Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 28

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ELECTION DAY NOV EM BER 4 You are urged to place a cross in the square in front, of the. name .,of Anna Wilmarth Ickes. She lhas rprsnted th's district. for one têrm as State Representative wîth great credit. - v v v v v v v v -v -v -v -v -v -v-y- of the Winnetka and Glencoe gram- rnar schools and the New Trier Higli school also attended. Mr. Mischa- koif is the new concert meister of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. H4aroldl Van Horne, accompanist, was at the piano. -Mr. Mischakoff played the Sonata in E, major by* Handel, the Concerto in D major by TschaikoW- ,sky, the Second Slavonic Dance by, Dvorak, the Turkish March by- Beeth- oven, and. the dfiut Tzigane by Ravèl.. Mrs. -John, P.'Olesonl of 240 Wood-' s tock avenue, Kenilworth, has' re- turned f romi a trip east. She spent ten days' in Cambridge. Ma.ss.,. end w~o week-ends in Wellesley. ' She. also stopped for twvo weeks i Roch- tester, N. Y. -v v v v -v *v v 'v v v v v 'v Y BU-R NE'É R ++ +Is economical. to perate because it Iburns the cheaper .and heavier grades'of oil which are also richest in heat units;. because it 'burns this oil cleanly and. completely; and because '1' last year's graduating class ai New Trier High school, according to infor- mation conipiled in the registrar's office. Two hundred and fifty-four niembers Of last year's class of .362-135 girls and 119 boys-are now attending, col, Ilege, while others. are taking post- graduate work ai New Trier or are, planning t0 continue their edùcatioii next year. Most to Northweatera Northwestern unive rsity attraeted the largest number of ;the 1930 New Trier graduates, forty-ýnine.: The Univýersity of Illin dois ý was second' ith twenty, .ake Forest college third- with tlir- teen and. Carleton college, of North-, field,: Miinn., fourth witlh eleven.. An indication"' of how widely Scat- tered the 19a0O graduates are may be iound i t he fact.that seven are attend- ing- Dartmouthi college, four are althte L'iiersity of Alabama and tWo are at theUnierstyof XWashington. The Complet. Lit F~ollùoing.is a complète listof the 1930 New ITriesr graduates. who are attending college this year and the schools they are attending, as conmpiled in the Netw Trier régistrar' office: Acadeiny of thke N.ew Churchi-Ajice. BUnrsityn of Alabaîn-a-Elmeèr Berol, William ,Conner, Clayton Paulson aud William Wolter. Antioeh. côliege-Chiurchjl WUan Ajî.rinstitute--John JBrenner- Ch-'Iieago Art. Institute isabel Cra-7 craft, It ose niary: Ellison, Margery Mid- deiidorf and Florence Tidemian. Beloit college-Delbert Miller, Rtutli .Beninett, Virginia Rich and Donna Xi- Bradford academy-Alice l4urkliardt Brown university-,Marshall Dudley. Carleton colleg-Anne Bodd le,. Julia Crosslcy, Ratherine Ells, Caroline Richi- ards, Alice Venriek, Johin Atwood, Wil- liain (lates, Howard HQaglund, GJordoi) Robinson, Rlay R us na k and flick Schuvertt of Cicago--Grae Clucas, Ruth Lannen (University college), Helent Reinhardt, Marga ret 'Washburne, lPhilip: B3rooks4 (University colleige), Jack Loeb. Dick Longini, Bob Schoenbrun and'Paul Seligmann. Choate school-19llzabeth.Johnison. UnIv4 tslty ,of Cineinht7-j-ack l>en- schoôol ->ick Sleep a.nd- of Colorado-Isabel Mac- collegew Ernestinie Ier- Showroom Open Evenings *Naame ...... .............* IAddress ....................... l .&AÀ. À. À.À. À. À. A. A A Aa * a. - - - - - - - .A À. À. À. À. À. À. À. À. À. À. À. À..À. À. À. À. nola Wesleyan-Marl Koretz. iols Wonian's college Gene Werslty of Indiaine-,Jéràme The UJET AUTOMATic 0OIL MA Pad- Haud-

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