Today, eSe pries are provided by thie Great Atlantic S Pacifiéc Tei Co. ias a buying guide to house- wie.Prices th w nthe, firet colunu ae x efféct at A&P Food Stores, OCTOBER 20-25. PRICES .TODAY OCT. 20-25, SPECIALS. Soua1w et......10-lb. bs... .49C Sugar:,Cim....1 ..lêu bsbulk....51SC smmet Pýrues ige. size, ILb. kg...Il i1-2c Baldng Pow<Ier, CaUmet. iî-oz., -ca. .25c Catsup, Sider's r ..14-oz« bottie. . .. 17C Fruit Salad, Del Monte. Né. 1 cn.. 21 l"2C Cooliesor(ana } Points. 25c FOODS MOST IN -DEMAND Shredded Wheat.....k. .lO Cocos, Hershey's .....'ý/2-lb. tin ... . 13c' Brer Ralibit Molasses, Green Label .......'/2-11). cari :14c Philadleiphia Cresun Cheese, Kraftsà.....3-oz. pkg.... 13c Pr.pared Mustard, Guidns . ... S/ o. ..... %o.jr.... 13C- FloiIsiiRSn Yeast..t............ 3c HOUSEHOLD ITEMIS hiory Snow ...8-Oz. pkg. ... 12 1-2c Super Suds .SmaIpk... -3c Lux Toiet SospW ak..62-3c: TOBACCO f ]Lneky Strike Ci'ttsChesterfield Tin of 50 ...29c o4r Old GoId MEATS ~ - m a. *~ IL Pri rem a year ago> SDe- trease luir -Prites subjecit t change depending ujon fluctua- tions in wholesale market' prices. iy are the citizens of WiI- :ed. to vote on the questioni bonds for a new Watcr lias prepared the foiiowing series ot ",Questions and Ansivers- covering every phase of the question. Thi ï compendium of questions and an- swers is being m iaiied to every lioune- holder in iete If you have other questions feel f ree to commun- icate.wath 1any menmber of the. illage *board or witti the Village manager. (Qe Where is the Water Plant wo lo 1cated?_ (41) erne Water Plant w ill be located on nie lake snure ina Washington Park,; ;t ,Uch a location as May, be deter- mined by the Park Board, and, where %%i i t best Ainto the Park develop- mient. Land was bought on the lake iront for this purpose; years ago and mierged with the Park land. CAPACITY (Q) What will'be.the, capacity of the Water Plant? (A) The Water Plant wili have a capacity of filtering six million gallons or water ini each twenty-four 'hliurs. ilowever, the' capacity of these tilters cafi be lncreased 50% or to a rate of iine million gallons foe e inds of sev- t.'ýal hours at a time te take care of the peak load during the sprinkling seaison, and at such other times as the dernand may be excessive. .The capacity of the higJh llft pumps ýwill be approximately 14,O00,000 gallons in twenty-fourhours. The capiacity of, the intake Will be ample to take care of our needs-until 1950. Thus we believe that-the capaclty of- the plant is ample to take care of our present needs for a period 'of tiventy years, and the earnings from the water department will be ample te take care of ail future extensions and enlarge- ments when they become necessary. PLANT A PARK ASSET (Q) Will the Water Plant be a detriment to the nighborhood Mi which it is Iocated? S (A) No, it wil net. The. plans for the building will. be of a type of arch- itecture that will fit into the suirouind- ingsý, will bc pleasing in appearance, and -ieclde4lly an additional attraction *ofmoment to- the Park. (Q) -Will the Water Plant have a tai!. chimney that will belch sroke over the neighborhood? (A) No, the principal, power used will- probably ho elecétricity. The pumips will be motor driven with gas or ohl engines fodr standby Service..1 (Q) Just whiat will à water Plant bc four ways to financt, A&P FOUSTORES IgTheGreat A tlantic & P.acific Tea Ce., 14IDIlgWeS ERNý i and iu I ary to1 to get of the1 the non rfrom -2't Trhîs kes for shore, te 3,500 ance 15 led by coagu- 'Villa ess Wit s not payn the 3,000 foot Th iuality water. of. b water plants stabl obtaîn their purc1 feet frorn the at a neùeeSSry teO f i and ci r ratei 1on t 1 nt lor the *re be sold The -rate I l (A) The State Law provides that the question o f issuing bondé must be. sub- mittedý to a referendumn vote. ()Why is it >necessary for Wil-, mette to build its own W ater Plant?, (A), Because with. our own plant wte *i11 be sure of an adequate water slip- ply. We will be, entirely independent of any other municipalIty for this service. The general tendency of any neilghboring community ln furnishing water to' another communlty is tô see that its own.citizens are suPPied with water, and then to, let the nelghboring community have what service can, be furnished. after' the home town ha.s been served. This has been the de- pendent condition, of Wiimette for many years. PRESENT SOURCE fQ),What is our present source of supply? (A) Our present source 0f supply iii from the Cîty of Evanston. ,Wilmette has secured Its water suppiy f rom Ev- anstofi for the paét forty- years. (Q) What was the- cause of the water shortage this past Summer? (A) The shortage of water su)Ipiy this past summer was due in *part toj the small sîze of main and connection. with the Evanston main, particularly on the Evyanston side. Mainly, howevei. the shortage was due to the inabiliyof Evanston tofurnish water to,.our boost-, er pumps located in the Sanitary Dis- trict Pumping. station under the bridge in Sheridan road. (Q) Why do we flot contin ue wt the Evanston supply? (A) Because Evanston bas been and ts now growing rapily toward the capacity of her plant. It is requiring more of its own supply to fflrnish the needs of its own people, and the Wil- mette service has been sufferlng on this account, and will doubtlei;s continuie Fi suffer more each year. COSTS (Q) How- much' will the Wilniette new Water Plant cost? (A) The firm of engineers. Pearse,ý Greeley &* Hansen. employed to * tudy and Plan this water project, estinji.te that it will cost $100,000.00 te eonstrtzct the WaterPlant andI feeder mains frpnm the -plant 'westerly to Ridge road su. asto furnish'.adequate pressure,.to*.al parts, of -the Village. METHOD 0F FINANCING (Q) Is it necessary to issue Bond"S