parts of t Pa.r.king Garage are a realdelight for busy shoppersý *Saywomen evrywere Located at 30 Quincy Street and at HarrioadWbsh îhey end the parking pro blern for ..Loopand, South of the. Loop shoppers. You merely drive in a wide entrtance,. lock your car and. lecave it. Electricity parks it for you,.untouched by human hands. No greasy mechanic sits ini the drivers seat. The famous State Street stores and smart Boulevard .shops are close at hand. Yôu shop-and have. your packages ielivered to -the garage, where an attendant signs for thern and places them in your car when you are rèady io leavle.. Electricity returns your car quickl.y to you. YQu drive out a broad exi-, without confusion or delay. An atinosphere like that of a fine hotet, iithrest roorns, writing rooms, telephones T4he Qui'ncy Park- inig Garage.. A new $3,ooo,ooo bujld.. aikaliss Iud be avoided. The sim- plest careoof a lacquered finish is best. Wiping every other day with a very soft cloth is advisable andi will allow the finish to remain lustrOus. When the car bas accumulated ail unusuaàl 4aount of sandnud, or dust, then washing is-necessary. Plain cold va ter without soap is best. "The'roof should be.,inspected> fre- quently and "-,hen necess ary should be treated with a good top dressi'ng. The tô-p shoukid be washed with water and -allowed-to dry,«tboroughly before, applyinigthe dressing. If the top his been subjected to unusually -severe %,weathier. conditions, two coats 'of dressing should be, used.:. ~upholstery .should be cleanied. once ,a month preferably withb a vacuum; if flot availabIe, use'a whi sk broomû. Grease spots can, be re'nioved* with any good., safe cleaning fluid. "A material called 'rubber dough' is used in ail contact points in Graham, bodies to prevent. the po$ssibility of squeaks and rattles."' T PWO hundred feet south Jof the Pd;stoffic Building -heart of the financial dis-. trict. 25e one hour; 35c two V' hours; 45ec thrçe hours; 55e four héurs; add!tional ýhours 5c; 75e, 8 to,12 hoýurs.. 600-car fireproof garage. Every convenience. Né- delay in parking or delivery. L4DIES-Leave your car at door ýars, w~ Sand ees are u me impr stores and shops.' m UNITS 0F NATIONAL PARKING GARAGES, INC. liAB Largeat Motor Repait Sbop in Vilmette NE V ER CLOSED 721 MAIN STREET WILMETTE, ILL., J. C. SL OWN A. B. VAN DEUSEN t0 consuiiiers The openi season on duc ks and cotit. (rnud-'bens) in Illinois opens SC], tember 24; in Wisconsin, Septeimî)(,r 16, and in Indiana, October 1.~ The Wisconsin conservation coli mission in. a statemient to the mtî club declared that there w~as a 4tîuîîur hatcb oçf wild ducks, on Wisconsiîî1 waters' this year, and' bec,3us.eor th'( fact that. no, floods occtirredto (le. stroy,,thé nests, practica lvy ail brôot.,ý weeraised to ,niaturity. The varié- ties include -gray, anidblack inallards. teal, pintails .,and sontie, bine bills. Nei.ther ducks1 nor, co.ots, niav be hIunted on VVednesdays in \VisconISjîî. 'rh stteprovides,,that ".day ofrest" in order that the birds miav fot- be (Iriven froni their haunts, iw' continul- ons.,shooting. The duck and. coot population 11,1 Illinioiýs this year. is. expected tc) 1) normal. .Indiana, througli 'Walter Shirts, sitperintendent Of fisiheri., an'! çgan ie,.reported a sh-ortage of ducks_. caused mainlv 1w the d1rai4ivng - many marshes. Coots, iioýwCevr, mru numnerous, particuiarly onm; atc 111i the northerTh part,ôo1f' die S-tate. M-r. -Shirts pointed ont that the Mla jt r part of the duck flighit o 1ccurs, aiter No- veniber '1, wlîercas the Coots Should 1w on hand in' abuindancc at, thl .efllb of the season. The 'notor, clu!> (Ieclaîre.d that iuîam Y bunters erronicotslv hold tue (" 4. or niud-heni,. to be& inedibie. It ru-' rnindetj ninirods that no ,less aii ai- thority than -thc. lUnited Statces (l- part.ment of agriculture hohis t1i, coot to be a tasty l)ird whcii it is. properly .prepared. Tt Shoul1d bc :ieaned ,inimcdiateiy after it is shttt, skiiined and later broiled. "Sorne hunters believe if k nota clean feeder," th e m oto r c l sai d. i ýii astateiiEntt. "Reliable auýtholri-tie. S s1V bhat it feeds rnain!iy pon grain anid fMi- age growintg in. water, anI(! is ilii tact acleanier. feeder than niany otiier bjrds, far:imore highl1y prized." The squirrel' season is 110W opeil ]n ndiana, and Sup)eriinttndcîit Shi1rts;ý [eclared that they woul(l be found Ill' reasoniahie" nuinhrý inn i).rct1h'1% los,