sion concerning use of Army cots and blankets in the present unemnploy- mient situation. The Secretary of War au thorized the use of available arlny cots and blankets without un- dulv depleting tbe supply for the armed- forces. and to the e"xtent deemed essential 7by the gov ernor to relievýe - conditions of acute dis- tress due to unemploy'ment. Theplan.proposed is that National Guard cots and..blankt b sedin armories, -or -ot ber .public .buildings and that equipment be* in con- trol *of. the state military establish-. ment. Where necessary for -equipment toý pass out of bands 'of militart au- tbority, bonds wilI. be required for its, safekeeping, and replacemnt. Regular Army cots. and blankets are autborized to be used b-v the Corps Area *Co mmander for this . pur-. pose; uinder -the sainie conditions, where, in his judgmnent, after .con- ferçnce with the, governor and wit~h the unempfloymient commission, it is found necessary. General Parkerrlhas already, gotten in. touch with state authorities with a vie>w to necessary action. Don M. Peebles Buys Hubbard Woods Homne, Don M. Peebles of Evanston bas pjurchased the English stucco resi- dence of~ Cyrus H. WVilliamis at 1446 Aslhurv avenue. Hiihar,4 UTri-q,-h, also prepared the annual- Hallowe'en party of tbe organization beld Octo- ber 30. .Besides- her activities in debîate, Mis, Pbelps bas- been cbosen ohe, of tbe regular staff writers for thé, Bradley' Tecb, stident :newspaper. She will. takce the leading womnan's part An tbe, fal play. to be ptesented by Thetal Alpha Phi, :before the Christmas holidays, called. "Green Intramural Athietes Test SUI in Football Events. Tbe "foo)tball. skiils" events, coni- ductd -as a part of the intramnural. sports programn at New Trier Higb scbool, were beld last Thursday and Friday.- Charles Meicher and Elliott Witt. tied for1 fi rst place i th e punt- jnz for accuracy event. In the punt- ing for distance évenit ai tripfle tie for first place resulted, with Claude Pbillips, William Clover and jack Durham claiming the honors. The playoff s were to be, held this week. James Iverson 1 won the drop kickingý cbamnpionship and' Howard Peterson the passing f6.raccuracy champion- ship. New Trier Represenl on N. U. Debating' iea Team~ Is Honored at Hairvard Mrs. Ad am John Fetcher of Winnetka, a sopho- Winnetlca. Dorothy Pi more at tbe Harvard school of en- Mrs. Carlte gitieering, bas been awarded one of road, Winri ýWLat:l $2250 wîlli ýOur 1iIl Evan ston, flouse. is of seven rooms, two baths, son, are on the saine 'varsity- debate and two' porches with an attache& ga- team at Northwvestern univer8ity, .ac- rage. McGuire and Orr were the only coi-ding to Debate Coachi ChesterE brokers.MacLean of New Trier, who was te LiquidationAuconSl Of EtglIsl & American Antiqus C amel PileC. 'Great Coats Eveything muust b. sold et once, SAMUEL LORY & CO.. regardes.' of ceat. Auctioneera Orinptoa Ev*nston