Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1930, p. 14

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* reference to bookcs that nelp us live. The 1ev. Robert Gordon, managing editor of- the -Baptiat, has become a memiber of this congregation. 14le will, * be Introduced on Sund4ay morning. and "lI tel us something of his, great vision forour deniominational. pape'r. During the morninig service there wIll be a story for the boys and girls, "The Lighted Canile," :after which the'memi- bers of -the BegInner and Primary De- partments may beh excused for a kmn- dergarten perlod ln charge of miss Nettie Kaufmnan. Al departments, of the Sunday school convene at 9 :30 Théeo s a èlaps for everyone. The. Adult - Class,: J. D. Dingie,- pre sident, extends, a cor- dial Invitation to those interested ln ..the study of. "Jes.us and the American Mind," by Luccock.' In the- Junior. and 'Intermediate de- boys ill t hae fc.h arofter'oenltng partment thav efiirst earoftermediate worship service. Each week we cali at qome Port and thise Sunday we wil tallc about "(The: Port the Ma$yfiôwer '.%ade" Members of the lass are How- ard JonoQr, Rowland Davis, EIverett Phîllips, Kenneth: overt, and Jim Lamb. * '-Tliis week the Young .People's society. is launching a membership contest. * .Meetings- of special lnterest are being planned from now until the middle of January. Completition wiIl be between the four commissions and 'credit will be given for attendance, on time, vis!- tors and new inembers. * ' TheK folloinL r en' somt of the topies reiwmeeting ; Decenibe-r 4-an "'At H-ome" meeting; Deemnber 2l--topfè, - What Do You See in a Pi0ture?-ýan Interpretation. of the picture, "Christ and the Doctors"; December 28-an' "Alumui" rmeeting Wednesday, November'12,,at the mid-: *eek service a new serles f topics on * "The. Herole Life" was begun. The theme for :Wednesday, November 19, wilI be "A Message for Gra.yDas. On Tuesday, November 18, the Aduit class will. give an , "Antique. Ralment Party" Ini the' home' of -Mr. .and Mrs. Arthuî.r Sctt.' 176 Fuller .lane. Win- taught by Mr. W. G. ColvizL Young Peoxplç's society, Christian En- deavo'r, willI meet as usual at 5.'30 P. M., the place of meeting to be an- nounced. The devotional period wilI be followed by tea during. the soocial hour. They invite, young people, flot,,other- wlse, affillated, to unite With them, ln, their fellowship meetings. Spoke 8 wili meet Tuesday,, Novem- ber 18, at the bome of Mr 9. Joseph C. Cressy, 913 Forest. avenue. Mrs. Clin- ton A. Hall willl be the assisting hostess. Prayer, meeting Wednesday at 18 P. M. Erie Chapel has the, month of No- vember for AÙxliary memnberships.. Mrs. BarilCG. Low, .1706 Forest avenue, Phone WIL. 607, is chalYrman. of the Auxiliaryr and will, receive your mem- bership. Great need exists' for the work wliich Erie does lu. the Master'. naine. Following is the musical, prograin for November 16: .ý Prelude, "Nocturne" (E minor> Aflterft ê~~c~i~ .Chopin Antern *'houWhoSéndest Sun and Rain " ......... ............ Chadwick Anthem, "A Sabbathl Peace hI on te Earth" ............. ........... Voris Offertory Solo, "Fea'r Not, 0 Israel" ... . . . . . . . . . . . .Buck Mrs. Howorth Postlude, "Mardi' in D".... Guilmant The Choir Esther Nelson, soprano Marie Iloworth, contralto George Allen, tenor Edward Otis, bass 1Erma Rounds, organist and dirtector. Englisiz Lutheran Greenleaf avenue at ,Seventh strei-t Wilmette Carl 1. Empson, pastoi, Te Sunday, November.16, 1930' reTwenty-second Suflday after Trinity, 8 :45 A.M........Sunday cshool Walter Reisner, Superintendent Il A.......... ..... Morning Wonship Sermon:, "Forgiveness Is C-onditional" Sunday, Novenîber 23. la the da y tha t we celebrate the dedication of the --îew church. The President of the Illi«nis Synod of The-United Lutherati Church in America will be the speaker at the norfing services. The' chIldren of the Sunday. school are The Aduit Bible class le belng held Sunday mornigs beglnnlng et 10 o'cldc. Prograin for November and December:. 1Ô,:05 to 10 :20-"The Bible." SundaVý, November,2 What, Is the Bible?ý; November 9:- The Structure of the Bible; November 16.: The Best Use of, the Bible, Novembor 23:- The Old Testament and Its Law; November 30:. Tho Old Testament and. Its History; Decomber 7: The Old Testament and Its Poetry; December .14: The Old Testa- nment and its Prophets; December 21; The New Testament and Its Gospels;ý Decemnber 28:, The.New Testament and Its, Episties. Apostles and Churches. 1 0:20 to 10 :45-lT he Christian Lîfe." Correspo nding Sundays: ýThe Chris- tian and, Hie Name,, The Christiani and His* Faith; The Christian and His Home; The Christian and His Busi-' nes's; The Christian and His Church;, ýThe Christian and Hîs Country; 'The Christian and Hls Associations.; The> Christian and , His . Feliowman ; The Christian and His Pieasures. At Uts . last meeting the congregation p19.ced in nomination the naines of can- didates for the varlous offices within the church. This list may be added to before the election which is to be held in the December meeting. The niames of candidates will' be pstd nthe church vestibule. A plan is now under. way to present again the biblical cantata "ýQueen Es- ther,". this time for charitable pur- poses. There are a num ber of r-eople in our locality who because of the. tirnes arc in need of help, and sInce the Community, Chest, as we have heard, is inadequate to the present' needs, the choir of St. John's has ex-, pressed itself as very happy: to give ýL performance of this cantata for cha'iity. An announcement will b.e made later concerning the plans. À meeting of the 'various churches com'prising the Tenth Visitors' Circuit of the Northern Illinois District of the. Lutheran church will be held at St. John's, Mayfair, Mnrs and La-' vergne avenues Wednesday, November 19, at 8. A number of matte'rs reIating to the contributions ýof churches. for missions and benevolenees will be dis- cussed. The members of St. John'q'are invited. The Rev. Ilermnan W. Meyer is the vîsitor ini charge and will con- ducit the meeting. The choir of St. John's presented the sacred cantata "Queen Esther" ilast The department superintendents w'el- corne new Ipupils who cbme as visitors or new members of our. church school. Bach department has a program of in- struction and worship adapted to the Yespective age groups. The Sunday Eveninàg club. meets in this churchï at. 7:30.-Pé. M., on Sundav-. The Hampton Singers will present et rgrm 0f Negro spirituals and other, ubeemusic. An ail-day meeting of. the, Nelghbor- hood Circle will be held on. Tuesday .aFt the homie of Mrs. F.' J. Scheidenheln,* 804 Forest avenue. 11uncheon, will I)fp served ati1 o'clock. Mrs.- Scheidenheli wtll have as assisting hostesses Mrs. J. Melville Browni, Mr&. Lyman Drake, and Mrs. D. H. Nichols. Wekeacaflla Camp Fire Gi!ls,. %iii hold their regular meeting at 3 :45 fin Tuesday Iin the church parlor. Roosevelt, Troop No. 2, Boy Scouts', will mnýet at 7:30 on Tuesday in the~ church basement.,- Dr. Beale will 1ead the Mid-Wee.k meeting, which will be held at 'ý o'clock Wednesday evening> in tii.- church parlor. The Junio r choir will rehearse ai 1 o'clock on Thursday an dj theSno choir. at 7:30. The Blue Bfrds Wil1 meet at 3: P. M. on Thursday. Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts, wili ni*, t at 7:30-P. M. on Thursday flu the church, basement. Metkodist Churck, The music for the service next Sun- day morning is as foilows. Orgal, P- lude: "Siap Lux" by Dubois and ."'I' ,- Swan" by Stebbins. Organ Pos-tlude- "Toccatta" by Boellman. The choir wilI sing "Wheresoe'er. Thou WalJ<est' bY Priske and "0 ! for a dloser walk w i God" by'Foster. New members will be received l,..il" the fellowship of this church at the clos. of the service Sunday xnorning." The attendance at the Church, suhe'I, last. Suniday was fou'r hunidred. Witil the1 cooperation of ever3r Member otf the church,.' the attendance ought Pi reach a stili higher mark. There ni-" classes for ail ages. T1he church scho<Il meet, at nine-thlrty each S.unday noi'h- ing. Thhs church co-operates In the Sunday morIn iriip, Bunday,' Noveniber Monday at '7:45: Choir rehearsal I& Atrangers and visitera are cordially Tuesday at 8: Finance conittee The Sunday mornlng worship service welconw te ail the services of the Wednesday at 4: Classes for children Is held at 10:45. Next Sunday Dr.. C. -Wednesday at 8': Visitor's Circuit meet- H. Beale will preach on "The Divine eue.Ing -Fulnesa." Dr. Beale will be our in- Juiilor church ie a new departure ln Saturday -at 9:' Classes for chfldren terim pastor untîl we secure a suc- Cblîdren Church procedure. The method cessor te Dr. Loper. o~ n~fuetoflutier heleadership of A new Bible clasi has been opened7 of nsrton eurwh pelt hich la lntendéd, te serve those. ln par- The Church .Fchonl wil meet ln five you ~ or hebeet Instrucin fr iela wo are netenrolled Inthepotdeamnt as fiiows: Primary de- One act of "'The Enemy" was lyi'e- sented 'by a. group' of our young PeO- pie last Wednesday evening. This sanie group wlll give the play at one of the Oak Park churches ln the near future. The Village Christmas Fair 15 to be heldWednesday, Thursday, 'and FtidaY. December 3, 4, and . e eteèae (continued en page 16)

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