Matin.. Saturdays, Sundayi adHolidays 0niy Continuons faon 1:30 .w.nings 6-30 Tonîg(h-Friýday-Tonigjht Corne early fo see * JOHNK in ,,Song 0" Mr w *h Maureen O'SuIIivan Saturday, Oct. 25 Joan Crawford and' John Mack Brown in with. Benny Rubin_ An outdoor romance with a comedy punch! Sunday Onlyl Oct. 26 Jack Hait, Richardi Arien and Fay Wray in &"The Border: Leglon" Mon., Tues., Oct. 27-28 Lupe Velez in ",,The.Storm" Startling drama of the north! Stark. dramatic situ- ations-humor! W.d., Thurs., Oct. 29-30 Milton Sis.and Dorothy MlackaiIt, in It's one of MilFon $il' ls t pictures! Don't miss if! Fri., Sat., Oct. 31-Nov. 1 It's Here! "Song 0' My fleart" ...Wilmette A picture that simply grips one and "The Storm - .. ....... Alcyon holds him in the speli of its poignant "Cali of the Fie sh" ......... Varsity beauty is 'Journey's End" at the Var- "Happy tDays" .. . Commiunity House sity theater in Elvanston, Wednesday Satiarday, October 25 and Thursday, October 29 and. 30. The "Montana Moon" ...... -WVilmette stage production, which bas been seen "Dancing Sweeties" . .... Alcyon in many,,couintries:.,and. played in many "Calil of the Flesh".. Varsity tongues, now cornes to the screen un- "Happy Days" . Community1 House der the. sympathet ,ic direction of james SUuday, October 26 Whale, the stage director Who launched "The Border Legion". ..... Wilmettc it in L ondon. "The DaWn Patrol"....Alcyon "Journey's End," showing the last Monudày, October 27 f ew gri m hours at. the wvar front be- "The Storm" ...X..... lmette fore.the advance of English troops, is "The Dawn Patrol". Alcyon unforgetable.> Players who help to "Romance" . . Varsity make it so are: Colin'Clive, Anthony "Such Menx Are Dangerous". D helBilly Bevan, Ian . Ma cLa-ren, .Cornmuiîy House avid Manners, and. Charles -Ger rd Tueday Ocobe > On Mondgy afd Tuesday, October "The Storm" ...*. .Ailnxette 27 and .28, the Varsity will. offer *'Manislaughteù" .. .. Alcyon "Romance" with Greta, Garbo -in, one "Rd nc"i asity of lher greatest chiaracterizations. Riia> "Such Men Are Dangerous" Cv -n, sportrayed by Greta Commuity ouseGarbo, is as adorable a womanl as the WeinesdIay, October 29 screen' bas ever knowvn. Lewis Stone, "aiTroubI---- . . Wilniette as bier current protector, is a sophis.- "Manslaughter" ........A!cyon ticate and a gentleman; and-be makes "Journey's End". .... . Varsity the role finely syrrpathetic. Nothing Thursday, October 30 bias been spared to mnake this film pic- "Mlaî Trouble".......Uilnette torially perfect. "Holiday" . Alcyon Bebe Daniels at bier best \vIll be ini "Journey's End"... .*.. \v it Dixiana" at the' Varsity on Friday. Friday, October 31 ast October 31. Everett Marshall, .of "The Big Pond" Wilimette Metropolitan fame, makes hiis debuf "Holiday" . Alcyon and proves hielbas both voice and per- "Dixiana" ......... . Varsity sonality. With Mardi Gras in technii- color and, negro spirituals, the picture is sure to charm. Today (F'riday) and toniorrowv (Sat- urday)' Ranmon Novarro will be seen and heard lin "Call of thé Flesi". ati th~e Vax-sitv. *He is charrning, as a devil-rnay--car.e danc&. of Seville, .em- harked hxdifferently on an operatc career. Dorothy Jordan, . po ie ~ star.,once more, is dligbtful. Friday, Saturday, October 24-25 ]RAMON NOVARRO I in Hoot Gibson Film Hallowe'pen. Feature Hoot Gibson. cuts loose with a nem, set of thrills in "Roarinig Ranicl," Universal all-talking western, draina whicb will be shown free ,of charge at the Howard school ,gymnasiuîn 1Hallowe'en evening. A~musement seekers will want to sit righit through a whole week of shows at the Wilniette theater, when they see the prograins which cal! forth the best talent of stich stars as John Mc- Cormnack, Maurice Chevalier, Milton Sis, Dorothy Mackaill, Lupe Velez, Richard ArIen, 'Jack Hoît and Fay Wray., Tonight (Friday) John McCor- mack's. tenor, voice wiIl win, every hearer to 'the mood. of tenider romance ini "Song O' My Heart"-aL beautiful picture filmred. in the- Land of the Shamrýock.. During the unfolding of the story, McCormack presents eleveti songs %yith the lyric rapture, sadness, and sieetniess that, only'his voice pos- -ses ses. Joan 'Crawford *and John Mc Brown are the. stars on Saturday, Octoher 25, of "Montana Mlooni," ýa picture that moves as well as it talks and sings. Real he-men cowboys. pro- vide genuine atmiosphere and action. Cîif Edwards and Ka4rl D 'ane add tiu the entertaining features of- thet. filni which offers several song bits, -inchid- ing "The Moon Is Low." Zane Grey's owri west xvill live on >the, screen, at the, Wilmeitte theater,, Sunday, October. 26, wheri "Thle- Border Legion" will be show, f eaturing Richard Arlinjack - Holt, Fay XVray and Eugene Pýallette. This picture tinigles with vivid and viýrile outdoor action, providing good aduit efttertainmrlent with ail the kid appeal retainied. ',The Storm,," with Lupe Velez, W~illiam B oYd and Paul Cavanagh-, is tremendous mielodrama at the Wilrnette on Monday and Tuesday, October 27 anid 28.. Staged' in the North Woods, this is the story of a béautifuil french-. Caniadiani girl snowvbound in the wvhite wvildcrniess wvith two men. She wvas the goad that drove, two.- friendstoht and f renzy.' She was the lure that, sent onie out to fight'.the' fiercest bliz- zards-and snowslides-anid caused th'e otler to f orget the gay city. VYes, ita a powerful picture, real as hf e art s. Miost- intense moments. ,The lalte 'Milton SUIS, scholar. gentlemnan and fine personality, bas the ro1e of hardboiled owner of ar"- night IlAnimal crackers- 4 Marx Bros. "Let's Go, Native" Western Etectric Sound System I ng performance that contributes in ne ooncedy, small measure te the excellence of the ,how,. The picture. 1 IPlayground a Little Bobby Nelson, a. western star whlch annua1ll i-n his own rlght at the age o!f seven Stolp gymnasii years, lias a. prominent .iele in the the village, on bens t for [lowe'e an excellent 'e film a car- ven by the tiofl Board Howard and e'chlldren of