YOUNG NORWEGIAN Mý garden work, gerieral h~ window washing. Can dr of car. Calil Wnnetka 106 t' Il i. i rMITL QWCK........ Buyer and Seller havé found the Want-Ads of WILMETTE LIFE Of inestimable. value. Many. a deeal involving hundreds -of dollars, has. been the .resuit of , CIassified ad which cost. but a few cents. Classified ads wiIJ be aciceplfed every, eveningj until 9 Phonle W.Imette 4300 Wednesday-before 9 P. M. for Me. Current Issue DOWNSPOUTS AND STORM SEWERS and vther repaira.. 377 Provîdent Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1288 after e p. m. 42LTN15-tfe EXPERIENCED MAN - GA RD.E N work, wash Windows, care for fur- naces, etc. Winnetka 1552. 42L25-tp WANT ED-YARD & HOUSE WORK, also-furnace tending and odd. jobs. White, experienced and can give ref. Ph. Wllmette 4552. 42LTN25-Itip FILIPINO COOK, EXPERIENCED. IN famly-hWousenan, 4bter, àutdoors. careful driver. References. Cail West 2271, Chicago. 42LT25-itp COL. A-i COOK, EXP. IN PRIVATEF familles; neat~ reliabie; good refer- enées. Ph., Unlversity 8615. 42L25-1 ti YOUNG SWEDISH 11.%N DESIRES work.« Willing to do anlything «W gal*- dener or~ housemau, edc. Can drive car. Tel. Bittersweet 7062. 42LT25-Ilp Eý'XPER. HOUSE MAN HA S 1 DAY.A week open. for. perinanent work. North Shore refer,. Wilinette 2088. 4214TN24-t 6'AIIDEFNING, HO USE. WORK_ WINr dow washing- and .ail kinds of udd jobs .by expe rienced and'reiiable man. ýPh. Wilmette e34.5. . 4hN5ll WANTED CLEANING, WINDOW washing, oooking, etc.,(lare of ;iur- naces. References. Ph. W%-innetka 779 4 2.LTN-2S2t1 Eý'XP. FURNACE MINAN WIlS H FS TO take care of furnaces. Phone Win- netk a 1813. . 42L2.7-lp BRICK WORK; ALTERATIONS. chinmeys repaired and cernent mrork doue reasonably. Wi'lmette 234,5, 42=T25-1lp 43 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE North Shore Empl)oynient.,Agen.cyEsýtablished" 25 Years HELEN CHR1IIIES. A personal interest taktqi li everyone plaeed. High class domestile help furnislied by' hour, day or week. Best- of refere-nve.. White or Colore.d 161l; Sherinian Ave. University 09,14 Greenleaf 6110 si FOR RENT-ROOMS L.4E. FRONT ROOM, PRIVATE BATH, LI single ro(rns, ail modern conveni- mnces. Reas. rent. No igfit boustc- k-eepers. l'h. Wilinettt* 3a87. 51L,25-I t( CENTRAL 1-1OTE L, 629 MI1 ST. Roonms by day or week; ail outside j.<><>jj; steani heated, hot or cold water. .51LT15-tfc LARGE ROOM -\VITH. PRIVATÉ bath in private famiiy. Suitable foir two. Near transpor. Call Winnetka 880. . 51L25-Iip FI'R N. IIOOMS FOR ,LIGHT 11005E- keeping, also sleeping rooi.Near Iransportation. Ph. Wiinette 4866. 5UN25-1< COMFORTABLE ROOM, ONE-HALF block to transp. 722 lm St., 3rd floor. Winnetka. . ,51L25-ltp A PLEASANT ROOM FOR, A YOUNG Man. Best . location. Reasonable. Phi. Wifinette 1184. 5LTN25-lte LARGE UN ROOM IN ]PRiVATE home, conv'. to Kenilworth station. Ph. Meliiette 1126. 51L'rN25-1ti) LARGE FROqT 11002M,,2 CLOSETS, suitabie for 2. Close to 'trnp.Ci FOR RENT-UNFURN. 3 OR 4 ROOM apartment. H. W. heat. Also i furn. room. Ph. Glencoe 331. 56LTN25-ltlo MODERN 5 ROOM APT., IN HTJB. bard Woods.,Ph. Wlnnetka .1065. FOR RE NT, - APT, 1ST FËLOOR front, also 4 rms., second flour. Ph. MiIntte 1183., 56Lt5-1tc TWO ROOMS, ýSUN PORCH. ANDý bath. 468 Ridge, Ave., Winnietka. Phone Winnetka 1460. 6LTN25-1tc 87 FORR tzoi--pun. Arn. 3240 Sheridan Rd., Chicago 1-1 rm.- 3 baths 19rm. 4 baths 1-12 rm. 6 baths SU:BLEASES FOR WNTER MOTI!S *ALI, VERY WELL PURNISHED GAR., IN BUILDING B>AIRD & WARNER dORACELAND,10123 57LTN25-ltc 60 oie'WNT--qousUS NE VER BEFORE. HAVE. WE BEEN ABLE TO SHOW for retît so many choice North Shore homes. From Wilmette to Highland Park, we have listed houses of from five to fifteen rooms at rentais froni one hundred to six hundred per month. One would be proud to bç a tenant in-one of them. ()UINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 71 Elrn St. 1Wlnnetka 2193 gar. ;. n. scItooI, traiisp. Oipen, for ln- spectioni Sunday aft., 1 to 5, 90.5 El-, dorado. Wlnnetka 1921. 60LTN24-tfco si FOR RENT-URN. MOUBES OIOTO FLORIDA DEC. lSfi. WILL relit beautifuliy furnlahed' WIliette home until May lat. 5 bedrmsà., 3 baths, gar. Very reasonable to ac- eeptabié p)arty. Ph. Wllmette. 93 or 862. 61LTN25-ltc FOR RENT - FURN. OR UNFURN. . An excptinal c<'nidheat . G-nèûm ~epreenrave , .. Wnnetka 525-M.C ,er requested. wIlmptt. . TIL si FoRR ENi4-ROOMB _______ 44LTN25-ltp CE CARE 0F 2 WARM PLEASANT ROOMS FOR APT. ON 2ND FL, ýusework. Go rent. Sgi. or dbi. Breakfast if de- wlth 2 large windu odawn Ave., sired; near transportation. Ph. Wil- enclosed porch. 7301 p4T2 -lt mette 1938. ILNStc ., Wilmette 299. and REÀLTOR .h. ý340 Linden Ave. Wllmettê 68-444 .lte 7SL25-ito 44 HELP WANTED-FEMALE POSITIONS OPEN 2 doînestic cooký,,..............$25. wk. :~ icod nais............$18-20 Nvk. nursemnaiis ...............$18-25 wk. i;u-oking-lst fi... ......... $ 1-22 %vk. 2 ehamb rml-ai.d>...... ....M120 -%%k. !j girls for general........$L-20 wk. 7girls for general .......... $15-17 wk. a girls as rnothers helper. . .$10-12 wk. ;; first class coulus wanted AIl abo\e nmust be exp. and lurn. A-i ruf. and under- 40 yrs.- \V*e Specializýe in whit, 1help only. PAULINEI'S JEMP. A(,I'N(CV 7t8El St. 1 No-. S First St. Winnetka 2(;62 Hfigliland Park 2520 441,TN2,5--lte- GI1RL. WHITE, PROTESTANT, GtN- eal lhousewýotrl<. Like children. R 1efs-. Neaîr transportution. Winnetka 49~2. 44LýTN25-Ilp ,'XPIERIIENCED L1AUNDRESS NWHITE. 2 mnornings a week. .8 tI 12. Ph. Glencoe 1076. 44LT25-ltp 4è HELP wTrD.-MALE & FEMALE Christmas 1Box Assortments SAhESPEOPLE. - THE. HIGHEST. gracie Uhristmaet- cards.- Five differezit boxes oi genuine etchings and sta- tionery. No other uine like ours. Sells WANTED-GIRL TO TAI 'baby and help wlth ho home nightes.1106: Wo Hubbard Woods.,.,'1