SPECIAL VALUE IN. NEW FALL FRQCKS 0F ALL WOQOL,.JERSEY, VERY SP;ECIAL, .ý$595 These are newer models with, ail of theéfetv fashion. touches to be seen on hi h: priced garments. In preparation of the colder doy w ae lne ur buying in advance and noW w r offering you merchandise at prices ,which will maei eIwrhyu ii atis sore. 0fGirls': Dresses Ofail wool jersey or wool tweed, sizes 7 ta 14 years.... . . . . . . . .. Boys' Horsehide, Coatsý Plaid or Wool ined $1.,0.00-.$1 3.50-.$1i5.00 Wlth one of these coats Jack Frost cantf get you. Phone WIlm.tt 588-589 $3.95 Warm Flannelette for Cold Night dlover's Nightwear Wkatever you wear, we have. them.î Pretty FianneettPaïamas Every s0 offen something new breaks out. This year it's these new Flannelette Pajamas--tailord by Glover. Lots more women would wear woarm flannelettes in winter if theycould get prettythingts like these. Drop in and Iook tlAem averl Cowns, Pajamas or one-piece Sleepers $100to $3-50 1148 WiIm.ite Ave. 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Set urday unfil 9 P. M., I dom . àý