Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1930, p. 68

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are r( GLENI xA :Ti Rates-" cents a line ln one paper. 25 cents a lune in any two pap)ers. 3cents a Ue in ail three papers. MINI31UM CHARGE $1.00. Average ýof five words to the line. 'No black face ty'pe used. 10% discount on ail cash With. order advýertisementq when. brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, 561 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka, or 341 Park Ave., Glencoe. Contract rates mày be had uponi request. Deadline for Insertion' Classfied advertisemnts wl9 be forthe WILmETTE Lirs or ail three papers; .Thursday 9 o'clock for the WINNLi-icA TALKc and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEws. Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnetka 2000, Winnetka 500 or Glencoe 1484-, Greenleaf 4300, or Sheldrake .6687. S LOBT AND FOUND FOUND-WHITE AND BROWN FOX terrier, male. Tan police dog, female. Black and white, wirehaired1 fox ter- rier. nmale. Kenilworth Police Dept. 2LTN23-lto LOST-BROWN PEKINGESE DOG. Reward. Caîl Winnetka 498. - 2LTN23-lte LOST-CHILD'S GLASSES IN BLACK case, in Winnetka. Reward. Winnetka. 2132..- .2T2-X LOST-I3LÀCK PURSE. CO-NTENi'S: $5 bill, quarter, car'check and Rosary. Ph. Wilnîette 4436. 2LTN23-ltc LOST-CHILD'S PET BLACK AND white, fox terrier. Reivard.ý Ph. Win- netka 452. 2LTN23-Itp LOST OR STOLE'N - CHILDRIEN'S pet. 'MlaIe red cocker spaniel dlog. RZe- ward. 110!) Forest Ave. Pli. \Wilmette 4358. 2L,23-ltc. 5 . ANTIQUES REMOVAL SALE WILL ACCEPT ANY itEASONABLE offer on any piece of antique furniture iun my collection. This mionth only, YVONNE SOIIN * 823 Washington Ave.,,E\-anston. Gr. 6592 5LTN19-tfe * Always in Perfect Taste THE_ CHOICE 0F SiLVER,. ARTIS-. ically designed, antique period pata- ternsi, auperlor by virt4e of its beauty, * worth an ,d; performnance.- Odd pieces re- stored. to originalA inish. PAUL DAVEY 116 wlmeteJI'WEFLER- 1ý'G WiletteAve. Phi. Wilmcette6 5LT-N19-tfe 9 BUSINESS SERVICE *Al. Kinds of Carpenter Work Done B3ROWN FUR COAT, FITCH TRIM- med, size 38 or 40. Good condition. Very cheap for cash. Winnçtka 744. 33rTN23-Itc FUR TRIM'MED 3-PI ECE BROWN suit, originally $195, now $75. Worn twice. Size 38. Winnetka, 2572. 33LTN23-ltc FOR SALE-WINE COLORËD C OAT iavishly tri.mmfed with caracul, Sizeý 16, $20. Ph. Winfletka 1979. 't 33LTN23-c FOR SA LE -BOY'S, KNICKER SUIT size 15, mren's leather boots siee 6. Price. reasonable., Ph. -Wilmette 4643. 33LTN23-ltp FOR SALE -GIRL$ FINEST. QUALI- ty LManiacloth coat, size. 12, 'excel- lent coud. Price $18. Ph. Wilinette 1507. 3lTN23-1,tc 33.A WATCHE IN 'THESE MODERN DAYS MODERtN GIFTS ARE. IN ORDER- new priniciples, smnart designs in our present selection of watches. and * docks. Whateýver your demandi costly or inexpensive, we caù show you just tetigat any price you wlsh ho pay- PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1165 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 6 33-A LTN15-tfc 38 LOANS WA-4NT TO BORROW $200. Wý%ILL work 1 or 2 days'a .week to pay back. Best of 'ref. Ph. Wilmette 1424 after 7 p. m. 38L23-ltc 41 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 746 ELM ST. PH. WININETKA 2662> Free to employer. We spécialize inl white dornestie help. .Applicants regis- tered ait this office have reference as to character and ability to perform. such duties. as applied for. May we assist in securing that particular kipqd of help for you. I1LT-N15-tfc EXKPER. (WHIITE) 'LAUNDRESS, cooking 'or cleaning. Greenleif. 2444 after 5 P. ni. 4.LTN2'3-,tp, YOUNG. WHITE GIRL WAT place as miothers helpe'rl. Exp. Pli. WVinnetk-a 2065. 4!LT.%23-ltfc EX.WHITE WOMAN WAN',TS A-NY kind uf lhousework by we-ek, da1y or houx Tl.Ardmnoie 091_41LTX_1;1ltIy '11 Rua yeur Want, Ad lu Evanston, too* This Office will accept classified advertising ta be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 famni- lits in Evanston. RF.VIEW copy must be in by,5 p. m. on Tuesday. Telephone Wilme îe .4300 or Winnetka 2000 .4-.".Lt RLILAB.LE CO. IR~tL WA i.N1- i. UIN'- 242. 41LTN23-ltp eral housework. Fond of children. Ph. YOUNG WHITE WOMAN WOULD Atlantic 3565.1 41LTN23-ltp like 2 hall or 1 whoie day a week. M RS. HARTMAN'S PLAYHOUSE. Can cook and serve dinners -. and Bring children for the day. Good care luncheons. Phi., Glencoe 1594. and wholesome lunch. $1.25 per day. 41L23-ltp.' Ph. Wilmette 4203. 41LTN23-ltp, GIRL. TO TAKE CARE 0F CHIL- RELIABLE GIRL WANTS .MORNING dreni. Go. homenit. Cal Wlmette pos. 8' to '12. Good n. S. refs. Tel. 30-4.41LTN2à-ltp Glencoe 179. 41LTN23-ltp P'hone Wiflnetlca.664, "whnexyou have tried ail the rest, try the best. WHIITE WOMAN WANTS'LAUNDRY' and day.work. Tel..,W.innetka- 3435. REFINED EDUCATED GIRL WOULD like position as nurse; experienced. Phone Winnetka 2795. 41L23-ltp EXPER. COOK, GENERAL HOUSE- work, will stay .nights. Exp. Iln beauty culture, as nLaid, also asst. in tailor shop. Ph. Drexel 3323: ,41L23-ltp WANT M'%ORNING WORK FROM8 to 12. no Sunday., Pli. University, 7458. 41LTN22-2tp E X P . COLORED GIRL GENERAL housework, and cooking. Best of nortli shore ref.* Write P. O. box 267, Hîgh- land Park. 41L23-itp WANTEW POSITIONAS MOTHERS* helper or upstairs work, fond. of ehildren. Ph. Diversey 1476. 41LTN23-ltc EXPERI ENýCED L A U ND RE S S wlants wvor 'k North Shore reference given. Pli. Renwood 8586. 41LTN23-ltlp SITUATION WANTEDý-LIGHT COL. .General Jiswk. Day or week. Ref. Normal, 7296. 41LTýN23-Itc RELIABLE YOUNG WHI*TE GIRL ,,ould like pus,. as mother's helper. Tel. Winnetka 3234. 41LTNL2-ltlp COLORED) GIRL EXPIERIENCEl) cook and housewodrk, desires a good p)lace. Ph. Greenleaf 1836. 41LT-N23-Ilp WVANTÈlID- WET WSHROUCGIl U or faniil.y washing. WUi call and, de- 1 liver. Phi. Wilmnette 3601Y2. 41.LTN23-2tc, LAUNDRY .WORK, AT HOME OR* day vork by competent woniani. Refer- ences. Ph, Wilmiette 411. 41LTN2-*'ltp EX P. COL. WOMN ANTS LAUN- dray or Gen. . Hwk. by day or wuek. A-1 Cook, Ref. Ph. Univursity 2580. WANTLD-DWA4S'HING_. IRO*NINU ýA.Ni) cleanling »Y -the day by Swedi.sh 'woml- aPh. Wýilniette 1U87.1 ý41LTN'2j»-ltp GOOl) EXPE IIENCED COL.ý MAID, good ref. wants work haif da s uor- whol das. aliGlencoe 219-J. 41bTN2ý-1 tp STENOGRAPHIC OR TYPINU WVOj'K eitlheýr at home or office. à yrs. exp), Refer. Phi. \Wilmiette 23'94. 41LTN23-ltc EXP. WHITE. LADY WANT$ CEN- t 14, i I f18 14 GARDENING IS YOUR GARDEN READY FOR winter And nextàsprlini?, For expert work by.experlenced men C4,11 Wixa- netka 329.. 14LTN22-8tp 15 INRUCTION COLLEGE: WOMAN WILL TUTOR grade school children, also, Leach Math. t. e. Arith.; l. Geom.; TrIg. etc. Ph. Wilmette 4407.> 15LTN23-ltc BEPNICE! VIOLE. PI:ANISTE; Facul.- ty, American conservatotry. Private studio. 114-3rd St. Ail grades, speciai rates. Ph. Wiimette 1705. 15LTN23-Stp ELEANOR-CONWAY Piano. - Harmony - Voice, taught at your horne. Ph. Wilmnette 3244. 151,TN23-ltp 17 INTERIOII DECORATING EXPER. DRAPELIY MAKER WILL do work in your homne. Lest refers. -%Nrite A-40, Bo 40, WNilmnette, 111. 17L2 3-ltp Distinctive Lamp Shades' IN SILK OR PARCHUMENT TO -HARNIONIZE WITH YOUR COLOR SOHEME. Designed iu our studios Vases wired and *repaired Alan Goodrichi Studios 1522 Shierniaii at Crove . Eý%-anston Greenleaf 0816 17LTN16-tfc 24 PANTN AND DiÉcottAiNG PAPER zJ-1A GI1NG, I?àl-,ÇTING l- terior and exturior, by day or eckn- tract. Cdood work, reasollabie )ates. Exçelentreferences. Oliver Syre'i, Hùiglilaid Park '2787. 2 ý4L23-ltp tl

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