Monday rT.ê,. Nov. 17, 18 Mat Tues. 4 p.uI. A Camn HAIR WCUT A Beautiful PERMANENT, WAYE Carefu! study of individual style a n d requirements makes our beauty service bighly dependeble tb ihose. who prefer the BEST. Ladis~ mI'Ch -sre : astOobi by Spéial Barber in attend-, aucc 17. carry an exclisipe Une of Hair Goods and Cosisetics. DANIEL CANS HAIR -SHOP 0759Main Street, Evanson Ail Phonos University 6262 (Opposite Evanshire flotel) are several istrluments~, uw'n *'3II schools, which are 'available to chil- dren 'who wish to use and study them, later perhaps, becomning înem- bers- of the orchestra. There are ai flute. *a clariniet. two violîiis, and a. cello, which every léhild is welcorné ta use, provided he or she mw111 learui. to play the instrumnent. Catherine Wagner gave, a group of violni solos at our Noveinber m eet- iný anher husband, Albert- Wagner, sang. somne baritone' numnbers. Both were, accomipanied at -the piano by, Arthur Granquist, and w e. greatly ap- preciated this spiendid.niusîc., This evening, Noveniber 141 the Logan-Howard, P.. A. will hold a lienefit card party in the gymnasiumn of ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 -h oadsho.Tables 'for bridge, five hundred,.-and bunico will assure a good tinie for all. the pro- ceeds are for a' child welfare fund, so coine and he'lp pay for a pair of glasses or dental care for saine child h'andicapped for want of suich :itten-, tion. Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith of ý1325ý Greenwood avenue had Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Wilson of 'Lincoln, Neb.,'as their, guests 'for' several days' last at the Cook Couflty Teachers' insti- tute held Monday of this week at Maine Township High school, Des Plaines. *The New. Trier teachers addresscel four of the, sectionial meetings hiehi iin connection wittbthe institute. M\u. Brown spoke to the mental hygieiw and personal.,guidantce group on ilt ."Personaâl Guidance Program'of .New< Trier High School." At the meeting of the mathernatics section. William A. Snyder, head of1 the New Trier mathemnatics depart- ment, gave a talk on .,Some Prohb lems Pertaining to the Teaching of M.\athematicse in Higb .School.', Miss Laura> Ullrick, head of flie social science department, at New Trfier,- spoke: on "Trends ini the.Social Sc iences in the. High School"- before the social science group. .The m.usic section heard a talk Irv 'Ellis Rhodes on "The Boy's Voice ' Mr. Rhodes is doing' private teachiing at New Trier and is 'specializing Jiii boys' voice work. ALUMNI TEAM WINS A team comiposed of alumini oi the: joseph Sears school, Kenilworth,:\Nwh,-% are now attending New Trier Hiigh, -s-chool, defeated the joseph Sears heavyweight football tearn last Sat-> urday mornirig by a .score of 13 Ia 7'.- HERE'8 OUR OFFER For a limted time, we will cletun and press- any garment, silk or wool, men's or ladies', for $1.00 with no extras to pay-no upe' and no' arguments. A WITHI NO "CATCH" IN IT ~,MW THE- VILLAGE CLEANERS, mc, Telophonë,% Wilmette 781 Evanston Phone-Greenleaf 7441 -I t