Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1930, p. 11

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* posting ot colors by the Boy Scouts. Mrs. C. B. Cochran, president of the local unit, spoke of Armistice day as ýani occasion of joyousness and pa- triotism, tempered with remembrance, and introducied Commander Harold Mohr of the Wilmette LegionPost,. W ho emphasÉized the ýfact thiat patriot- ism, devotion to duty,- co ntempt of softness, cuae bdience to com- 1mand,. and love -of country as essen- tial in war.and ,equally necessary iii tesof peace..ý After. selections by the -Wilmette I)rum and Bugle corps, respiendent -in fulli uniform, William'Baihatchet, ac- coimpanied by Mrs. Helen McNaugh- ton, sang two appropriate numbers, "The Amnericais, Corne" and "The Trumpeter," and as an encore "Dear Old Pal," ail very much enjoyed. Community singing was led by George Ber cé on' f h NwTrier Octet. Scout Eioecùtive Speaka E. Urner 'Goodman, excutiYe of the Chicago Council of Boy Scouts of Anierica, and a'resident of Wil- mette, chôse as bis subjecIt, "Armis- tiçe, and the- Spirit of.Youth." Mr.- * Goodmnan.hopes ,that the, human fam- ily, like youth which- loves,,.things martial, will eventually outgrow tbe Iroenisity for war. Youth is quick to ma ke battle and quick to make UI) and it has already been demonstrated that' this is also true of nations. The unbounded loyalty oî youtb aiso sets an examplè to us of older years. Armxistice day is the day we celebrate1 with a niew sense of allegiance' to the1 country we love and a new sense of1 devotion to those wh o gave 'ail for tliat, country. Selections býy the N~ew Trier,,Doui- ble Otet' were.. thoroughly enjoyed. They sang "Theé Home Road," "Flan- ders Requiem,"* an& "The Battle Hymii of. the Republic.", Th el auxiliary is indebted for the' arraiiging of this fine programn to . he Ame ricanization committee, Mrs. A. W'. Bersch, chairman$ Mrs.' Arthur loor sports througbout the entire winter, according to Robert W. Townley, athletic drco at the Thanksging For tius 'impor- fa*nt oècosion we offer a com-,' plete Selection of ,colt-, iai-s' and dresses in the very laiest. shadesi styles arid fabrics. Also a full assori-menj- of Accessories. UNIQUE STYLE.SHOP 1126 Central A ve. Wilm etle 2103 in distil an mm iar A L Lu85C JE %fi EJ& &P ý nressed hy exp«lts. Discount from the above prices for B ring and -Cati WATCH FOR OUR NEXT WEEKX'ýIPECIALS Clothesare much clé,Mer Wklen Serviced by the NELSON: LAUNDRY. & DR.Y CLEANING SYSTEM 1210 CENTRAL AVIE. WILMETE 1800 'will give a tea on Monday atternoon, Novemnber 17, after school for the joseph Sears school teachers.* The tea will be held in Hulburt house ad- joinilng the main school 'on the south. Mrs. Frank Barrett bas been train- ing: tbe girls in tbe ways, of 'a good one for Appointment WILMETTE 2526 * 1122 Central'Avènue Next to Wilmel-te Theatre Christmas i-s a Sea-,son' for Remembrace WHAT COULO 'BE SETTER THAN YOUR' PHOTOGRAPH? my qualifications to serve you in this important matter. Four yea rs' of Art study in. Europe. - - - - - - - --- - - - - 0 4%

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