cope Harvey unit, will furnish t.hemu*sIi Dinnier will be served from 7 11o'clock on. The entertainment starts at 7:30 and will continue, between dances. The following club members are assistinig Roy M. lKirtland, chairrman of the e'ntertainment commùittee, in arranging the cabaret party; Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Stanten, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Lasater, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wood, Mr. and ýMrs.H. Allen,'Mr. and Miss >Çarmnan, John. Holly, Van Etten Bent and Mr.. and Mrs. Lawrence Ely .,of, Evanstoni; Mr., and Mrs.- Earl Neir, Mr, and Mrs. George Dormùan, M r. and M4rs. C. M. McDonald, Mr.i and Mrs. A.. .J. BeBerard, Mr.:'and Mrs. W. B. VanLandingham, Mr. ami- Mrs. C. M. Burlingame and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cutler of Wilinette; Mr. and Mrs.. R. Feltrni and *Mr. and Mrs. H. Ehrlich of Winnetka; Mr. and M-\rs. L. A. Stewart of Kenil- .worth; and Mr. and. Mrs. S. L.ý Pan- kratz of Chicago. A group, of mernbers met together Wedne sday evenin g, joyfully partici-. patingin their work, of hand coloring the invitations- for the Cabaret de, Nuit. Other, e ntertainmnent features' at Shawnee are a Military Euchre party. Saturday eveningý November '22, under the direction of Mr. and Mrs.- H. J. Richter. This is an annual event an«ld .draws a large crowd. The prizes are six turkeys. John Dwight Sample, famous opera- tic tenor, will be the guest artist at a The womien of St. Iary's society of St. Francis Xavier churc'h wilà zDoet to sew at the home of Miss Rooen Koch1e, 1330 Gregory aâvenue, Wudnesday, Novemnber,19, at 2 o'clocw ' Anouce Engagement Mr.. and Mrs. E. A. Pettibone of 512 Cenral avenue apniounce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mary Paffline, to Leland R. Morse, sont of Charles Li Morse of Chicago. Saturday, November 29, for ber mar-, The ceremony wilI take place at Al niage to Harold A. Smith of. St. Saint's church ini San Pierre. A recep- Paul, Minn., son of Mrs. Alexander tion will follow at the home of the Smith of Kewanee, I11. Dr. Géorge bride's parents. The young couple D. Allison of the Baptist church will' wilI reside in -Chicago.,.after the wed- performI the ceremony at the home of ding. They will tàke a' shortnabior the bide-to-be's parents. trip south for their hôneymnoo n.

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