Spe*IaI sale F rTid ay T TOda FIVE FREEDELIVERIES DAILY POT ROAST 0r DEEF Cho"-e cuts f rom, the best grade of beef we - an. buy.: Ibo- 320 LOIN. PORK ROAST Youlig pig lb. 3»e ROUND, STEAK Our very best KD»ISPY CRACKERS. IbS. 310 Sunshine. A thin, square, lakey soda cracker, deliciously salted-in sealed cartons-at an un-., US119lly 1ow price. ____ .................... No'. Ztin 230 Richelieu sifted sweet wrin- kled peas are famnous for their DOM* $2.55 tenderness and f resh flavor-this is the new pack. c & S COMME,............lb. 390 Chase and Sanborn's finious. blend in onie and two-pou%1 dtins. PUMPKIN ...... No, 3 tin 150 Country Girl. A deliejous nev pack of exceptional quality. 4 tiis s5ie TOILET PAPER .. ... .Dozea 950 Snow W hite. A soft, Pure white, crepe, paper- full value 1,000 sheet rolis in sanitary wrapping. .....3 No.2 2 tin s e is is an extra fine peeled apricot fresi.. t'rom the hmuse.. Having called cadier Ili the ai ter- - noon the iaicamne lact< about .f) 30 o'clock. MNrs. Kelling told the \Vil- 'o luette police. wv1oin she called froin .aý neighibor's house Nvlien s4e fledl aiteî' the ~aemnLmade lus sec- onid visit. "le pWebok~as fotnd later in - the rear of the Kelling resi-' deîuce nearthe allev . bMont tiveit-v- five dollars ini cash hlad leen 'stolen. [accor<iig to the police report. l)btt the ýtief overlook)edl sonie vahiahie. Warn Housewives Not to' Open Doors to Salesmen Chief of Polie*Henrv'Brautigamli' this wveck issued a waring to \Vil-1 nette *osewîves to h1eivare of sales- unent. solicitors or agen1ts.: On several. occasions iii recenit eeks persons whoi)s( as salesnien 'or soliciturs hiave turlied out, to l)e, thieves. Chiief lirauitigain request s tha t instead of atis¶ering -the (loi-r bell. the hou-se- wives notifv-.\- lie police decpartmient inunieiatel. TO OBSERVE ARMISTICE The 1.egiouî auxiliary of Post 46 Nvill observe Arinistice diav in the an1i- iiiai prograin w~hich vîlI be given Arin-~si ighit at the auditorium (of the How-\ard school- Arrang'enien1ts are beîng made hv the A-nîericaniism counnuiittee of ftie Unit vhîch Cori-, i;usts, of Mfrs. A. W.T Bersch, chair- mnan, NMrs. Arthur To.s1nand NMrs. diseases we reported for the ent;.re nonth. tivo of mnumps, one of diplu- theria, one of scarlet fever and one of polijonyelitis. During the sanie period seven cases of whoopinglý cough,- thrce of plumps, one of scar- lIet fcever, onle of diphtheria, one 'bfr polionnyelitis and one of chicken pox xverc released., Dr.: Hawkins reports that more tne vas spent 1w the: Wilmette Health <leprtnîiex.t ast. moiith onin- spections and laboratory, tests. of res taurants and fountains. 'Twvelve stores and two private premises w-eue înspected, and there were five foun- tain and restaurant inspections. . One case of, improper, display of fruit anîd vegetables was brought to c ourt. and cisiissed %with Warning. The 'favorable healt h situation conl- tinues this montb. One caýse ni nmumps was reported to the health departinent Monday. of this %ý-eek. and' that is the only. case of con- tagious disease ini Wilmcette on rec-' ord. Church Choirs Rehearse Cantata "Queen EstheIr" The sacred cantata, "Queen. Esther", is to. be presenited in tlic Howard school apiditoriun Thursda y and Friday evenirigs, Novenîber,6 ani 7, by the Junior and nîixed choirsof St. John's L.uthieran chutrell. Ilecta Auistin Gainrocn, organist and' cliir. d irector at St. John's is directing tuie reblearsa1s. iMrs. George E. Hartmnan of 112() NIrs. G. R. 1-Iraugh o-)f 1219 Forest EtUmwood avenue is' visiting 11-1- avenue entertained the M.Ianukia club (Iatughter,ýM rs.. C. HL. Grossart in Si. ltier home Môndav. October 20, Io11S. CHICAGO CIVIC. THEATRE MONAY OT. 27 Chicago Civic Shakespeare, Society PresentIng Friîtz Leiber and Sloakespéareait lie eurtory Players. bêgins seeond. anîLual sensoin of elght weeks ili eigilt î,ays tg) be given <on alterniatiug iiglts t1irougitout engiage- mient enflnk Jeceenber 120. Flrst iVeek's, ItepCertôlrte1 1 .AR E~ and iPUMPKIIN DOUGHNUTS, -- i 1 Try our Fresh Fruit Coffe e Cake for Satu rday e Li don