school of Cicero 6 o 0 vat New Trier. '1'nc victoi-y as floc iipressîvet. Mýortun iinlan(e tell nrst downs to New 'Irier s six, an1d the west siders opened Up. a passîug attack iii the last quarter ~a brougiit. themi dangeroulsly near tiie' icw irier line. The north shore boys scored their Jonc touclidown lit i esecond quar- ter after Charles Krcmner, 1layillg an end position, .recoveredi'a .Aioiton > Aumwçlt on Alorton's iour-yard hile. George Boylston, fulloack, plunged across for tue sço-c. 'liat end.ed ti e scoring ,tor the day, as the try for the extra. point faied. Ne.-%v rier trieud no passes. Mlorton comnpieted six ont or.'lourteen passes, four of themn in the last quarter fort thir-ee, -,hrst, downs. Both -teainis fumibled. and on more than oPne oc- casion iunilIes. cost New 'lrier a chanceto score. The Neiw Trier freshmnan-sopho- more team scôred one touchidowni in the first quarter and another in: the fourth quarter to defeat the west sideé,rs. Gieleni, New Trier, fullbac-,> Plunged.across for the first touchi- dowiî after Preston, left end, bloçlçed a Morton punlt on the Morton sixm- yard. fne. In the- last quarter a ý12.: yard pass, f rom Enichelmlay er ýto Kahler Iroughit the h)all close to. Morton's goal and Elicheliayer car- ried it across. Pil oowîg the, gaines a receptioil, wvas field ithe 'k ri-:ýhip Chlb rooi for 'the New Trier and Morton players. The 'Tri -Ship club) and tuie Girls' club at -New 'rricr cooperated with the athlètic departmlent iii plant- nling the affair. Cocoa and sand- wiches were served. Invite New Trier High 10 Annual Oberlin Day Newv Trier Township 'High schil, one of .450 selected schools -thirough- out: Ohio. and' neigýhboring. states,1lias been invited by Ober lin collecge to be her'guiest on, Oberlin's second aninual. High School Day, October 25. Junir* seniors, parents,' and teachers will be cordially welcomed in~ Oberlin on that ubrea« and cottce-caké. HOSTESS AT TEA *Mrs. Carl Keith, .310 Warwick road, Kenilwortb, entertained at tea att ber' home on. Monday afteinoon )etween the hours of 3 and.,(,,in honor of ber c ousin, Miss Bessie Alliing of New York, who is here visiting Mrs. Keitb. Miss Aling bas visited in Kenilworth .many times. Mrs. Irving Woodward, forpmerly j)f KenilNorth, has been the guest .or the. past. few weeks « of' Mrs. 'eorge Keehn of Indian Hill and Mlrs. Johnî Hopkins, of Evanstonà. Mrs. Henry Taylor, 431 Essex, road, Kenilworth, gave a buff et. luncheonii -tid bridge Wvedniesday, October 15, ini honor of Mrs. 'Woodward.. for, State Senator "'Arthu'r A. Huebuch le ending his first term in which he. showedd- cided capacity as a lei- Voters League. PATRONIZE* OUR ADVERTISERS Distiflled Naph tha Cleaning Clean Like the Sunlight Duri ng our years as cleaners it.bas been our privilege to investigate many methods of cleaning and numerous cleaning solutions, and in no case was complete satisfaction experienced, until we adopted the distilled naphtha process. Vision your garments and household things batbed in crystal clear napbtba, f rom wbicb al impurities bave been distilled. Picture how much -Clea 'ner tbey mnust be, bow much brigbter the colors and bow niuch longer they will stay clean. We offer some extra specials for tbe week endngNovember 1. -Wby fot investigate distilled napbtba cleaning? Bring your bundile to our office and receive a liberal discount. Sp [-lOfferGood'Until Saturday,.Nov.i LADIES' PLAIN DRESSES Beautifully cleaiî.d and hand pr..umed by experts .... 5 Sweden uucier FresîuvaaLLLt1 ierie Hoover and after spending à f ew weeks in this country Mr. and Mrs. Moorehead will returfi to Sweden f or a perio)d of two or three years. Mr. and Mx-s. Moorehead'will be in Kenilworth to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Birkhoff. special prices. & DRY CLEANING SYSTEM 12 10 CE-NTRAÀL AvE. WILMETTB 1800 nomm