Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1930, p. 71

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new managîig uirector ini auninter- view on Tuesday. 'Happening to ineet him in thc office of Bertha Ott, who is sponsoring the opera coin- pany ini its Chicago appearailce, I asked him about the personnel of S the. German Grand' Opera comapnv,,. Mr. Vincent was stopping, over ini Chicago on his way to St.. Louis froin New 'York. Dr. Schillings,,bas been the general musical director and geîîeral. mana- ger of the1 Staatgopera. ini Berlini for eight years.. As soon as lie fin- ishes conducting. 35- performaànces of' \Vagnerian opera there; and one per- forma uce of bis, own opera,. Moina Lisa," he is to corne to this couni- try. Mr. incent was, enthusiastic over, this engagement of Schillings, who is regarded as the forernost mi.usical figure .ini Germany. 1-is ."MNoniaLisa' was produced at the M.ýetropolitan, Opera House, in 1923. Gadski On Roster 'sJohianna ýGadski, who W*as the prin- c:ipal NXagnerian soprano ,of the Met- * ropolitaîn Opera con"'pany 'for twenf v vears, is returning -wvith the Germnax Grand Opera comnpany as the leadi:îg soprano.' 'She is stili the most ex- pert ini Wagnerianroles-51he is, stili thé greatest Wagiierian singer today, in spite of lier age," .,r. incetsad and lie pointed out that last year she made, a tremendQus succcss withi the German company. Another out- ,standing artist 'engage fr this sea- son 'is Max Roth, who is the leading baritonie of the Staatsopera at Ber-' lin. His- main' role will bie that 'of Sebastiano in D'Albert's "Tieflànid," of which hle is the exponent in Ger- many, An American singer, 'Marie Vn Essen, is to have leading contralto roles' this year. While scouring the, European. opera bouses for' artists, Mr:' Vincent. heard ber:,sing "Goet-, .terdaemmnnerung" ini Dresdenl. He was s0 encbanied witb lier' voice a'nd lierý acting thatý lie went back stage and immediately began talking 'Germ1an to bier, offering 'a contract. Xu cani talk United States to' nme," she said, "I'm an American." German 'Grand . pera 'company proves that it is becoMing more POP- ular. "The radio lias hielped opera," *Mr. Vincent tlîouglht. "Concert art is dropping a little, beËause,.people (len'ali(l nore;'tlîanl just 'one phase of ar.Opera .ives the theatrical to the. audience, l)ecause- it gives thein four things-mu*sic, ivoice, flash 'and dranma. The radio lias belped peo- ple to -appreciate tlîis ini music. "".1 .Tlîe staging. this seaso'n is in!' the bands of John Hevtliekker, '%ho was stage manager of thîe Metropoltan Opera company for fi;e' vears, and wvho 'is now withtlitc, Hamburg Staâtsop.eëra., ,Final announicernents of the tour and repertoire will be anniouiiced later. As for Mr. Vincent, he is a, Rusa- Sian by birth. Sirice the \Vorld' war lie lias been a governrnent. iiterpret- er because o f his knovvledge of Ian- guiages, and. then lie becarne. asso- ciated with tlîe Natioiiaýl Theater ini Budapest. After a career as a c on- 'cedt and opera' manager' iniEurope lie carne to thiis country in 1924, wlîere lie lias l)een associated wth musical attractions., He -vas cdu- catcd 'fi rst for t lîe faw and later forI mnediine-and he plays the piano, Violin 'and -Fretich,,:,hoôrni Frederick Stock Engages Artists "for Orehestra Frederick Stock, coîîductor .01 the Chicago Symphoniy o: chestra, in an- :îounicing bis list of soloists tc be heard with 4hew-oschestra this comi.ng season, shows preference for pia.no artists. 0f the eleven soloists who %vill a ppear, six are pianists, witbi the 'violixi taking second place with' three artists. Ainîng the famnous ii 'am es listed a s coming to the o rchestra as. pian 1o solloists are Harold l3auer, Gitta Gradova, Josef Hofxîîan, V'ladi- mir Horoivitz, Jose Iturbi anîd M'ar- tha Baird. 0f these artists, ail but. the lattet bave made previouis solo appeaae's under tlîe direction 'of President.J. Olheér Bswell;ý Jr., of Wheatoi. colle ge, u411 preach at the Fir'st Jz-atgelical churcfi, 886 R.E , treet, IVïnnetka, three tines ,Sundc2y, October 12---at 11, 4 and 7:45 o'clock-his suibjcits bein g,' respecti7,ei,"How ta Studv' the Bible,'" "PrèPiirationt for Lii e," and. Cornc UntôIf Ae." 'Special services will continue tbrougb-, out the wveek. Dr. Buswell preacbxing ou1 Tuesday,' Wednesday, Tbursday and Friday eveniîigs, and on Sunday, 'Octo- ber 19. His subjects on the week-day evenings will be of an evangelistic na- ture, as follows:, "WVat Has Christ. Done ?" "Wh at Did Christ Teacb ?" "Docs Christ~ Save Today" and "bi Muist 1 Do?" The churcb exteîîds a cordial invita- tiofi to north shore residents to avail themselves 'of the opportunity to' hear' this evangelical teachier. ni aking ber first solo' appearance witb 'the orchestra.>.She.2is quite farnous in à Europe, and, lias played with miany:'of tbe leading symiphony-, orchestras in England and on' the continent. Though born in the United States, she niakes her home n London, and cornes to this coul-. sibly some modifiations wiII DC given by Col. Raymiond Robbins, former 'civic leader in Chicago and regarded as one of the strongest and sanest proponents of prohibition in the countr. Col. Robbins was one of TýheodoreRoosevelt's .losest asso- ciates inthe Progre-ssive Party andý was the party 'candidate for U. S. Senatoôr fromn Illinois in i9l4.ý RoetM. Sbaw, prorninient Chi- cago attorney and one of the1 na-ý tional leaders of The Crusaders, will introduce ,Sen., Wadsworth and Charles: M. Moderwell, former presi- dent of the Chicago Board of Edu- cation and of the Union, League club, will present Col. Robbins. Fred At- kins. Moore of the 'Chicago Forumi will act 'as chairman. Further, iïii formation miay be secured at' the, Forum office, 35 W. Jackson boule- vard, 'phone Harrison 9047. Mrs. Claude G. Burnbam, 536 Roslyn' road,' Renilwôrth, spetit a few days last week in St. Louis'visit- ing her sister. VILLAGE :0F KENILWORTH SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. NOTICE SPECIAL WARILANT NO. à11717 NOTICE: Publication is hereby given that the Superior Court of Coàok County, .Ilinois, has rendered Judgment for a speciai assessment upon property benefited by the following improvement: The widen- ing of West Railroad Avenue and the condemination of land thèrefor and the iniprovement of said street as wldeued by constructlng therein a connected sys- term of. dralning, grading, pavlng and curbing as deslgnated by ordinanice of :sajd Village, as wlll more fiily 1~ppear fromn the çertified copy 'of the judgment on file in kny olilce; th at the warrant for the collection of such assessment ;s in the hands of the undersigned. Al persons interested «are hereby notified 'to c aîl and pay the first installment of the amount assessed at the Collector's oflice. 417 Richmond Road, Kenilworth., Illinois, wlthin thlrty days from. the, date hereof.' 1Said special assessment Is.payable In twenty ;anýnual instalirnents wlth Inter- est ajt the rate of six' per cent per ann'um' fromn September 27, 1930. Said instailments are due' as follows: First instalirnent $8,023.94 due now. Second fnstailment $7,986.14 due Jan- .4 due.Jâ due Jar lie miuseu a bit ani u L11saL u r artist should always bave poctisrn,1 idealism' and Bobemianism. 1Hei sbouldni't be too commercial, becoinie1 detracted from' bis art. Every Amnen- can -artist shoul go tÔ Europe, but American bbsiness. mfen shouhd stay, home, because itis not good for themn on the advice of Paderewski, to take I amous i.,ncoiiouglas siavery de- up tbe piano ini a seious way. H1eI bates that rocked thé Comnmonwealth made bis last appearance in 1928. af Illiniois," Mr. Hohly added. 1Tuesday afternoon conicert patrons James W.- Wadswort'b, former alone wihh bear Martha Baird, Anmer-_ United States Senator from New ican pianist,,who arrivés for a con-_jYork, wiIl argue for the 'repeal of cert in December. Miss, Baird is the l8th amendment as- a necessary tallinent $7,986.14 due 3talimnent '$7,986.14 due almen.t $7,986.14 due day of October, A. D. F. 1L. aTREED, Colleotor.L2-t I 'j

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