Vote, "Yes" O0n'Water .Bond I ssue!0 We are 1n favor of this Bond> issue" ecause- (1) W. believe that Wlmett.'ss greatest need is an adîequate water supply.t () W. believe that this need can b tb. supplied with'theVlaeong and operatingq its own Water Plant. ()-W. belleve that owning and controlling our own WerPant will gve us the best quality of water possble. (4 We believe the best interests of Wilmette will be promotfed if we own and control, our own greatest need -our Water Supplyi. (5) Web lieve that owning and contreling u onWat* ln ilk mnaterially in eliminating the Fr. Hazard. (6) Up to this t6me if has been good policy, to buy our water from Evanston, * but we are large enougk now so +bat we should be independent of our neighbors and own and control our owri supply. b(7) Because of ibese reasons and others that might be included, and because we believe that the building of our own Water Plant wil promote the best interests and welfare of aIl the ci6izens of Wilmette, we are most heartily in favor of this Water Plant, and urge, ail who are anxious to see Wilmeie talc. the leisding place Il Amonig the North Shoresuburbs "VOTE" YES ON THIS BOND ISSUE-November 4th. Be sure and read the questions and answers publisbed by t.he 'Village Board > discussing this Water Works,.malter !in detail. Be sure 'and vote "Yes'ý on this questionm on Novemnber 4+h if you want the best water service possible and want Wilmette fo take the Ieading place among the North Shore suburbs. Be sure and Vote 'Ye,s" so that each citizen will b. assured of an adequate supply of water for lawn sprinkting, domestic service and Pire Prtction. ,111)