Roosevelt Typifies Spirit of Scoutirig; Memory Inspires No citizen of Anierica better typi- fies the. Spirit of Scouting than Tbeo- dore 'Roosevelt. He helped.organize tht Boy Scouts of America and was for severai1 years our Chief, Scout Citizen. No ont bas rn a more forceful, con- structive : way energized BOY Scout ideals for the. benefit of mankind. No man b a s more fully livedl the Motte. *"Be Prepared." He did bis duty teý God. and bis country. He made- himsel f by bis own effort and- WiIl, physicaily strong, mentally awake and môrally' *straight.. His memory is. an inspiration te loyal .citizenship and ýte servic,- of. tht h igbest .bopes. Ht did ail the sple- did things thar every boy hepes. ta ac- Complish. As Roosevelt. stood. for al that was best in our citizenship, each of' us in Scouting has a speciai respensibility te se that bis, birthday anuiversary on" October 27 dots flot go by witbo ut ask- ing the occasion for i'mpressiug upon scouts and others .bis tremendous con- 'tribution te our citizenship. He net oniy advecated but iived a if e of outstand- igunseifisbness' and service, We sous organize, our activities that thtelives of our Scouts anid others' ma y he more heipful because of what is dont on this day. Albatrôss Starts Voyage for Scaports of 1930-31 T 1he Sea Scout Ship Albatros s Troop 26, Winnetka, has begun hcr 1930-31 land 'cruise. On' Tuesday, Oct.* 7, she weighed anchor and after a' short dedication. speech b y Reve- rend Gerhard, chairman' of lier ship conimittee, she set eut te sea.' Tht ship's officers are the same as last vears: Mr. jaeger skipper, and Mr. _Rôoos flrst, mate., We already have, a large iuembersbip, but new recruits are weicome.: Meetings are* led in *the Parish Hqouse in Winnetka eaclh Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. AUl beys oiver 15 and any visitors are welcome.- Philip Swabaher, $hip No. 28 Yeo- mian. Council Signs Up New North Shore Leaders Througbout the North Shore Area council in the last week several new leaders bave been registered. Louis C.. Schultz is now a registered Troop Conimittee %memnber of Troôp 31. in Highland Park. Ralpb W. Pratt,ý an, old tirne Lyle, Scout of, Spokane; Wash., bas taken eover bis new, duties as Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 34, Presbyterian cëhurch, Highland Park., Both Alfred J.. Salisbury and Lep E. Maiman, are ùew menit badge coun- selors in Lake Forest. Chef Wiiing 'hunder (R. W. Johnson) of the Win- nebago Tnibe ou the Camnp Ma-Ka-Ja- Wan staff this summer, is now re gis- tered as a special deputy commissioner. Five-year ve t e ran ra'nk.s were awarded -te Ray H.- Davis, Eagie Scout .f Troopl'18, Winnetka, Commuoity Hoeue and Scoutmnaster Wendall A. Hill of Troop 31, Highland Park. B3oy 'Scout Pres Club of Winnetka Meets Friday 'lhle Boy Scout Press club of Win- netka meets every Friday afternooni, at .4:45, in the, basement of Zick'.s stores. The patrol and troop repor- ters should attend.' The Assistant Jditor-i-Chief will bc announced at a meeting in thé near future. 'The reporters that have tweive or more articles, brinig them te tht meeting and you wiii be given an application for the Press Club Quiil.' Any 'boy frein any troop that is' interest.ed ini repor ting, as the troop reporter,' is weicome te corne. This year the Press Club will be going full bla-st, because there is a reporter from each, treep. The reporters are e,pected .tçp look in this paper for information oi tht Press club. You will net be told everything at tht meetings. Tht deatl- line for news is Saturday mornings. There is supposed te be an article f rom every troep every week. If by sorne chance you, as treep reporter, cannet write an article some weeks, scail Charles Dunlap, :Wînnetka 1917.' Shield High school. These classes are f ree to ail Scouts and they are, iïrged tô corne, and pass' their-, swimmning test at the regular -time listed beiow. 9 te lO--life saving merit badge 'test. 10 te 10 :30-swimmning mier- it badge 1test. '10:30'to 11-first ciass swimiflg test. Groups of Cubs. to,,Be Registered Within Few Days In accordance, with the recent de- cision'of 'the Executive board of the North Shore Area, a field exec- utive wili be placed on the headqtuarters staff on january I st to handie the Cub: program and the Seà' Scout programi exclusiveiy. The counçiI is therefore ready te' register Cub Packs in institu- tions where tire proper steps have beén taken. Several groups have been oper- ating with the regulations establishing these' units and have been' holding meetings. Thiese groups wvil1 probahly be registered %vithin the next twvo weeks. Amolig the requirenients f or regis- 'ring a Cub, Pack are 'these: first, a, leader and a committee entireiy niew anîd separate f rom a Boy Scout Troop organized' at present ini the institution; ý;ccond, the williingness of one or mhore Cub leaders te take the Cubtrasters' training course starting imnxediately after the first of the- year; and third. the agreement on the part of the Cuh pack committee and the Cubmaster ,'te carry out the, pregram in accordance with the plans developed by. the lia- tional organization. This prograni is for 9 10 and il, year old boys and has a program en- tir'ely separate .and distinct f rom that of Scouting as well as a. uniform ten- tireiv different'f rom that' of *theRnt Scouts and Dads to Have Reunion Monday, Oct. 27 The Order of the Arrow, Who. bave complete charge. of pregrani, arrange- ments, and attendance,, report- that everytbing is in, readiness for 'the greatest reunion of, campers 'and dads ever héld on the North Shore. The pro- gramf Nvifl ,be just one big event after, another, fuil of fun and fur *ious ,en- joyment. Any, Ma-Ka-Ja-Wah camper could 'neyer.afferd te miss this.reunion. 'At the Deerfield-Shields dining hall where the - "big feed" wili be handed put: starting, at 6,30 Mondaýy.evening, October ,27,,they can..only',accommo-n-date 425 people. That's net very many when« you tbink, that 359 different1 scouts at- tenided camp this summer, and, every-ý eone of them ýill want te bring their dad. If you haven't registered at Scout, Headquarters it may be to late, but give it a try, anyhow.. If there'a chance, don't. miss it. Sea Scouts Dreamà About-. Cruise.for Coming Year Most of tht Sea' Seouts in Ship Numiber 21, Glencoe, Union cburch, have beenp graduateci from high scbooi and- are scattered over the country, geing to college, but Troop 21 have a lot of new candidates that. look hopeful and tht feliows that are.- left f romn last year's bunch are an in-, terested bunch. Last year Troop. 21 had no boat but thty are planning ta' bu.y oee his year. john Batak, theç new mate, took charge of the first meeting and made plans' for the cornirig year. Oue ffian is for a long cruise on tht boat they plan te . get.-Ralph Stoetzel.- Troop_21, GIencoe. Troop 1Ô' Busy Earning Points Before Christmas At our iast -meeting we started hav- ing a point contest, lasting each week until Christmnas. The peints -are,-. under aduit leadership. will be 'by uniform or card only at Gate No.1 p. m. Wear uniform if1 adult leader without taird -ca n get *prmit He*ldquarters, Highland regus from Park. ;sion trom holing their meeting Octoer and with tht rest ofthte school Tht first part of .th( tion 16.' The 'hike that the treop had board is very int'ertsted in the Scout voted te semaphore 1-:30 -piauned for 'October 18 bas been' movement, and bas 'dont a lot 'in that we played "s Any' called' off on account of. the father organizing and developing the troop. 'chief." Then we sar ttien and son picnic.' Thte treop. will dis- Tht treep now bas fourteen scouts, our patrol cornertooi cout cuss tht hike at the hext meeting.- witb prospects for a good many then closed.--Ralph Bertil H ilîner,. Troop 15, Winnetka. more.-.Troop'40, West Ridge. 22, Glencot. à '-.meeti ngs, .and ýStretzel, Troop