Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 41

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late Iast Thursday, night or early Friday morning. The outside doors of the Cox build- ing leading to the second floor offices and shops are kept open ail night. -Working under cover, but failing to break the double locks. on the door which leads into the' Chamber of Co mmerce officesý from the hallway, the thief or thieves first jinmied the Iock on the hallwey, door of the AI- bright Beauty shop, ivhich adjoins the Chamber of Commerce 'offices,. and*then forced open the doar be- tween the two places, of business. About nine dollars in cash was stolen fromn the beauty shop, andi two. new founttain pens and.aou five dollars' worth.of stamps from the Chamber of Commerce offices., *The files of the; Wilmette Crédit bureau were jimmied and badlv dam- maged. The thief or. thieves later, found the, keys to these files, but, failing to fidavmoe oked the files and took the keys 'along with, them, causing consijeral1e inconveni- ence until a new set of keys could be * oltained to unloc-k themn. The Wilmette, Credit Meii's asso- riation hel a .méeting in the Chamn- ber of Commerce, offices last Thurs- day night, :and the place -ý%as not vceduntil about 10 :15 o'clock, B. T. Clark, secretary of, the Chamiber reports. The robberv took place be- tWeen that hour and .8 o'clock the ilext morning. ATTEND WEDDING A group of Wilnmette resIdentS motored to Plymouth,, Ind. Saturdaxt.October 18, to attend the silverwý, ding anniversary of Mr. and -\i>. Frank 'Feike, former residenits of ti~ village.- Arong those attending wcrc Mr. and Mrs. John Welter, Mr, an,,' 'ýMrs. -N. P. Miller, Mr.. and. Mr';. John Hoffman, and their, two dau Il-, ters,. Mrs. Lucy Bell, and 1Ur. and, * Mrs. Peter Wagner. Ludwig Skog of 135 Seventeenth street bas been south on a business trip and Mrs. Skog left Tuesday morning tQ meet him lin St. LouiS. They expect, to. return to Wilniette' Sunday. Photo by 'roof! Mrs. David S. Hantincl is the formier Ra e i-liglnie Ma ver, danghter of 1fr. a4d ;Mrs. MVii- toit 114. Vayer of Wiwictka. Her> trHi,ito A r 1liiHezewho j: the son of 11h. and 1Mrs. ~Walter P. Hanmcl of Chicago, toQk place Satuérday, Oc.tober- 11. Mfr. and Mr.i-a;ine! arc on a trip to Bermuda. !SIect Molineý Librarian State* Association Head Miss Alice WVilliarns, librarian of the Moline Public 'ibrar, ias electecl president of the Illinois Library assa-. ciation at its annual convention ait Moline last week, to succeed. M.- F. Galagher of Highland Patrk. Mis;ý Williamis is a graduate of Westeroî Reserve university., Both Miss Ani1e I_, Whitmnack and Miss Winifredl Bright of Ithe Wilinette Publiclihrar ' attendedt he convention. ..Miss Whit- mack, was on the nomninating cona- rniîttee for thie election of nevv. offi- cers. Mrs. Uarry B. Burnside, of 1515 Lake avenue Iast week entertained lier father, Robert Allen, and three brothers. Jesse, Stephen, and Burton THE THEI NOISEUESS Oit BURMEA INSTALLED COMPLETS As Iow aà Wih.275 gai. ak E'vansgon Show -Room i6zo SHERMAN AVE. is the. best,. because it' n quieter, cleaner, and more economical' than orher burnera. Habbard'WoodsShow Room g00 LINDEN AVE. Wimmuska65e, I Now Cofo ni a1 S p e ctacles Rirness ... and »'LITEWATE" a WILMETTE 3029 WINNETKA 137 tu 2050 RAILROAD AVE. y EVANSTON, Y mnc. ILL. 1645 Orrington Ave., Evanston Orringbèn at Cburch TELEPHONS UN-IVERSITY 6804 Il 11

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