Ail Telophone and C. 0. D. Ordirs C.awmful and QuiefrJy Delivre. Charge Accouts Solicit.d froni Reliabi. Peope, Followièng Pri ces Prevail ýat Ail Our Mairkets, Fresh Dressed Spring Ducks, lb.......... Young and Tender ......34c The 'hcad'quarte'rs,'openi froin 9 a. m. to 5 p). ni is in charge cf Miss Jea- nette Kromienatcher, who, it is an-, nounced, wiIl be pleased to answer questions regarding candidates on the Demiocratic. ticket. Lite rature pertaining to the several candidates is' als available and those interested ini the Democratic party are invited to drop in,Pat any tune. Rotarians Hear Talk by Catherine McCulloch, Catherine INaugh M.,cCullochi, Ev- anston attorne: , vho'is velI knowvn as an outst anding civic leader. ini the state, spoke at the WVilmnette Rotarv clubi luncheon at the Shiawnee Coun- try *club Xednesday noon of this week, on the sui)ject of. *'\Vonîe n on Jr- ies." *Mrs. «M\cCuliocli' roughit -luonie* to thieninembers of the ýclub tienun-, nierous-argumients ini favor Of NVOnI- eli's jury service which is the oit- ject of a referendumi at the Noveru- ber 4 election. Women niemibers and frieu-s of Rd-4ariani families were guests at the luncheon. A. Stevens, 330 Abbojtt,'fo .rd road, Kenil-,orth, lias returned f rom- a- two weeks' vacation In South Da- kota where he lbas been pheasant' shoo'ting. Mrs. Edgar Stevens lias returned f roin a trip to New York. Freili Uressed Stewing HeM', lb .............261/2c (3 to 3% Ibs. Average)_ ___ Boneless Rolled Lamb Roast, lb............ 26c Soeoked Cali Jlams, lb,...... ..............19C (5 to 7 Ibs. Average). Laý'mb Roastl.1/2 (5 tç 7. Ibs. Averagie).à Fresh Creamery Butter, lb .............. ......40c *Prizes wili bec awarded only to'.chli- dren dressed in costume and masked because of a new ruiing made hy the inembers of the Speciai Occasions cotrn- mittee. of tbe board, which is sponsor- ing the parties. *Sixty onie-pound'boxes:,of caîdy wii be giveni away as prizes and the awards wiii bc made as follows: At Howard .schooi there. vi11 hv)- thirtY'six prizes to be awvarded in this order: 'rwveîty-four prizes -for the th irteeni couples having the most typicaliy Hal- Iowe'en costumes. Teti prizes for. the teu indiviiduals h0aving. the ,môst typically Hlo&î costumes. At Stoip the prizes wvii1 he. (istrib- uted as fol1lows: ýEight prizes foôr the four couple-, having 'the most typicailly -HalloNwe'eni parties. Sixteen prizes f or the .sixteeiî midi- .îduals Iiavingý tl,,t, most'typicaliy Hal- lowve'en costumes. The judging for the prizes will h)c following a parade of ail contestan1ts wvhich wiil be heid at eachi gymnasitini promptiy at 7 :30 o'clock. Milton E. Reid wiil bc master i cer emonies at the_ Stolp gymnasium, and lvii, :have assisting h iiipresentiig the program the foliowing members o f the Spe çial Occasions coinmittee: M.\rs., Herbert Leach, Mr. R. M. Johinston, Mrs, E. H. Freenian, Mrs.* R. W. Armstrong, Mr. Stacey C. Bennet. Mr. Davis wili be mraster of cere- monies at Howard and assistin ii hl as judges and officiais .will be: Mrs. E. ,M. Simonds, Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, Mrs. H. 0. von -der Hoff, Mrs. Il. A., Storms, Mr. George H. Reddiing,. chairman of the Special Occasion1111S cornmittee, and. Mr. ,William Taylor. TWo feature films of life in the open. places wili be shown as the: main enter- tainîment of the, evening, one, at eachi gymnasium., And. in. addition there wii1: be music by t -he H-Jgh school band at Stoip), a pianist'at Howard, and atai>', dancer or accordionist as addition-al ei1- tertainment. foun'Jation Lingerie; Hosiery, Gloves, Foundation Garmenta 1 139 Centfral Avenue Ph. WiImtte 4370 Mrs. R. L. Haskins of 1465 Wii- mette avenue has returned from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Smith at Wausau Wis. The Smith family formerl'y. lived, in Wjl- mette. i i 1tat, I Shoudder Spring -I f. 1669 »bonu In Street mf 1208