AMUAMBU~LANCE ~' W"~'UNDERTAKRt <The 3{ou53eof <Iersoncd SCnItce" ~4, C r' 1 FR ST-. WINN A .4 04. futieral home at -1118H GreenIear avenue, \Vilmette. The facilities of our new, establishment offers seating cip.iiy to accornmodlar 2 5 0 indiyiduals and a private, parking space for a bout 40 automobiles.* Out Mortuary is Lqti!ppled à apipe Oroan The O!dest Established Un 'dertakers, ýffl the Imrnediate, North Shbore Superi'or Ambulance Set 117(l Licensed Lady Assistant DRIVE NO * Be 4'all set" for the'onslaught of cold ýweather. ,Don't let iac:k -Frost catch. you un' r pared! We'l hek RE ofchi~ yurSee us TODÀY,,in.regard to your GILS -- AS- TIRES BATTERIES WINTER, ACCESSORIES Let our EXPERT MECHANIC "tun è-up" your Protect the FINISH on your car by MOTOR,.and. check your BRAKES WASHING and SIMON-IZINC No < maltir the /w Job mi' be vyo,, cati trustle eIo (o io i rouijely PROMPT EFFICIENT R EPAI1R SERVI CE LINDEN,,.CREST GAR'AGE 33 LNENAV.See Tom for Complete Garage Service'WILMETrTE 477. wil1uette Ice& Teaauing, Co. '7»3 Maint St- F. Meier, Proprietor Wilniette 53 j i I