next to impossible to fll l ate orders. With each purchase of Tulips or Narcissus, we wili allow a S50 per cent discount, on Peonies or Iris of a like amount. Breeder lTulips Less tha.n. 25 «td.d 10 extra; 25 at 100 rate; 250 at 1004) ritte Violet Varieties .lt >i .oiet. Parfait. Dark -ilet ; whîtt' <'t* iter'. *L.ouis XIV. Dark purple ; large globular ; wond rftul .2SI Btacchus. Dark 'violet-blue,; betq t arnong diark bedes281" i Roi 'Siam. Llght purpie. lighteru toward edges 32f"I St. James. Dark rosy4iilac, .edged bronze,' inside mahïngauN violet Queen. Ruby-viollet ;woerl flower-.. . :0 V civet Kinug. Dark glossy Iurple mr.oyelhw ha );se .2-5" Red and Orange Varieties .ý,prleot. , Flushëd orange ........... Lueier. -Dark, orange, in.ide searlet, or»atngc-yelhw %i e2 1 *Pfd,lorama. nà Deep orange,. addmahogany, i'h1la r brilliant.............. Prituce of.(Orange. Terra cttat,:cdged orantt'ge .ell(ýone*itir2; Vuirain.- Re'rldish-apriéo t, margined huit' Cardi.nal, MIainlng. Ilul wine-red, flushled oylrî' Bronze Varieties Brionze Queen. . Soit huif, imside goldtenl-hrlf;lze 2 ('liestnut.ý Dark brown, with yello ...a... ('opernieus. Bronze. brown .. ... Golden lironze. Light br-owish-yellorw. des'ptuh gn bi'own ith yellowrbase . ... Goldflnchi. Ligh.t bronze, insitle nmafigan y ; eelet2" Madras. , Gfold(en-bi-oniz', yllw'la'-, statrreil gree(n " l'rince Albert. Gorlde.i, br-onze; 1large f11.Vg :i~hse 5t2".I Yeliow Perfection. Light hrns-y.l ', iasde I wt Cottage Tulips iimlrescombhe Pink<. S6ft 'o.- . pinik, salnî<.n flush; ltr't 24"$ 'lTe Fawn. Rosy- fà n, flushled îose 4; hi rgeeg-hî"l 2" Jokil Ruskin. Sal1Aonrroý-e, edgedleo-lovlrg 1" Kaleidoscope. oe srpdmauve, ylo de 6 .Ii, ý. Salnvo,1,,,n r.r.r. . hcrler ,isd,.' e .< ,l<1. %Ilrs. Kerreli. Rose flusiied , orange Sireýne. Satin., roselIlly flowering sir Jlarry. ,âè avnepî,yluwrît Aé gir. Cherry rose, %wondurftîl, large . Scarlet Varieties (or<,nîtion 11rlt.Oa g1 ltd .1to 5iew"s '1,) VeaI La Mriejle.Orange u h4alîdî's vl Wh Q 2 YelI.ow Varieties. A rgo. YIo.~otdorange îhmeîspiri'. .yelIow, udgei 1-(» ... *114 )itîlesenîb lelor. <'aW; ar ,gt. i"w '; glolîtsha *Mrs. )[oon. Golden.-yelloîv; hlrge flo)wer ; lîetajutifl.. 25 Orange KIng. Deep oirange, siutcled ruisu v lîWitt lVitt4llta. Sulvhur -yellow,;,hlarge flower..........2.4 Rt4rotlexa. ' Refiexceg î)etals; 5)iledid for i.uttilg- White Varieties Pieýoteýe. Margined dec im'se ; gou] izeulfloer20 flarwin Tulips Less than 25 a.dd lOC -extl'a I'.>0 Uer 1000 11.011 *.56 10.411 '600 ...110 ~.40 5.0<> 7.1111 12.011 4.4>4> 4.1111 5.04> 6.49> 111.4>11 .1.4>11 5.414> 4.4<> 115.00 49.00 7,01) 6 5.00 .00l 760 .00 6.0 -"15.00 5A # .')0 " .5<>o 14.00' 745.00 60.00 45.00 It v With eaclb Perennial order gmounting to $25.00, or more, we will allow 50 per ce:it discount on Evergreens of a like amount. For Complote List Senti foi Fail Catalogue Violet and Purple Varieties Hlt. Per 100 Per 1000 IlIeï Mimable. Blui.,h-heliotr0pe-. late bloomer.... ...26"1? 7.40 $84.00 Ira.Pil' heliotroipe, inside deep vilt........... .27"1 6.60 60.00 Jubilpe Bright bliie-puri-le. piler edgew~hite base;. huge '29"1 10.00. 9&.00 La lrtetsst-. Slaty pur-pie, outside duli siate blue'..0 ~0 *iIey. Ewbonlk. soft lavender-violet;ý darker toward bat;e 22"1 .0 55.00 Villenktine., Soft heliotrope blue basýe.; long; large flower 22"1 8.00 75.00 Vikiffg. Intense violet; wonderful. keeper..............26 7.40)>70.600 *Wm. Collnd.,. Rosy liiac, changing to lovèly lavender 24"1 5.50 50.00 JitailUîael. .Park reddislh claret;. wonderful................. 7.50. 70.00 Black Varieties 'aust. I)ark satiny-i)urple,. inaroon blie base; large *flowver ... ............ ....... ...............32" 8.60 80.00 *]PhiiIpp<. de Commines. One of the best dark purples 2611 7.00 6'.00 Ztiii. 1iich %veIvety 'puriple-lauk, shiny purple edge 27"1 7.00 60.00 White ýVarieties 1ilintef f Lad.>.white, tinged heliotrope ; g ood s ize.....27"1 5.00 4w.ob Doube ErlyTiiips Ht. Per 100 Per 100() *Ç~f~f V~i)r. 1ei ylofiushed o)range red; large il"1$ 7.00,*65L00 *itiIlbritti) r Rubrutît. <llowiing scarlet ; 1opular. Wheni forced' let flowver cone tslowly at first to prevent green tips 12'" 8.00 "45.00 *Lit (.rùiniesse. Laýrge soft ro-se. shaded -white; good forcer 12"1'5.50 50.00 Mlurillo. De(licate rose-pi'nk, tlushed wbite ........ ............50 40.00 Single Early Tilps Hit. per 100 Pet- 1000 *Beflle Alliance. Scarlet; large sweet-..cented 18"-$6.00 *55.00 Cottage Mldg. Bright pink, goôd bedder-..................50 50.00 *Fi'liiilngo. Carmine-rose, shadedlighter, white striped 6.00 &5.00 *Fred V Ioore. Bright. orange, shaded searlet*....... ....- ' ý16" 5.50 50.00 *ofrt.Crushied strawberry;- hands.>me; strong ýýtert 24" 7.50 .70.00 .41(intz of the Vellow. Dleep, yellow e, -gg-vhaped flower 20"1 8.00 75.00 Lagy Ilioreel. White intene..................00 5 IIresident Linucoln. Light violet with whitebae. .. 7.00 05.00 tiýsiiigr suit. Deep vellow; very large flower...... 9.50. 90.00 Queen ofthte Netheriands. Blush pink, deUceate 5.50.. 50.00 Prince of Austria. Blrillianit orange-red........ 5.50ô 50.10 SmalI Bulbs Chinodoxa (Glory of the Snow) J JLtIy litt' ýsttU$tIîtJ>CU iiiwers 1Dli)ii ilIg lt.tiit'l P'er 25 Per 100 lueil'Io.. eautiful Mlue with ptùre white center * . $3*.00 SardensIsI. Intense hright blue ....................... 3 .00 Crocus Agay harbinger of the spring. ('an he îlanted anywhert'. Albion. Laven.der, striped white and violet............1.60) 6.00 Baron von Brunow. Dark blue ......................1.00 6.00 Dandy. Blue, bordered -whit'e ..........................1.60 6.00p 1<Ing of the Wlites. Best and largest wvhite...........1.60 6.00 Maximilian. Pure porcelain blue, largest of al.-.1.60 60 Presidient Linceoln. Large dark purplep! ...............1.60 60 ,Sir walters(tott. Whlite, striped violet...............1.60 0.00 lianmoth (i'oidq.n., The best and largest. yellow........ 2.00 7.50 (.'recu.s lu fine mixture ..........................75 2.75 Eranthi's Early spring flower of bright yellow. .Illyenialis. Wixnter Aconite; yellow '....................90 8.50 Galanthils (Snowdrops)' 'Dainty. littie belîs tiiat-biooàm in Marc h. Nilvalis. Single white ... ....................1.20 4.50 Nir ails Flore. Fleue. Double white ..... ..........1.50 5.50 lie Valley. re wvhite........... ... .10 DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS Firat Street West of Rmilroad and Thon South to the End of the Street- I w j