Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 52

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Ail the World's a Stage, Antonio Murmurs Sadi> Mrs. Stallings room, SB, is enjoylng the readl*ng of M.Ierchant of Venice." .We teach aré assigned a part and go Upt the front and read it, but first of a&l Mrs. Stalllng readÉ it to us. We have.hadl to memorize a few parts and -thiese are two of themn whlch are in differet i ts: * 'Gratiano: 'You look flot Weil, Signoî Antonio; YoU have too *much respect upon 'the world; Thejy Ioseit'that do buy it with much care; Belleve, me, you are marvelously changed."' **Antonio: -I. hold the world but as the world, Grèatiano; a stage where every manl muet play 'a part and mine a sad one."' 'Portia: 'If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, Chapelsa had been churches and poor men's. cot- tages princes' palaces. It lis&a good divine that follows bis own Instruc- tions.- I can easier teach twventy what w&~e good to be done, than. be one of the-twenty to follow mine own teach- *lng. The brain may devise, laws for the :bloodi but a hot temper leaps o'er a cold déecree, uch a hare Is nmtdness the youth, to rkip o'er the mieshes of g6dîd counsel the cripple.' » .Iarn enjoying this play of Shake- speare's, very nuch. -Margue ri te Peter-' sen, 8B Howard. Wilmette Heavies Battie Haven to 6-6,Deadloek Wilmette. He&vies played Haveni sehool Saturday, October 4,' down at Washinkto)n IPark. We scored tiret touchdown made by Johin Versino ln the flrst haif. In the xrniddle of the .second half one of the halfbacks fro*m Haven threw hiinself head first over the line and made a touchdown tylng the score. Just about tive seconds be- fore the gaine was over, a fellow fromn Haven was taekled as he had a chance to score and the gaine ended in ;i, tie. .--Billy Faymonville, 8B Howard. Howard 8B Is Sweeping Toward Grid Supremacy .Howard 8B has hopes te get the foot- ball chamtpion ship. We, are pretty* sure ef geting It. We have won ail our gaMes. The. flrst with Stolp 1C *;- theý score was 18 to 0. The second with- st. Joseph; :we won by -a score* of 46 to 0. The third was with Stolp 1B;. we won that gýame 33, to 0.. The fourth with St.1 Francis. We defeated them 33 te 1, the- saine as the flrst gamie. We have two more games to play, St. Francis and t Howard 8A. WVe hope te get the cham-« pionship.-F'red Herr, Howard 8B. Pupils Learn About Egypt During Art Institute Tour Frlday, October 10, Miss Scott's 1.00M -%vent te the Art institute. We n et -at the Wilmnette Avenue station at 12 :45. The teàchers bad A'rranged a specia 1 car for ue on the Northý Shore u lne.ý We aîrived. at t-be Art inst itute at 1 :30. The firgt thing wc, did was 'to - wait for Miss Upton te -sbQW us - around. First she breught us into an Egyptian roemn and- showed us a statue of King Osiris Und told us bow -and why they used the straight lines.> Then she talked about the draWings on the m rummy vase ;s. After that' we saw somne.Egyptian scarý- abs that people ýgive to other people te niake them ljive long. Then we saw soffe of the gods that they worshipped. Next wc. sawV some nccklaces that the Eý'gyptianrs. wo're. Then 'Miss Donnefly asked us te noice--the way, they drew theirý pictures. Then - Miss -Scott gave us five minutes to buy post cards of Egypt. WVe then; left for - home. We arrivedho~ie at about 4 -o'cloek.-Jack Randal, 6C Central. Prized Steak Is Given a Saturday Night Bath My aunt several years ago hada 3 a paes mad h girl didn't kno'w g very much about, 4eooking... My aunt was baving.a guest for din- 0 ner that -nigbt, and of, course wanted evv'verything to be nice. She bought'lE e steak and when. showing the maid how d té prepare It, told ber to be sure and n wash ItL The time came for dinner. The dinner r w'las brought, in,, and it looked,-deliclousq. tAuntietried, it and made'a wry face, > and- thought something. muset be wrong With lier Ytastýe. The others tried It and also madie wry faces. Then Auntie guessed the reason for the faces. Trhe miaid had washed the steak al right. Sbe'd wasbèd it with soap and wvater. - Eilene Weakly, 7 Howard- Children See Mummny and Hear About Egypt October 14, Mrs. Mason's rooni went to the Art institute- to hear Miss 17ptorl .lecture on Egyptians., She firet toek us, down stairs where we took off our coats .antd bats, 'then we each took a camp stool and she took us to another rooni where we "at downwhVile she told us about a statue of ahEgyptian King sit- tlng in a chair; this uvas copied from a. very old statue that had been 'in several accidents. She aIse showed us a mumimy case that had a real miurnmy in ItL This inummy was et -.a 1 îi,rlet whô had opened and- closed the dooYrs of a temple in Egypt. Then there was a coffiîn whicb was 3,000 year old] but this wvas empty. There was anQther one there that iras 4,000 years old. This iras madle when Abrahai was aIlve. Miss Upton then shôNved us sone . pic- turcs takien froi the walls. of tombs showing that these- tombs were made like a bouse wtt-bh foui',moinîs in it, one for thelie ummy,. one fôr the food bc- eause they thought the body miit get hung'y and one for the- Ka, the secoônd soul, (for tbey thougbt *we had two 1 had a finle time and I arn sure every ont,1 else did too.-Mlarjoirie J]une Hili, 6-C. Howard. Spelling Test Reveals Wide.Range of Ability On Friday,, October 10, îuc had our weekly speling test When wc were through m . tb it, M.Nrs. Jones told us to 1o0k over our papers.- She added, "I'sý dotted, T's crossed, D's not lôoped."'1 The correcting was donc and then1 the grades were taken. One boy said,i "Egtwords." Mrs. Jonles said, "Every nlht next1 Wilmette Pee-Wees Make 6 in Second Haif to Beat Haven L.ast- Saturday, the Wilmnette Pee- Wees hàd a. footballgaine wlth Haven. Wilmette kicked..to Haven. and for ihlree downs the Wilmette teai, hcld -themi ani tbey only gaineld lire yards. Then Hav;en . punted and. Dave Haas catught the baIl and iras tackled right whon he got ItL Then Wilrnette wras heid tigbt* for three clowns with only a few yards gained. Then, the fi'rst haîf was. ever, and "I-ap' Gathercoal, our coach, said he Would make mome changes..-inthe line -and he put two new guards and tackles la and teld us to plunge througb Haven's lune.' In the second half wben uve got, the ball wel f-iled plunging and we soon got through Halven's lines and we macle a to .ucbdown. but flot the -point and when we, werc geing te kick to Haven the gaine was. over a 1nd the Pee-Wees wÎon their flrst football. gaine 61 te 0. After we tieed two, -the 'lightweights and'-the heavies won 6 to .-John'Speredes, IA Lightweights of Wilmette Make Impressive Record The Wilmnette 4 ightw*elgbt team et teNorth Shore league seems, te be-«In a -fairlY 9g.0d Position se far this year, having tied- two and ýwon one. We are now la. flrst place. The* team is coin- Poseýd ef the follewiag nmemberS: Bave Miller, left end; Donald Reed, left, tack le; Bob Scott, left guard; Fred Kas.par, ceater; Charles Moreau, right gua*rd, Stanley B1rickital, rigbt tackle; Ed Mec,. righit end; George Green, quar- terback; Bob Spetbt, left hait back;: Ludwig Skog .and Elmier Lewis, right haIt backs: Captai-n' Bill Stackhouse,- full back.--George Green, Howard SB, Stolp lC Gridders Take Six Out of Eig6ht Gaines Tb'ursday, October 16, Stelp l1C fia- ishèdý the football season by winniing six and losîng twe, gaie,:.i The first gaine we playýed ,was witi Howard 8B, and, we lest 27, te .0. The second, gaine ire played was with Stolp 1B, anîd we won 18 te 0. Our third.garne was with, St. Josepb, and wé e won7 te 6. Our fourtb gaine was with St. Francîs, and, we won 12 te 6. Our fiftb gamne.iras: -witb -Hovward 8B and we lest 18 te 12. Ouir sixth game was with St. Francis a nd we won by forfet-ýWalter Fos-. lund. >f.. * TO REWARD AUTII C Miss Perring Is gôing te- T, BUJT NUET - te everY article - that la was coming home ln his JUNIqR LnmE, se that if you « n along Isabella. A Ford thlng well eaough yeu get ar ,h back wheel and turned a ticket te the Wllmette thea le was net hurt-Warren soniethlng te try fr.-Jean 1 E 1 Lawrence, 'Ils Turner'- om a Misa Evans' roorm *STH GRADE CHlAMPIONS H-oward 8B wlns the champlonsh ip for the elghth grades. We have gene through pretty good this seasen. We owe our victoi'ries -te the backfleld we ba.Those are, John Vesno red Hêrr, , and.. George Geen.-Edwili Lance, 8B Reward. i ~ t My, car or hit ii Sýhakespeare"s BirthPlae Inspires Love of- Beautyi The Place %vhere shikespeare was bora is located at Stratford on the river Aven in lEngland. It is a beau- tiful Place. The river is a windiag tbre ad of silver, the atonre bouses'pretty places, and the cottage ef Ann M-ath- - aay - te.maid Whom Shakespeàýre wooed ýend won il> a neigbboring 'ham- let, is a quaint ýstructure. The sehool that Shbakes-pea-Yee went te does n't look like" any of our modern schools te-day at ail. Kenilworth castle is a sight to, see. The ruins are meoss covered. Warwick castle is a bretty Placé too, altbough it is net inp ruinse Chiarlecote, shipyard on Aven, lbas cîuite a large structure near, the edge of thbe quiet and peaceful Aven. In lit- erature we are studying the '"1erchant of Veilice," a c.medvý by Shakesp>eare. -V'irgiala Huettel, 8Ù. - Science Students Colleet Flowers, Insects,, Leaves - Tuesda3y, Miss Stevens told us te bJring al our materials witb Which we. were making different science ! cullc- tions, on WednesdayÏ.. *Senie aire niakiiig seed. col lections,- tlom'er, .s pider, insect, - grass, weed. and leaf collectionis. It. is5 very, iateresting. 0One et the -girls miouaited ber flowers in a piedure frame and they were veýry pretty. Others haci bougbit these tiny' capsules and have made their sced colections ia thein. We- think it's great fun and like imakitig these. collections immensely. --Eilenùç

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