Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1930, p. 8

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Armour, the society's president. For the first time lure in public, the explorer witt, describe the adven- tures of the Byrd Antarctic expedition and will exhibit bis own motion pic- tures taken during thefourteen months on the.ice and the dasb over tbe South Pote. These pictures show episodes of the Antarctic exploit wbicb have nôt hitherto heen inade public, and. of - f er tangible evidence of some of, the scientific work. accomplished hy 'the lLxpedition. AdmniraI. Byrd wil.1 appear at the Civic Opera House Sunday evening, November 16. FPohtloing- bis address the gold medal of the Chicago. Oo- graphic Society %vill he piresented to hitn in irecogiiition of bis work iin ex- ploration. Ticket& for Pubie A11 seats îuot reserved by subscribers to the Infant Wefare society witt be offered to the general public, Mr? Armour said, 'and the proceeds will go to the society for the continuiance of its wvork for the city's babies. Thle Society, which 15 ntow complet- ing its twcntieth year, maintains a permanen.ht staff of ninet>-six physi- cianls, nurses ýand social -;%Orkets wbo caryin activities at. twent y-one sta- tons scattered anuong the poorest sec- tions oi Chicago, It is nationally recognized as one oif the foremnost or- ganizations of its kind in AAmcrica. During 1930 the society will care1 for more thaii 14,0WO infants and chil- * dreiî under Six years of age wlho *old not otherwise receive medical advice and dietary help. 'Lt wihh provide as- sistance to 1,40)0 expectant 'mothers, and its nurses Nvili maiçe over 105,000 * visits to homes. The Society 1s work- er,ý examine children and mothers . at *its. stations, give. expert medical. advice *and prescribe diets, go. into homes to demnonstrate the actual -care of babies, *cooking and sanitation, and tieach men- *Drop in~ Death: Rate Illustrating the progress whicli is being made in beathi work in the most çongestedl areas_ of the. city, is the pro- Miss Mary Blanche, Little, NVorth- western uiniversity senior, U411 play t/w leading raie of SaIly 'in 'W#usc Part y,"' the production. to be presented by the University theater -for the entire week begin- ninq Oct, 27:~ Miss Little qwas se- lccted as the Northwestern May ,Q ueen last spring and has been ac- tive in campus dramatics. "Haute Part y" wil? have its first Presen ta- tion, since its Newu York ruit, at the University theater. Orchestra Makes Announcement of Week's Programs The Chcago .Symphl)loiNy orchesira, directed by Fredcrick Stock., will pre-ý sent a Tuesday afternoon concert o11 October .28, a Popular concert ou, Oc- tober 30,.,and the regular pair oi Friday afternpoon-Sat urday eveing concerts next week. This xviII be the. Tuesday afterîîoon. concert ton first oppoi.unity to insj>ect the or- chiestra and its new uiininers. is Baker of the college wiII receive thie guests of th e club wi th Miss Mis Priscilla Carinio, president of te club, and Miss Lilljài Ilieva, vice- presiden t. *Mrs. jacol> Pfeiffer atd Mrs. ýjames M. Stiffler, sustaining miem- bers, will preside at- the t ea table. Mrs. Fred Porter of Ravinia, Mrs. Harry- G. Phillips. Mrs. GeorgeL Tomilnson, Mrs. George M.L Groves. of Evanstonl, with Mrs. Florençe S. Ca.pron, International club. sponsori will assist the group of seventeen students f rom foreigii lands and. ai equal number of Anuericansitri receîving their guests. Arnong those, who are sustniflifg nuenbers of the club are: Francis M. Arnold, Ms W. H. Avery, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.' Barclay, Mrs. J. W. Behr, Mrs. George H. Bettý,~Ls William S. Bo- vard, M %rs. Charles E. Bradt, Mrs. E.. J. Buffingtofl,%I'rg. George 'M. Clark, Mrs. Sarari J. ýConwell1, 1%rs. A . E. Ciraig, Mrs. Fred G. Deiesl, Miss Helen Ecker, Mrs. Katherine Elmore, Mfrs. 11. N. 'English. Dr. aýnd Ms.William niglisi,. .%r.,. Borace H., Field,Ms . D. Fink, - . '.'c F r' .Mrs. G orgé M . G ro ves :trs. William C. Gilbert, Mr.s. William T'. Hall, MNrs. F. W. }illnî-an, Miss H1elen Hobart, Mrs. S. E. Huribut, Mrsî. James A. Jamies. Mdrs. Elmer A,. Johison, Mrs. Louise Kimiba.ll, MNrs.. Hilda Ho.Wrdý la.urenr(e, NIrs. MI.urice H. LieIber. Mrs. Andrew Nla-Leish, Miss Florence Lin- neli, Mr. arrison L. '.%ettler' Mrs., Jaiie 1H. ier Mrs. Alexander W. Moseley, MNrs. Arthur H. Parmaàlee, Mrs. .Jaîcob Pfeiffur, '.\r,;,Hairy <1;* «Phillips, Mrs. Fred Porter, Mbrs. Eleanor Per- kins, M is. C. B. PrQuty, Mrs. W.îallaèe Boyd lussell. MNiss Marion J. Rus.1ell, M\iSs Euiie ,Sasnian, Miss Jessie iSent- ney, Miss Vera C. Sheldon. 's Doug- las, Siith, NIrs. 2Margueite ,C. Taylor, Miss~ Clarit-L. Thomipsofl' Mrs. George H. Tomlson. Mrs. William Merrili Vorius, M-\rs. Carleton Wa.shbiirfe, Mrs. Louis'e WM. Webb, Miss Jessie Weiler, NMis> Jane H. Whie. iss Anne G. Wjliali,.Miss W. 1). Wright, Miss MayAdams and Mr. Fred C. Winl Tom. Thumb Golfers to Hold National Tourney Tfhe $10,000 National Open. Minia- ture Golf chanipionýship wllbe held1 iii the world's largest inidoor arena, the Chicago Stadium, commencingi October 21) to November 2, inclusive, of women's activities, according to the new programi just published. Four evenings of each week will be devoted to the women's prograrn and each of these: evenings will be doubled ini its scope of progranm for Iast year,t accordingý to, menul>ers Of the wome n's department.- 1. Swimming has been dropped f roi the program and has been replaced by the Illinois Bell: Telephonie.coil- pany basketball '.league meeting oçn Friday' eveàinlgs at the Stolp gyna;- sium. XVhile the greater number (if. teams entering this league wviIl li- f rom the Telephone, comp .any, en-, tralits W ill also be' received f rom anv other corporations desiring to enter the league and abide by the eligibility rules of the Playgrounid and Recrca- tion board. *Both the Tue sday- and, Thursday night, gymna sium classes at Howard1 school have leen doubled ini schedule and two classes will be lheld on each eveni ng. The Tuesday e%-eirrg ciass will lue held under the direction of Mi ss Helen jans. She will maîntain 'a class for grammair school girls whoc have. not an organized physical edu- cation departnuient in. their schools duintg the day time. This class will. m eet at 7, o'1clock and the girls wil be dismissed- promptly at 8 o'clock l order that they m av be. in their home*. in tinue for bed at 9 o'clock. Fol lowling the grammar sc houil class, a class 'for high school girls m'Al be conducted f rom 8 titi 10 o'ciock. Thi.s class %vill take the. place of the Girls Athlètic club functiotuing at tlie samehour during the past years. The Thur sday .evening class which * côndluçted by Miss Joe Skidmiore, assistant in. charge oôf womnen sactIV- ities, bas.been divided in order thpt women desiring light exer.cise wil ntic tue forced to be in the same, class wthi thn debiring more strenuons exer- cise. The "light, exercise'" group w111. meet at 7:15 o'clock and will be cou- ducted until 8 -15. Following that the rernaining group will meet for athletic leagues and exercises, untit 10 o'clock. This class will flot be restricted tu nuarried women as bas been the cus- tom durinoe the last f ew yea's, but president; Erskine -Wilder, secreta ry; ipny -, nur4in CF mKWIin.S S>ltrlegu hebee1t1-cuigPeking, China, and expects to stay' Earke H. Reynolds, treasurer; and. __________4_iF__________________thbenfit____uin there som.e time.- Mrs. Eugene S. Talbôt, Jr., president * f rom tbe sale of tickets for the tour -__________________ Mrs.Eugne S Tabotjr. preidet nauent. This .money witl be used by of the Woman's Auxiliary. The mcmn- medical dîrector, and Jeannette Town- the Tower Town Food and Shelter try in the nationaf tournament by' bers of the administrative staff are: send, extension secretary. league to furnish food and shelter for sending bis nanie and address to Sara B. Place, R. N., superintendent; Infant Wetfarc society units are the many unfortunates. the tournament beadquarters at the' Dr. Hvwortb N. Sanford, medicat' di- maintained in altenrhsoevl n lyri the cnuor, an. iiaure Gýolf Mart, 236 W. Lake, irettor; Dr.,, Gerritt Cotts, assistant lages. . woman or chihd,.nmay compete for enu- street, Chicago,

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