Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1930, p. 1

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Citizens' Association Urges Member to Fight for Cut in 1929-30,Tax Bis The North Shore Citizens' Asýtia-, tion, Inc., a non-profit orggajza-_ tion made up of north shore proéperty, owniers, which a, year agolanhd a movement to assist ifs. membership Sin obtaining equitable adjustment of 1928 tax buijs, is- laying its plans to continue .sinilar activity in regard to 1929 and 1930 tax bis, or during the balance of the current quadrenniai. To further this work the associa- tion is asking its members to retain their mnembership.status by payment of the $5 fee per tax: year and is urg- ing e--very taxpayer, in. New Trier Township to affiliate w ith theorgni zation on'that basis~. Make Good Progress A communication sent out to iern- bers late last week by the audit com- inittee of the association. ChArles von Weller, chairmati, calîs attention to the fact that almost insurniount- able difficulties have been coped with and in a measure overcome in ref- erence to .securing readjustments of 1928 tax buils and that a sound foun- dation bas been laid to carry through this work with marked success in re- latiofi to . adjustments of 1929 and 930 tax bills. "While the work done so far bas bas been largely to provide protec- tion, so fax as possible, on the 1928 taxes, the nature of the effort bas been such.. that a very substantial foundation bas been laid. for equalý- izing.the valuiations for the 1929,and 0. 1930 taxes," the tom mitt ee states. * "This provides a logical appeal for. membership froin every taxpayer ini the township. If our efforts are pro- ductive of -the results we. have reason *to hope for, not only our ownl meni- to Chest Meeting 1 The annual meeting of the Wil- nette Community Chest association wiIl be held in the Wilimette Vil- lage hall Monday evening, Nov. 4,at 8o'clock. At this meeting, thework of the' Chest for 193EVwill be reviewed and ~eports received frorn the various P4bffic-ers. The. priWipal purpos.e ofthe meeting will be the elec-' tion of five members of the Ad- visory board. to1 succeed the- fol- lowingwhose terms expire: Robert M. johnston, C. Miles, McD,)nald, Mrs. Paul L. Roche, Dan G..Stiles, Judson F. Stone. Ail contributors to the Chest are members of the association and -it is the hope of G. H. Redding, presi- dent, that they will display their ineetin th e work by being pres- ent at this; meeting. and assisting ini the election of those who will guide the work of the Chest dur- ing the ensuing year. Jubilee Quartet at Sunday Evening ClUb The Hamipton Jubilee quartet', world renounied exponients of Negrot s pirituals and plantation, songs~, from t Hampton institute, an educational, project for the advancement oi the Negro race, wiIl give the prograni .at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club November 16 -in the First Congre- gational church. The Hampton Institute quartet is known the country over for the sing-t ing 'of the Ol0 d Plantation s,)ngs., These 'constitute. the onily original, folk music, in the English language and for that reason, as well as for the melody, rhythm, and deep religio us, qual ity, are prized as a national pos- 1These songs are made .up of vari- L.EZILIL..J Dr. Chartles H. Beale cornes to the pulpit, of the First Congre ga- tional chtirch. of Wilrette as j»s- terirn fistor until a successor can be found to Dr. Vere V. Loper, ivho recently accepted a cai ta the Pirst Plyrnauth 1>-Congregatianal church of Denver. Dr. Beale wvas for twenty yeai~s the niinister of Grand Avenue Congrega- tional church in Milwaukee. Since re- tiring f rom the Milwaukee pulpit when bis son succeeded bm, lie bas served a nuniber of Congregational churches, netka, and First Congregational church, Maçison, Wis. .Dr. and Mrs. Beale were guests of the church at the parish dinner beld Wednesdayevening,' November 12. Dr.~ Beale will preach Sunday, No-, vember 16, on "The Divine Fullness." Wilmette Civic League. Invites to Discussion of Pertinent -Questions Wbat about, Wilme,4te's Village elec- tibn néxt spring?. What should lie th apportionmient of, Village trustees be- t ween east side, near west.side and f ar west side?. Will there* be more than one ticket in the field? How sbould the best candidates be secured? This is, the, general subject',matter for the discussion at the next round table luncheon, of ý the Wihnette Civic league to be held Priday noon, Novem- ber 21, at the University Club of Chi- cago(. In the notice. of the meeting sent out thiis Week to mmbers of the leaguie, Dr. Donald M. Gallie, presÉident, an- nounced that tbe directors, after care- f u1 consideration, had appointed a Po- litical Action committee. It was also stated that. the committee had pro- gressed f ar enough in its plans to dis- cuss the matter w'ith the membership. Arthur B. 'Seibold will lead the dis- cussion. WouId Abolish Strife In speaking of the plans in general, Dr. Gallie saici: "It will be recalled that last spring when the Wilmiette Civic Luncheons mette affairs. This action. is part of the plan. Of course there arise f rom tinle to time questions purely of meas- ures in our civic affairs, as distin- guýished irom those of candidates f or, office. But the directors. of the.league, f eel most deeply that there are ti.vo f undarnental political problemns to ,be solved. in Wiimette. *"The first is to abolish if pssibc partisan strife and bickerings,, with the the report reads. -i as necessary that the fight for ju uations for thèse two years b( tinued. The Board of Assessor (Continued, on Page 6)- r uuuwa ouiiew........ a Junior Life ......... Mlusic Pages .....36-37 Society Page4-4 rravel Corner ......... ? ditose who

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