*You've probably heard,. that it's the thing to do to get up and "see the sun rise ov er the Rock of Gib- raltar!" It sounds romantic, but don't ever try it. We O~id. - With our' constantly changing time we' miscalculated the hour of sunrise and stumbled heroically up onto tbe: boat deck in what mfight' have been the middle of thenigbt. I believre itwas. It was at least two bhoùrs before thee slighest' tinge of, gray showed us which way the east was.. We stood around shivering, the men gallantly making repeated trips, below for steamer rugs, ail of us keeping our eyes fixed- on what weý supposed migbt sometime turn out to be, the Rock. We tried to.pretend we were glad we'd come until ail at once it, struck ýus funny and from be4ing. very solemn and purposeful we be- came hysterical. Before the sun.rosel we had to go down to breakfast. *We had an interesting 'tnôrningiii Gibraltar, riding around the town, go- ing through the Eniglishi fortificatioiis, and buyingduty-free Egyptian cigar- ets and French perfumues. The: -net night out we had a young people's or "infants" dinner. Christian Science Churches as the boat was rolhing a bit, dancing was excitiflg. Yesterday we were at Algiers. As the "Columbus" was the largest boat that had ever docked there it was very, difficuit and took two hours. Cables -began breaking, Frenc»hmen shirieking,,and in the midst, of it aill our calm. and reassuring captain and cruise staff moved about spreading oil on the. waters figuratively speaàkinig. Though we were two. hours late in landing the cruise staff, by good man-, agement, changed aI of aur arrange-, ments se that none of the sighltseeing was lost. Algiers is an interesting place.> A "littie Paris" it is often called, but tha:t seems to mie to caîl attention te the things that ià hasn't and malce you overiook the things which it has. -the i.ntere.stinig Eastern or Arabian flavor. White flowing robes-who invented- male, American clothes any- way?ý We ended a big day with a wonderfui dinner at the St. George whose onion soup-formerly consid- ered by mie a plebian dish-is famous *over. the world! More of Algiers anon!' *Mrs. F. A. Buck of,1,518 Forest ave- nu e entertained Wednesday after- noon at bridge. report given by Mrs. 'iopp, a car driven by Edward 14argarbar of 3504 Hollywood aventié-,Chicago, in' turn- ing into Dempster from Crawford road, struck the Topp's. car in the rear. Mr. Topp, was, injured on his le ft. side f rom being dragged fifty feet, Mrs.. Topp was bruised ýaùd slightlY cut by glass, and Everett suffered a broken arm.. A high)way policeman, who witnessed the acci- dent. was the first to reach, the scene. Mrs. Topp was. told by the police- man. that, five .death§ had occurred on that corner, within a month. GUY B., Skinner of 118 Brioadway' avenue is on a hunting tnip.in nofth- ern Michigan. He expects to be gone about ten da ys. DwieAUTIFY your basemnent in attrac- tive colors with floors in harmony, which enable yoù to have a clean dry basemnent at a low cost. G. C. Hallgvon Wlmette 4532 ' do ADretusas Deoeuse wa.,.ua.a Sm the worid and have a world Of fun Trake ihis aymond-Whiteoinb ouln en the "Columbus" whoe aupeurior upeed euts doww hours at mem and muds days of piseur. ahore. Full Ibme visite to 45, ixaditional .2.1.. point, i 107 day... tweuty countries.. comprehensive tripe to world Lamions haland point&. The pnhasures of a 'Adami and Fallen Man" was the * subject of the. lesson-sermon ini al Churches of Christ,, Scientist, On * Sunday, November 9. *The golden text ýw'as "As byv the offence-of one judgment.-came upon ail men to c-ondemnation; even : so by the righteQusness of one the frtee. gift camne upon a Il men,, un to justifi- cation of life' (Romans 5 :18). Arnong the citations which corn- TREE RIPENED ORANGES G R A PE FRauI1T Direct From Grove fa You KINE 0F MY ORANGES MAKE ONE QUART 0)F JIJICE Small box containing 3 to 4 doz. oranges. $2.00. Medium box 6 to 8 doz., $3.75. Large box 12, to 16 doz., $7.50. Small box containing. 13 grapefruit, $2z.oo. Medium box 2Z6, $3.75. 51umf Malacca, Batavia, Bloug son& and Suez; Tie Philippines, Jjawail, Celebete, Panama, muid avaUa- and if you will, Angkor Wat, and Bali, the "Idet Paradise. You'll travel in luxury on the. "Colmbus... asleep li bede, mot berthe, find fl the coniforts of houme and club .., excellent cuisine, assai «Mthebeaî"people, and euijoyluxurious Sears school in Kenilworth. From this number Robert W. Townley, athietic director at the school, wilI pick three boys.to ass$ist him in conducting the work of the three classes. The boys consider it a high hionor to, be chôsen forihis dutY. Otfle-49 Prairie Avenue I -'au Phoneo hlhand Park 628 JAi. Nurusery-Pv14a-" eVi.w; Phone-LibertvOumlf-R